Increase your efficiency by changing the way you sleep: Monophasic v Biphasic

in #health7 years ago (edited)

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Most of us have been taught to believe that sleeping once in a 24h cycle is an efficient way to live. I am not going to tell you it is a conspiracy but I am going to tell you that you are more likely to require phycological or pharmaceutical assistance later in life if you are not able to respond to the natural requirements of your body.

Even babies know instinctively there is nothing better to reset the energy levels than a siesta in the afternoon. The above photo is myself and Esteban when he was just two days old. And already he is teaching me lessons about how to sleep more effectively!

The three main sleep patterns

  • Monophasic - one single period of sleep during a 24h cycle.

  • Biphasic - two periods of sleep during a 24h cycle.

  • Polyphasic - multiple periods of sleep during a 24h cycle.

Why am I telling you this?

When SBD shot above $10 a few weeks ago I made the switch from monophasic to biphasic in the knowledge that I needed to increase my productivity. And I have been reminded once more of how effective this technique is.

For around 5 years I have naturally been switching between the three main sleep phasic options. Always using biphasic & polyphic for the same reason: I need more hours of focused, effective productivity. I have found polyphasic to be the most effective but the hardest to achieve without an adjustment period in which I feel very tired.

These days I can switch from monophasic to biphasic without any adjustment period.

I try to remain monophasic as often as possible because Sabrina prefers me to sleep at the same time as her. Which is fair enough. I enjoy that too.


But sometimes... like when SBD goes crazy high...


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The Simple Siesta

The stress levels of people who take siestas are lower than those who don't. It's really as simple as that. Further study on this subject will lead you to the conclusion that this is the healthiest way to live... and sleep. Those who are able to siesta live longer, more productive & less stressful lives.

The plight of the working man

For centuries we have been encouraged to adopt a monophasic sleep pattern and certainly our body design appears to favour this system. Unlike many other mammals, our visual acuity is greatly reduced at night, making daylight hours the logical choice for optimal productivity.

Circadian Rhythm

We are told that our natural circadian rhythm regulates the production of hormones which create wakefulness during the day and sleepiness at night. Whilst this may for the most part be true, the vast array of artificial lights in the average person's life and general lack of natural daylight makes a mockery of actually connecting to our true circadian rhythm.

Hong Kong. Shot in 2015 from my hotel window.

Letting go of logic

I can think of a fair few times when I felt more awake at night than I did during the day. I understand circadian rhythm and our reduced visibility at night, making it logical to assume we should sleep at night. But I also understand that my energy depends on the moment. And there are many factors at play. Most people are not even aware of it but the moon phase has a huge effect on our energy at night. It's just that we are so connected to logic and the standard 9-5 life, we have lost our connection to that which our bodies require.

Before the Industrial Revolution, monophasic would not have been the dominant sleep system around the world yet today siestas are associated with the elderly and those of us lucky enough to live in hot countries where businesses close down during the hottest part of the day. Unless you happen to be a baby!

Here you can see my son Esteban in this montage of quick-fire shots, having a good old yawn, ready for snooze time :)

Children mimicking the adults

I mentioned children because they are more in tune with their body's intuitive needs, yet as they grow older they want to replicate the way we live our lives. Lives which are usually dominated by jobs requiring us to live an unnatural monophasic sleep system.

London, 2012 (shot at sunset from the top of the Shell Building)


Most other mammals on this planet adopt the polyphasic system because like babies they are unconcerned with money making pressures or the stresses of daily life. They simply do what feels most natural to them: they sleep when they are tired and they feel safe.

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The power of the morning sunlight

There is no question that the morning sunlight on my skin makes me feel alive in a way that is hard to describe with words and re-invigorates me completely after starting my working day at 2am

That's me & a local cat lapping it up in my usual sunrise spot on the edge of a Bali valley.

And here is my little wooden office in which I am currently spending most of my time. Thankfully it has good natural light. I have spent the last two years in this room, I discovered crypto & Steemit from this desk and I feel pretty well connected with it now... but ready to move on too.

An average biphasic day

In one 24h cycle I sleep for a total of 5 hours and work for a total of 18. Leaving one hour for relaxing.

  • 2am work begins
    (two 6 hour work sessions divided by a 15min food break with the family at breakfast time)

  • 2pm quick lunch & siesta (2 hours sleep)

  • 4pm work begins (6 hours work)

  • 10pm dinner & relax with Sabrina (1 hour relax)

  • 11pm sleep (3 hours sleep)

  • 2am work begins... and off we go again!

I am in no way strict with myself about sticking to this schedule but it constantly amazes me when using this system how much I can get done each day, and how much energy I have with which to do it.

Though like I said, if you live with your partner & family, it won't win you too many gold stars!


My body speaks to me clearly when I listen. And what it usually says is this: do not abuse me...everything in moderation please.

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In Conclusion

Now that you understand the bigger picture I hope you are able to use this knowledge to your advantage.

I would love to hear from anyone who tries this.

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Who is @samstonehill?

He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world.

Currently based in Bali he travels with his partner & two children. With no bank account he has been living on STEEM & crypto for over six months.

All content created for this account is 100% original (unless otherwise stated), produced by @samstonehill who invites you to use & share freely as you wish.

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This article has been adapted and updated from my thoughts on this subject one year ago. See original article here


I remember a few years back I read about this subject... The article concluded it was best to sleep 4 times a day for about 2hrs (so i think you're spot on)!

There is much to learn here for sure. And so many influencing factors. Like the moon phase for example. And the season. Even just the feeling of being excited about whatever project i am working on seems to reduce the number of hours I need. I remember sleeping way more back when i lived in London, yet I would spend much of my working day feeling tired.

Great article, you are amazing. Would love to switch to biphasic sleep. Have to children and the really help to take a nap in the afternoon. But its hard to sleep only 3 hours at night.

By the way, I love Bali, have been there twice and it just feels like paradise. Is the volcano still erupting?

It's hard to make the switch to biphasic after a life of mono, but once achieved it will begin to feel quite natural. I remember experimenting with friends in London years ago, testing out our bodies to see we were capable of. The videos are very funny, falling asleep in front of the camera ;)

Bali is truly a paradise. Though the west is slowly creating disfunction and problems for the people here. An article I am yet to write.

Volcano quiet for the moment. Everyone still waiting for it to do something big! They say it is 'plugged' currently and the pressure is building... but no one really knows for sure.

Will be interesting to read your future post about the West.

Are you not afraid that the volcano will erupt?

Fascinating. So many questions! The separation of sleeping blocks allows you to essential get by with less sleep then? Is this by design or do you work this much just because you can?

Have you introduced diet changes at all too? ...or noticed a difference in what you crave or the quantity you eat?

I'm wondering how to fit this into my day but am struggling to find a solution given the requirements of a 9-5

Great thought provoking post @samstonehill thanks!

I went to rehab once. And one of the many addictions they told me I had a problem with was work! I tend to over-do the things I enjoy... and I really enjoy my work! Which when I am not writing steemit posts is film-making. A skill which requires consistent focus & the ability to work extreme hours sometimes to get the job done in the way it needs to be done.

So to answer your first question, I do it because I know I can. I have a number of film related commitments at the moment. So, I need to push extra hard at night to keep these steemit posts churning out.

I am seeing a savings account developing for the first time in my life as a consequence of this SBD boost!

Money invested now into 25 different coins all of which I believe will continue to grow and give me the freedom to sleep when I choose for ever more :)

Diet: I am a bit strange when it comes to food. Sometimes I don't eat for days. It's a subject I keep meaning to talk about on Steemit, but have some reservations still. I am a (mostly) raw vegan sun-gazer. So, a lot of my energy comes directly from the sun, bypassing the physical eating process. There is a lot of fear and confusion over sun-gazing still and I should really clarify this as best I can. Thanks for the reminder!

This all sounds fascinating! Actually it opens up even more questions. I've not once even heard of replacing nutrition with solar energy. I look forward to reading more.

I did amateur film making in highschool and won a state award for one of my short productions. I've been urged to get it converted from VHS to digital format and post it. That really should be a priority for me in the new year. A lot of work went into it and it was very rewarding. Although you seem to be a professional, I appreciate the passion that such work entails.

very interesting point. I am going to try it. I use to eat three meals a day, always have, my mother and father ate 3 meals a day that is just what humans do I thought. Now I eat 1-2 meals a day. It has been great. I am at a good weight, I move much easier and havemore energy. Much time money and fussing in the kitchen is avoided. Just because we always did it this way doesn't mean it is the best.
PS I think it is a conspiracy. A small part of the BIG Conspiracy.
check out 432htz tuning for music.

haha! Indeed it is all perspective really but certainly could be considered a small part of the big conspiracy! We are tax paying slave-bots designed to break down in later life and pay for lots of pharmaceutical goodies until death... at which point we pay the death tax!

Thanks for the 432htz reminder. I remember a little of this subject, but need to do further reading...

My wife is a musician, she dug into this and what she found was pretty appalling.

Did you take the picture of your office during the golden hour or is it photoshopped?

Sleeping is most important for everyone's life, because it's the thing we all spend ~1/3 of our time with, but hardly anyone seems to realize that. Some time ago I wrote an article about it.

My personal life increased significantly, since I could stop using specific waking times and I can sleep whenever I need to. Turns out, you can even quit chain-smoking with a healthy sleeping pattern. What I have encountered since sleeping whenever I need it is that my sleeping pattern follows the moon accurately and also the number of sunhours and with daysaving to winter time I need one hour more.

Since noticing that, I think everyone should learn how to sleep from scratch. It would improve all our lives significantly.

The office photo is an HDR shot. A combination of three different exposures. They say it makes the picture look more like how we actually see it, but the effects can be tweaked to give it a surreal look. It a little hobby of mine ;)

As for sleep, great to hear you have already written about this subject. We all have to do it, yet so few of us take the time to consider trying things a different way.

I've also noticed how connected to the moon cycle I am. I don't need so much sleep when it is full.

Thankfully it's pretty much always sunny here in Bali and our home doesn't have too many walls, so we are always bathed in the natural light of the day :)

I really feel how much this energises me, particularly after a lifetime of living in the UK.

I wish I could sleep like that!

The biphasic,polyphasic sleep patterns works if you are the master of your own time. Personally I prefer the biphasic pattern of sleep except in some select cases where to solve a complex case, I power down at anytime outside the noon and night sleep cycle by having a few hours of sleep. Waking up my mind is clearer, concentration sharper which enables me to complete the task efficiently with greater results. One thing I would like to adopt is to wake up before the sunrise.

Yes, the clarity shortly after waking is noticeably clearer when doing biphasic. And for sure it is my preferred system, but I don't feel like I am the master of my time currently. I have a full time job and two very noisy babies ;)

Waking before sunrise I would highly recommend. Forgot to mention the instinct of children around this one. It is very natural for us to wake the moment the light of the new day touches our skin. And there is something really special about the colours & energy of the sun when it first hits that horizon line. It will enhance your energy all day.

I am a sun-gazer too. But that's a whole other story...

Very interesting concepts! Thanks for the education! I had no idea the phases of the moon affect our energy at night, but since you mention it, I can see how that is true. I would like to read up on that more. Cheers to siestas! ;)

Absolutely! It is such a fascinating subject. Every hospital around the world will tell you the same thing. There are more cases of injury in the A&E dept during the full moon periods. People have more energy and their emotions can become more extreme when the moon is full. That's where the idea of the werewolf evolved from.

Lol, I believe it!! Fascinating stuff! Thanks @samstonehill :)

This is a really interesting subject, I just learned of biphasic sleep practiced commonly before the turn of the last century where they woke in the middle of the night (for 2-3hrs) to eat, socalize, work, etc. before sleeping again then starting the day. I agree, our patterns now are only once a day as such due to how society is run and nothing natural.
Bali looks beautiful! What a great family and life you have:):):)

Makes total sense to me. I often feel really awake in the middle of the night and I just love the calmness of everything when it is dark. Especially here alongside a Bali jungle. Though here it's more like an orchestra of night animals than a calmness! But certainly has an enjoyable and calming effect :)

Happy new year 🎉

This is probably one of the best recommendations for achieving good health that I have read in a long time. So happy for you and yours, what a wonderful life you have.

Appreciate the comment very much. It is ultimately a subject of heath, yes. Following our natural instinct is so important yet so difficult in this crazy modern world.

All the best to you and happy new year! 🎉

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