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RE: Increase your efficiency by changing the way you sleep: Monophasic v Biphasic

in #health7 years ago (edited)

The biphasic,polyphasic sleep patterns works if you are the master of your own time. Personally I prefer the biphasic pattern of sleep except in some select cases where to solve a complex case, I power down at anytime outside the noon and night sleep cycle by having a few hours of sleep. Waking up my mind is clearer, concentration sharper which enables me to complete the task efficiently with greater results. One thing I would like to adopt is to wake up before the sunrise.


Yes, the clarity shortly after waking is noticeably clearer when doing biphasic. And for sure it is my preferred system, but I don't feel like I am the master of my time currently. I have a full time job and two very noisy babies ;)

Waking before sunrise I would highly recommend. Forgot to mention the instinct of children around this one. It is very natural for us to wake the moment the light of the new day touches our skin. And there is something really special about the colours & energy of the sun when it first hits that horizon line. It will enhance your energy all day.

I am a sun-gazer too. But that's a whole other story...

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