Healing My Thyroid Post 1: The Diagnosis

in #health6 years ago (edited)

Thyroid part 1.png

Health Check-up

As I mentioned in my introductory post, my thyroid is out of whack. Specifically, my TSH levels are high and since I have no interest in taking medication if I can help it, I’m trying to fix my thyroid naturally.

How It All Began

In November 2017 I went to the doctor (well, to my Physician's Assistant) for my well woman visit. I try to do this every year to keep track of my health and as a preventive measure. In the past, everything has always been hunky dory.

This time, not so much.

I got my lab results back from the bloodwork they did and my thyroid’s TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) level was high. The normal range is 0.5 - 4.5.

My level was 5.5. Not really bad but not good either.

I was not happy. Like I said, I’ve never had health issues in the past. I know I’m lucky, but I don’t want to be sick. At all.

Let the Research Begin

I did what every sane American woman would do. I got on the Internet to look up hypothyroidism. This term means my thyroid is under active. It doesn’t produce enough important hormones like it’s supposed to.

After looking online at numerous website, I realized I really did have many symptoms of hypothyroidism:

• weight gain (but I’ve pretty much always been overweight)
• fatigue (some days I felt like I couldn’t do a darned thing, I was so tired)
• constipation (speaks for itself)
• dry skin (I live in a dry climate so this is actually nothing new either)
• oh and high cholesterol, which I’d never had before this evil bloodwork

I can just picture my thyroid (a little butterfly-shaped gland in my throat, evidently) and some icky looking stuff (cholesterol) merrily holding hands inside me somewhere.


Trying to Fix My Thyroid and a Second Blood Test

I read up on what this whole hypothyroidism is and a little about fixing your thyroid. One thing I read was about taking DE (diatomaceous earth) to repair your thyroid.

As luck would have it, I have food-grade DE in my cabinet because I’ve read about the health benefits of this stuff and used it a bit in the past.

Diatomaceous earth is basically a powder made from ground up fossilized aquatic creatures (shells, etc). It is excellent for pest control because when bugs ingest DE, the little sharp edges of the shells (which are not noticeable at all in this powder form) shreds the innards of the bugs. Look it up! It’s true!

So, after reading a few people's online comments about using DE to help their thyroid, I spent a few weeks ingesting it. I add a teaspoon to a half glass of juice then fill with water and stir. It is not really bad tasting but it's so drying. They recommend drinking several glasses of water after taking it.

I took DE about three to four times a week. Seriously, I took it when I remembered to!

Another Blood Test

My doctor wanted me to take another blood test, so I went after about six weeks and offered up my arm.

The results? A TSH level of 7! No way! It was 5.5, and now it’s 7? How could that be? Evidently the DE didn’t do the trick. Maybe I needed to take it for a longer time (months instead of a few weeks) and more often (every day instead of when I thought about it).

Then the doctor said she wanted me to do one more blood test in another 6 weeks. I actually appreciate that she isn’t gung ho on putting me on the thyroid medicine immediately.

Doing More Research

With this new, bigger number hanging over my head, I decided to do some more research. I went to the library. I found a book by accident in the new book section called, of all things, Medical Medium Thyroid Healing by Anthony William.

I read a little of the book then a little more. It was all very interesting. I’ll talk more about this book in another post and what I'm doing in this 6 weeks till the next blood test.

Do you have thyroid issues? How have you coped with it?

Read more of my posts:

Here's where I first mention my thyroid issues: Introducing Peggy and Mister Tom Cat

Here's my second post about healing my thyroid: Healing My Thyroid Post 2: Discovering the Book Thyroid Healing by Anthony William

My first post about freelance editing: Freelance Editing Post 1: Offer to Edit for Free

A great movie that took my mind off my ailments: Winchester, the House That Ghosts Built


I have a few thoughts about thyroid, which I'll wait to share till after Part 2. I must read up on DE & thyroid. I would have thought it would help if the cause of the hyptothyroidism, was parasites, but not otherwise. So it seems parasites were not your cause!

I'd love to hear your thoughts, @kiwideb. I think it is more of a cleansing type benefit. I haven't been using it lately but should. If you google "DE hypothyroidism benefits" there are lots of videos, etc.

I'll check those out. I've commented on post 2, and will go check out number 3 now.

Fancy that, Peggy. You already had diatomaceous earth in your cupboard. You'd be one of a rare breed, I'm thinking.

Anyway, a great story well told -- and I am looking forward to the next few chapters in your quest for a natural solution to your wonky thyroid.


Thanks, Gary. I had heard about it from another online friend and have taken it in the past. It's sort of chalky tasting and drying so not something I love to drink but not terrible either.

I've also heard about the benefits of diatomaceous earth, but can't remember what I read right now. I wonder if there's another way to get it instead of drinking it. Good luck on the thyroid issue. Looking forward to reading about your progress.

There isn't an other way that I'm aware of. I have really made quite a few changes (for me) with my diet and am eager to see how it affects my TSH number. I have about a month to go so we'll see.

Not only do I not have DE in my cupboard, I had not heard of it before. Very curious to see what the next result is.

It's used for natural pest control mostly, I think but also has some health benefits.

And it can be eaten??

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