
Great post! I'm studying herbalism with the goal of becomming a Registered Herbalist and I'm also a Licensed Massage Therapist so this is an interesting post for me. I love your alchemical approach to healing. I dream of distilling cannabis essential oil some day. I just got started here and I write posts about bodywork/massage, shamanism, alchemy, plant wisdom amongst other topics. I'd love to have you check out my posts and keep the conversation going since we are on a similar resonance. I'll eventually start sharing about my how my massage work has evolved after beginning my womb shamanic initiation and the Alchemical Shamanic Bodywork that I am beginning to share openly in my practice. Blessings, Safiyah

Nice sharing.. Please comment and vote in my blog @hadimemories :). Thanks

Great content, i like your posts. Today i published about Uruguay the first country that the goverment sells marihuana legally. Today began the first sales.
if you are interested

dear my brother please vote me . i follow me

Upvoted and also resteemed :)

I make my own cannabis tinctures. I'm also experimenting with CBD and THC ratios. The oil I think is a bit strong for me, but I find the tinctures to be helping with my overall wellness.

Wow, extremely well thought out and well written. Thank you. You shared much.

The laws in Australia have come a long way recently, however it's still impossible to get a prescription from a doctor to try these types of things out, even though it's now legal to, and it sounds like they'd be perfect to treat the pain I live with and have been taking opioid based medication for the last 12 years to cope with. Unfortunately even if you could find a doctor authorised to prescribe it, the cops could cancel your drivers licence for having it "in your system " with their new and improved roadside testing. So improved that you could return a positive test day's or weeks after consuming anything containing thc or the like... so you could get busted, even with a doctors prescription, AND even if you're in not at all under the influence... unlike the roadside alcohol breath test which measures the level of alcohol in your blood, there's no legal safe level, so ANY amount is automatic disqualification of your drivers license...
Makes me so mad! Wake up Australia!

Anyway, I hope you continue and find some relief from your accident and injury. Man, as I get older I realise how fragile our human bodies are, and something trivial like falling off a surfboard can cause a life changing injury... good luck with it!

Canada is apparently fully legalizing next year - hopefully Australia won't be too far behind...

That's great to hear that you are exploring other types of medicine and ways to heal your body. I love meditation walks... I walk really slow to and I keep my eyes closed. I focus all of my energy on the movement of my feet. Really helps me relax.

Anyways great article :)

Let me remind you of what you already know which is that the THC does not work for you. It has the same effect on me as it does you but I take pure CBD by itself and it works wonders. You don't need to have bad psychic experiences to relieve your pain from a nerve pinch, don't rationalize it.

I fully agree CBD's are where its at for this kind of thing.
I also didn't feel like he was rationalizing it all but actually taking a very responsible and spiritual approach to it of which I respect greatly. Very few people recognize let alone take responsibility for the "bad" trip part. Its so easy to just blame a substance yet likely an enlightened yogi would not have a "bad" trip with THC.

Very true about taking responsibility for a bad trip. For one example of a more extreme scenario, there's the legendary story of Ram Dass, who gives Maharaji (Neem Karoli Baba) 10 drops of LSD, with no effect whatsoever.

Yea I LOVE that story~

thanks for the bluntness.

definitely moving towards the CBDs...

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