Healing My Thyroid Part 5: More Great Foods to Eat

in #health6 years ago

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Healing My Thyroid Part 5: More Great Foods to Eat

In my last post about healing my thyroid naturally I let you in on the one superfood that Anthony William touts in his book book Medical Medium Thyroid Healing by Anthony William (FYI: that link is my Amazon affiliate link). There’s a link to that post you can read at the end of this post.

I’ll talk today about other great foods Anthony William says to eat for naturally healing your thyroid.

Fruits and Vegetables to Eat for a Healthy Thyroid

Basically William’s says that to heal your thyroid naturally, which starts with boosting your immune system, there are certain foods to eat that will move you in the right direction.

So here is his list of foods to eat to heal your immune system and thyroid:

  • fruits: apples, bananas, berries (blackberries and raspberries but wild blueberries are especially good), coconut, dates, figs, lemons, limes, mangoes, oranges, tangerines, papayas, pears, pomegranates
  • vegetables: arugula, asparagus, avocados, cauliflower, celery, cilantro, cruciferous vegetables (like kale, radishes, watercress, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi, collard greens, mustard greens, and broccoli rabe), cucumbers, fennel, garlic, lettuce (specifically romaine and butter leaf), onions, scallions, parsley, white potatoes, spinach, sprouts and microgreens, squash (zucchini and spaghetti are especially good), sweet potatoes, tomatoes

Here is a pan of roasted vegetables I fixed one night for supper. Yum! I should do this more often because roasting brings out the sweetness in vegetables and I can really pig out on them!

More Things Good for a Healthy Thyroid

Some of these are foods and some aren’t exactly foods but are vitamins and supplements. Under the herbs and vitamins/supplements list below, William says the first five are the most important so I’ve made them a bold font.

  • spices: ginger, basil, thyme, turmeric
  • seeds: hemp seeds, sesame seeds
  • other: maple syrup, raw honey, nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews, and Brazil nuts), aloe vera, Atlantic sea vegetables (especially kelp and dulse)
  • herbs and vitamins/supplements: vitamin B, zinc, vintamin C, spirulina, cat’s claw, licorice root, lemon balm, L-lysine, chaga mushroom, 5-MTHF, barley grass juice extract powder, monolaurin, silver hydrosol, L-tyrosine, ashwagandha, red marine algae, nettle leaf, B-complex, magnesium, EPA and DHA, bladderwrack, selenium, curcumin, chromium, Vitamin D3, magnanese, elderberry, red clover, eleuthero, star anise, copper, rubidium, bacopa monnieri

Which of These Foods I’ve Added to My Diet as Drinks

I haven’t talked about the drinks he recommends but some of the foods I’ve included have been in drink form. I’ve tracked my diet for all of February and today is February 21, so that’s 3 weeks.

So far I have tried blending celery stalks and drinking the juice. He says to juice the celery but I don’t own a juicer. Instead I’ve been chopping up celery and blending it. I add a little water so it has some liquid to it and drink that. Here’s a glass of celery (fiber and all).

I’ve also used lemon and ginger to make lemon water and ginger water. Here is some ginger water. Ugh, not the tastiest but I usually just chug it then eat a cracker or something to get that wonderful taste out of my mouth.

Which of These Foods I’ve Added to My Diet to Eat

I am much better at eating at least five fruits and/or vegetables each day, sometimes several more. I think I’ve had maybe two days where I only ate three or four servings.

And I’m eating a much greater variety of vegetables especially. Here are some examples of the foods on this list I’ve eaten over a couple of random days:

  • blueberries, lettuce, orange, avocado, broccoli, potatoes
  • banana, blueberries, cilantro, spinach, lettuce, lemon water, asparagus, carrots, cauliflower


So, you can see that I am a pig and sometimes eat more, but I did find that I less of other foods. And like I’ve read, no one gets fat eating vegetables.

The Results of My New Way of Eating

I have no clue if any of this is helping my thyroid. But, there’s this:

I feel better!

I have more energy and am not as tired like I had been for several months. So that alone is a huge bonus and a reason for me to continue eating better.

Another thing that this “diet” has done is help with the constipation I was having. And when I say help, I mean, oh momma! The relief. I basically feel like a new woman! I won’t get into it any further, but it’s amazing.

Okay, I’ll just stop right there.

More of My Posts on Healing My Thyroid

Introducing Peggy and Mister Tom Cat
Healing My Thyroid Post 1: The Diagnosis
Healing My Thyroid Post 2: Discovering the Book Thyroid Healing by Anthony William
Healing My Thyroid Part 3: Food to Avoid
Healing My Thyroid Part 4: The Recommended Superfood


You had me convinced at "energy" but I was really hooked at constipation. Sitting all the time does have some negative effects on a person. And the roast veggies look delicious. I am loving this journey and I don't even think I have thyroid problem but my energy does get very low very early in the day.

Yes, the extra roughage has had wonderful results. I highly recommend it! I just hope this helps my TSH levels because that's the main reason I'm making these changes, though they're all beneficial in other ways, too.

"No one gets fat eating vegetables."

How true. Aren't they wonderful? Roasted veggies are a popular mainstay of dinner here at our house too. Upvoted you!


It's true! I need to eat lots more of them and less of the bad stuff!

I know I should eat more in the style you've been describing, but I'm afraid that it's just not something I can force myself into. I manage to get fruit into my diet, but veggies are just not something I can wrap my tongue around!! You're lucky that you like vegetables.

I do like vegetables but wasn't eating enough of them. I do not want to take medication so am really hoping this is going to help.

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