Five tips for mindful eating

in #health6 years ago

Mindfulness or the capacity to bring our attention to the present moment is central to the core beliefs of world religions and philosophies. It is something that our networked society needs, given the proliferation of trivial ideas in all places, physical or virtual. Mindfulness is also something that we can incorporate into our daily habits specifically in asking what, when, where, and why we eat. Aside from weight management (which is the instant and intuitive notion that comes to mind), mindfulness about food can also direct us towards a more holistic approach to self-care. Here are five simple tips for mindful eating:

Make healthy food accessible

Perceived behavioral control is one of the critical factors toward behavior change, and this is also applicable to one’s desire to be mindful of food. We can only succeed at mindfulness when we have some sense of control over the food in our immediate environment. This means that to be mindful of the food we eat, we make healthy meals and snacks available. Planning and preparing food beforehand is key.

Eat and only eat

Multitasking kills our capacity for mindful eating. If we sit in front of the television or shop with a bag of chips, there’s a fat chance that the unhealthy snack is finished before we know it. Eating without distraction ensures the full engagement of our senses which could lead to a better appreciation not just of the food, but also the effort exerted to put the food on our table.

Use small utensils

Smaller utensils limit the amount of food to chow down in one go. It does not only slow the process to make us more mindful, but it also allows us to have the illusion that we are having more with less. This is the reason why experts from the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab recommend smaller utensils especially if one is consuming unhealthy food.

Control portions

This is a regular advice in many diets. It is undeniable that there are days when we want everything sweet or salty. Total deprivation won’t work, but mindful portion control does. Portions tip the brain about the quantity of the food, and this can also prompt us to savor the last few bites.

Keep a food log

Mindfulness about the food we eat is not just a one-time, big-time affair. It takes commitment. Since we can’t fill our minds with food-related details all the time, we can always use a digital or a pen and paper food log. This way we can determine our eating patterns and make it better.

Eating is our second nature, and it is for this reason that many of us have become mindless about the food that we eat; it could also be a reason for us to be mindful if we motivate ourselves to do so.


I'd say eat anything, as long as you do some actual physical work.

Nice post, all of those are super helpful! I've found recently that setting my utensil down after I start to chew is super helpful, it makes me actually concentrate on the morsels in my mouth as opposed to just mindless inhalation.

Thank you for dropping by. Being mindful about everything is the key to life. Eating included.

Great posts! I really love your style and message. Thank you for sharing!

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