Simple Home Remedies For Back Pain

in #health7 years ago (edited)


Back pain is a downer.  It can ruin your day and you can’t just ignore it.  Here are some home remedies for back pain. Not only will they help treat backaches they will also promote good habits to help treat the underlying back problems that cause the pain.  


A 30-60 minute yoga session each week can relieve chronic back pain.   According to a survey, respondents who practiced yoga at least once a week saw a 50 percent improvement in the intensity of their pain compared to people who did not participate.  


Stretching can limber up tense muscles and at the same time it strengthens them.   Some stretches can help relieve back pain while others can worsen it depending on the location and cause of pain.  If you are stretching and the pain causes more pain then stop doing it, you should do stretching gently.  Forcing yourself to stretch might bring more damage than good.  

Massage Therapy  

Massaging the tight muscles are another effective way to relieve back pain, in my opinion one of the best ways.  If you can’t afford to get a personal masseuse, you might want to ask your significant other or a friend to learn how to give a proper massage.  You can use medicated ointment with the message to provide more relief.  

Good Old Fashion Herbal Remedies  

There are several herbal home remedies for back pain that you can use as part of your treatment. Below are some of them:  

Ginger extract is another great way to help with muscle aches because it contains phytochemicals, this will help with inflammation in the area.  There are little to no side effects connected with taking ginger extract when it is taken in smaller doses.  


Capsaicin comes from chili peppers.  Rubbing some capsaicin cream or gel on your problem areas can be used to alleviate pain by depleting a compound in your body called substance P.  This will desensitize the area in pain to the central nervous system and the brain.  


Peppermint oil is used to relieve back pain because of it cooling and relaxing effect on the skin. There are several muscle rubs with peppermint oil that will decrease the pain and inflammation in your back.  



Hot and Cold Compression 

Hot and cold compression can help reduce lower back pain and help with the healing process.  A cold compression decreases inflammation that occurs with back pain.  It also acts as a local anesthetic that slows down nerve impulses. Applying a hot compress stimulates blood flow and stops the pain messages from being sent to the brain.  

Stay Active  

One of the most simple home remedies for back pain is to keep moving.  You must not stay in bed when you are suffering from a backache but instead get up and make your bed and stay active by going to work and doing your daily chores.   Once you are feeling more relieved do some exercises such as swimming, walking, or biking.  

Watch Your Weight  

Being overweight can put additional stress on your spine and sciatic.  This is why you must watch your weight and maintain it through proper diet and exercise.  

These are a few simple home remedies you can try for back pain.  If your backache persists, please consult your doctor or chiropractor.

I hope you enjoyed.  Please Upvote, Resteem, and Follow me @road2wisdom



Fish Oil works very good for joints and back problems. tried it my self several times. You can take up to 4000mg a day in this case. Preferably wild caught or low in heavy metals.
Best :)

That's is very true @hossary thanks for sharing. How have you been? Did you have a good day with the HF yesterday?

I have been traveling for the past couple of days so I did not get a chance to spend some time after the HF.
But yeah definitely going good so far ;)

Great idea...thanks man. Added to my shopping list! :)

No problem, and I am a woman! lol glad you enjoyed haha

Reminds me I need a new pack of cod liver oil!

I have a long back and short legs being so tall, so I can digest every word and feel every pain in this post Sheryl!

HAHA sounds painful ouch ;) haha this. I have an L5 herniated sucks when I have to use my back all day...thank you so much for this post. Definitely going to try and add more ginger and capsaicin to my diet.

In 2014 I hurt my back bad. I don't know what I did, but I think it was bad form on a bicycle with a +50 bag on my back. I somehow pinched my sciatica nerve.
I couldn't move for weeks, but I also didn't have insurance yet, I had just started a new job.
I started to really stretch, and practice yoga.
I eventually was able to stand straight again after a few more weeks, but my entire left leg was numb. Tingles, it sucked.
I started walking on the treadmill at the local gym, always on incline. Booty tight, back straight.
This actually helped relieved the piriformis muscle and I began getting the feeling back in my legs.
I think after about a year, my entire leg wasn't ever numb and I never got sharp back pains.
I deal with lower back compression problems now, but I've since been focusing on yoga and chiropractic help to adjust my hips back into place.
3 years later, it's not too bad anymore.
Throughout the 3 years, it hurt. It hurt bad, and it always hurt some more, but you learn to get used to it.
Exercise, yoga...these things cure everything.

I sometimes get backpain. I'll keep this in mind. Thanks.

Great post! I use the peppermint oil all the time.

please look up the Wim Hof Method... Will change your life

I will thank you....Sounds familiar though.

Nice post @road2wisdom, thanks for sharing

Thanks for sharing your tips! I've just been through 3 days of intense back pain recently, and i've done almost all of the treatments in your post: they work!!
The moving part is very tough with the pain, but it is absolutely worth pushing through.

Also good luck to anyone with back pain, i feel ya. Just follow her tips and you'll be good in no time! :)

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