The Truth About Vaccines

in #health7 years ago (edited)

An edited transcript of Episode 7, part 2


The disease was in some cases completely wiped out before the introduction of the vaccine against it?

TY BOLLINGER: Dr. Larry, in 2000 there was an article in the Pediatrics journal that describes that before World War II, we looked at pertussis, measles, flu, tuberculosis, scarlet fever, all of these childhood diseases were actually being reduced if not almost completely wiped out before the introduction of the vaccine.
How do we explain that?

DR. PALEVSKY: The actual article discussed the decrease in mortality in children between the ages of one and 19 before World War II.
What the data showed was a very large decrease in the mortality rates of children dying from infectious diseases.
In the article, the author concludes that without the presence of antibiotics and vaccines, these disease states and the mortality went down. The reasons for the reduction of mortality were due to improved sanitation, improved water, better living conditions, and bette nutrition.

All studies have shown that good food, good water, and healthy environments create healthy kids.

DR. BUTTAR: You start looking at vaccines.
We have survived—let’s say we go by the traditional religious belief that man was made from Adam and Eve, man started from Adam and Eve, 10,000 years ago, 20,000 years ago, whatever. Or we look at the evolutionary basis that we’ve been evolving for hundreds of millions of years.
In either case, all the way up till a 100 years ago, nobody used the vaccines and we still survived. So now you’re telling me suddenly it becomes so important? That we need to survive so we need to take vaccines?

DR. PALEVSKY: Many people say, “If I’m not going to vaccinate, how do I keep my kids strong?” That’s based on two assumptions.
One, that your child’s immune system is not already strong. And two, that vaccines protect you and make you strong.
The body is already strong. There’s a way to keep it strong. There’s a way to prevent it from weakening. That doesn’t utilize pharmaceuticals. It utilizes good food, good water, and healthy environments. All studies have shown that good food, good water, and healthy environments create healthy kids.

TY: As we look at the graphs of pertussis, measles, diphtheria, mumps, etcetera, we see that the mortality from these diseases had decreased drastically before the vaccines were even introduced. I want to thank Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk for the graphs that you just saw. They’re from their book Dissolving Illusions.
Is it possible that these diseases were virtually eradicated as a result of better living conditions, improved hygiene, better nutrition, and clean water? There are many differing opinions on that specific topic. In light of this ambiguity and lack of consensus, let’s look at what happened in California a couple of years ago, with mandatory vaccines and Senate Bill 277.
Here is a brief summary.

Mandatory vaccines and Senate Bill 277

ROBERT KRAKOW: What’s happening is, because the government wants to promote the vaccine program, they see that as the hallmark of public health. We see it in the California mandate. No exceptions. Your kid doesn’t go to school unless he gets the vaccine. So, they’re eliminating those rights, the right to education.

SB 277 has taken away parents’ rights to refuse

DR. TENPENNY: SB 277 has taken away parents’ rights to refuse. It’s been published in the public health literature to become the model legislation for all 50 states.

DR. MIKOVITS: We can’t let this go on, when families recognize it in their own families, then they’re going to start asking questions.
They’re going to vote. They’re going to vote for people who aren’t putting the big pharma mafia and mandating that our kids don’t get an education if they don’t get an injection.
Where does that come from? Not since Thomas Jefferson and the Queen, who said if you didn’t go with the Church of England, you didn’t get an education. I thought we fought that in the 1700s. Really? We’re back there? You don’t get an education in America if you don’t get an injection? Crazy!

DEL BIGTREE: It’s astounding to me, sort of this disconnect. And I grew up a progressive liberal fighting for environment, getting GMOs labeled and just trying to keep organic food, just keep our food clean, our water clean. In California where I live, we’ve just passed SB 277, which is a mandated vaccine law.
My children can’t go to school unless they’re fully vaccinated, which at this point means 69 shots, 69 vaccinations. It’s insane.
But what is crazy to me, it’s the same people that wanted GMOs labeled. It’s liberal progressives and Democrats that are pushing this mandatory vaccine agenda.
I can’t figure it out. I don’t understand why you think Monsanto’s a bad guy because they put chemicals and pesticides all over your food, but you don’t mind that the government’s just taking ownership of your child over you best interests and said, “We’re going to inject your child with whatever we want, whenever we want, however we want.” And then you look at what’s inside of these vaccines. I mean you want GMOs labeled, they have to label what’s inside of your vaccine if you request it, and you’re not even looking at it. You’re not looking at aluminum.
We’re talking about a neurotoxin. Mercury, formaldehyde. These products get banned coming in from China because “Oh my God, it’s got formaldehyde in it.” What do you care? Your doctor just injected a ton of that into your newborn baby.
So, I don’t understand this disconnect, and that’s what we’re trying to work.
I’m trying to work on—look, if you have—if you believe in environmental issues and you’re trying to make your air clean and your water clean. This is an environmental issue.
These are the same toxins you’re fighting to keep out of your air that are going—and that’s something that will go through you nose, you eat it. That’s an open system.
You can purge that out of your body. We’re talking about taking those toxins and putting it into your bloodstream, a closed system, where there’s nowhere to go except ultimately into your brain.

Pharmaceutical lobbyists

TY: Here is investigative reporter Jefferey Jaxen describing the events that occurred in Sacramento when there were thousands of mothers gathered to protest the passage of SB 277.

I believe SB 277 was pushed through because when the CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson came forward, shortly after that was the measles outbreak in Disneyland.

JEFFEREY JAXEN: Sacramento Senator Pan, who was one of the authors of SB 277, he was asked to either on the bill that day or defer the bill. With an entire community of parents, standing room only, instead of turning to them and asking, instead of turning to the people that got him in office, he looked over to two people. And they came over and whispered in his ear. Those people were lobbyists. Those people were pharmaceutical lobbyists.
So, what that statement was—a mother gave me a still shot of that, him listening to that. We identified who these people were, made sure they were pharmaceutical lobbyists.
What that said, the statement that said was, “This man will take orders from here when his whole community is begging him not to pass that law.” He deferred the vote and the rest is history.
I believe SB 277 was pushed through because when the CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson came forward, shortly after that was the measles outbreak in Disneyland.
After the measles outbreak that was the motivation for this law to come through. They rode it on the back of the measles. There’s only 300 cases and I believe there was no deaths.
So, I believe we’re seeing a vaccine industry that had an agenda, a pharmaceutical company that had a long-term agenda that was forced to launch that agenda faster than they wanted to, because they didn’t see Dr. William Thompson coming.
California caught everyone sleeping. And they’re not asleep anymore. I think moving forward—I was one of the first people that broke the story with Richard Pan and his lobbyists.
SB 277 was perhaps the most important thing that ever happened to the vaccine injury movement and the opposition against pharmaceutical control. Because it made it real for families now.
Until that point, it was just a journalist writing about it. It was scrolled off a webpage.
It was a social media post. But now it’s coming to their doorstep. Now they have to activate. When people are forced out of comfort zones, especially when their kids are on the chopping block, they’re going to activate.
It goes back to this is a movement and we’re going to see mass amounts of civil disobedience.
Parents will act. Parents will not lie down with this. If the parents don’t push back hard enough, the schools will act, the nurses will not follow orders. The teachers won’t follow orders. The doctors won’t follow orders. They will gum up the system.  

TY: The most precious thing we have is ou freedom to choose. Due to documentaries like “The Truth About Vaccines,” people across the globe are becoming educated about informed medical consent, freedom of choice, potential serious adverse reactions from vaccines, and conflicts of interest, including Dr. Pan, who according to the Sacramento Bee, received $95,000 from pharmaceutical lobbyists prior to the passage of Senate Bill 277.
Based on historical trends, whatever happens in California typically trickles down throughout the rest of the 50 states. And according to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, who has her finger on the pulse of vaccine legislation, Senate Bill 277 is to be the model for all 50 states.
Dr. Tenpenny also shared some valuable information on a government initiative called “Healthy People 2020.”

Healthy People 2020

DR. TENPENNY: We’ve talked so much, Ty, about all the things that have to do with kids and pediatricians. I think it’s really important to understand that adults are being put into this pot of mandatory, too.
With “Healthy People 2020” and with the use of electronic medical records. Electronic health records came into vogue in around 2010 when all doctors were told “You’re going to have to start using these electronic medical records in order to get billed. We need to have you install these in your office.” The problem was how expensive they were. You had to buy a module from the government. If you bought a Medicaid module, it was $43,000 per physician in the practice. Well, if there were four people in the practice, this is $43,000 times four. At the same time, you had to buy a Medicare module which was $62,000 per module. Physicians’ offices are small businesses. Where are you ever going to recoup that investment? Like never.

So, the government said “Not a problem. We’ll pay it for you. And in exchange fo that, you just have to give us all the data.”

So, the government said “Not a problem.
We’ll pay it for you. And in exchange for that, you just have to give us all the data.” So, each year starting in 2010, which of course was when Obamacare came into being, by 2012, they’d installed more than 500,000 physicians across the country had bought into the system.
And they were teaching them how to use the electronic medical records. That each yea they had to add a few more things, a few more boxes that needed to be checked and that data gone off to the government.
In 2016, they added the box that needed to checked was your immunization status. That goes into what’s called the “Immunization Information System” or the local, regional and district vaccine registry. Your information goes into this registry to always be there.

The intentions of these registries are to be cradle to grave tracking of your vaccination status. The National Adult Vaccine Plan was released in February of 2015.

The intentions of these registries are to be cradle to grave tracking of your vaccination status. The National Adult Vaccine Plan was released in February of 2015.
And at the same time, they introduced an implementation plan. Some of the things that have been bubbling around in the background that haven’t come to the forefront yet, in terms of implementation are, if you’re not fully vaccinated will you be able to travel? Will you be able to renew your driver’s license? Will you be able to go to a public place? Like a football game or basketball game? Will you be able to go to a grocery store unless you can show that you’re fully vaccinated? That’s the type of plan that’s coming down the road. I just see these people as just needle-wheeling maniacs that every single person needs to be injected with every possible vaccine.

The adult vaccination plan actually has language in it that says that they want adults to “demand and request” their vaccines. And if they haven’t demanded and requested them that they will be offered to them, they’ll have financial incentives to give it.

And it’s to be required for every vaccine that’s currently on the market and every vaccine in the future. We know there are at least 140 vaccines in the developmental pipeline.

When a lot of people listen to “The Truth About Vaccines” seminar or they listen to talks about vaccines they say, “Well, my kids are past that. I don’t have to worry about that anymore. I don’t have to make that decision.” Or “My kids are having grandkids and they don’t ever listen to me anyways.” But here’s the thing, many of these vaccines that are now in development are headed directly towards adolescents and adults.
The adult vaccination plan is a five-yea escalated ramped-up system to get people onboard by 2020 for the implementation of the Healthy People 2020 guidelines that have become goals.

TY: For those that are watching, Sherri, what exactly is Healthy People 2020?

DR. TENPENNY: It actually started in 1990 when the Surgeon General came forth and worked with the department of health at that time and they created what was called the Healthy People guidelines for 1990.
What they looked at was the health of our overall society. And they were laudable goals.
They were looking at things like smoking cessation, wearing motorcycle helmets, and obesity, and clean water. So, they set up goals to go from 1990 to 2000 and to see where we could get.
Every decade they have established these new goals. So, there was goals from 2000 to 2010.
In 2010, they created the goals to be set up for 2020. The difference is that the original goals in 1990, there were 15 goals and about 225 objectives.
In the Healthy People 2020 guidelines, there are 44 goals and 1,200 objectives to look at every single corner of our health and every single corner of our life.

The government wants to have 90 percent of the population vaccinated with flu shots, DPT shots, MMR.

There is a sector in there for vaccines, that they want to have 90 percent of the population vaccinated with flu shots, DPT shots, MMR.
All of these were set up initially to be guidelines.
But they have become goals. And the goals now—one of the steps in the goals is to take away your right to refuse.
So, what Healthy People 2020 is supposed to do is it’s supposed to get everybody vaccinated and get everybody on board, and get all the funding for adults and adolescents.
How this all kind of came about at the same time as we developed the Healthy People 2020 guidelines, it started in 2010. In 2010, this was declared “the decade of vaccines.” And in 2010, the Gates Foundation put up $10 million to start this to be the decade of vaccines. And within this decade of vaccines, from 2010 to 2020, and these Healthy People guidelines, we need to have electronic medical records in tracking, we need to take away people’s right to refuse, we need to ramp up all of these guidelines and turn them into goals.
They are well on their way. We’re at 2017.
We only have three years left for people to become really aware of this and get involved in not allowing this to happen in the future.

Started in 2010, this was declared “the decade of vaccines.” And in 2010, the Gates Foundation put up $10 million to start this to be the decade of vaccines.

The Gates Foundation

TY: So, this is something that literally affects everyone that’s watching this program.

In 2000, the Gates Foundation funded an organization called GAVI, which is the Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunization. They started that organization with a donation of 750 million dollars. Since that time, they have invested 6.8 billion dollars into vaccinating the world.

DR. TENPENNY: Everyone not here and around the world. Because in 2000, the Gates Foundation funded an organization called GAVI, which is the Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunization. They started that organization with a donation of 750 million dollars. Since that time, they have invested 6.8 billion dollars into vaccinating the world.

TY: Dr. Tenpenny mentioned forced vaccines for adults several times. I’ve read the literature, and it certainly does appear that one of the purposes of the Healthy People 2020 initiative is to vaccinate all adults, as well as children, and to eliminate their choice, to eliminate their right to refuse.
These are fundamental rights.

BRANDY VAUGHN: To me, there is no more fundamental right in the U.S. than what we put in our body. We have fundamental rights to property and free speech, but if we don't have the fundamental right to what goes in our body, our body, when nobody else is responsible for the consequences, nobody's taking liability, and we are going to be stuck financially and mentally and emotionally, physically with those repercussions.
What more fundamental right do we have then what goes in our body? I think right now our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves because if we have that medical right taken away from us, I mean what good are any other rights? To me this is the most important conversation right now. We have to keep our rights and our choice as to what goes into our body.

After I came out of med school, I vaccinated thousands of children. It’s one of my biggest regrets in life that I did that. Because I didn’t know any better. I trusted them. Blindly trusted them that they were telling the truth.

DR. MERCOLA: After I came out of med school, I vaccinated thousands of children. It’s one of my biggest regrets in life that I did that. Because I didn’t know any better.
I trusted them. Blindly trusted them that they were telling the truth.
Many physicians were like me. They believed that they’re being told the truth. They don’t have the time, or effort, or energy, or resources, to carefully examine it themselves.
If they did, they would reach the inevitably—if they were objective, rational, that there’s no other conclusion that you could reach.
There’s some serious potential problems here that have to be seriously examined.
You have to weigh the evidence. In some cases, if you’ve objectively done your due diligence and you reach your conclusion you want to vaccinate, then it’s fine. It should be a choice. It shouldn’t be forced on anyone.

Mandatory vaccination, forced vaccination, no exceptions, no exemptions, vaccine policies and laws, are completely contrary to the founding principles of the United States of America.

BARBARA LOE FISHER: Mandatory vaccination, forced vaccination, no exceptions, no exemptions, vaccine policies and laws, are completely contrary to the founding principles of the United States of America.
I do not believe Americans, if they really understand what is happening here, will stand for it. I believe that Americans who understand the truth about how many people are being hurt by vaccines will stand up and fight fo their freedom.

TY: As an attorney, Allison, you did say that’s assault and battery.

ALLISON FOLMAR: It is assault and battery.

TY: When they take your child, and force a vaccine.

ALLISON FOLMAR: Against parent’s will, against a child’s will. It’s a physical touching of another without their consent. That’s battery. The anticipation of that battery is actually assault.

Have you seen the government, or the CPS try to step in to parents that would not vaccinate? Oh, absolutely. There have been forced vaccinations. I mean, downright, forced vaccinations, where they will come and remove the child and take custody of the child legally, and bring that child so-called up to standard or code of where that child is supposed to be.

TY: Have you seen the government, or the CPS try to step in to parents that would not vaccinate?

ALLISON FOLMAR: Oh, absolutely. There have been forced vaccinations. I mean, downright, forced vaccinations, where they will come and remove the child and take custody of the child legally, and bring that child so-called up to standard or code of where that child is supposed to be.
And it’s mandated by the state under the guise of the child is in a public school.
Well, guess what? A child has a fundamental right to a free public education. So, you can’t take one fundamental right, which is the right not to be vaccinated, and conjoin and take away another fundamental right, which is to a free public education.
But that’s what’s happening. The state is saying “If you’re going to have you child in not only a public school, a private school…” Well, what’s going on with that? So, the medical exemptions, the religious exemptions, the personal belief exemptions, that’s all going out the window.
There is a push to have a one set frame of mind of how all children need to be, based on scientific data that is not conclusive.
Okay? And I’m not a doctor. I’m not going to argue that position. What I do know is that it is assault and battery to mandatorily give a child a permanent vaccination that will change the course of his or her life on a basis where the court takes the child over for a temporary period of time.
And now “Here you are. I’m going to give you back now a damaged child. You gave me a whole child. I’m going to give you back a damaged child.” And then the state wants to say “Oh, hands off.” “Oh, your child is thrown into autism? Oh well.”

This is where it's all headed: governments working in conspiracy with vaccine manufacturers to commit acts of extreme violence against families that do not obediently accept vaccine interventions. This is a war against humanity.

MIKE ADAMS: This is where it's all headed: governments working in conspiracy with vaccine manufacturers to commit acts of extreme violence against families that do not obediently accept vaccine interventions. This is a war against humanity.
This is scientific totalitarianism. This is vaccine violence, and it is the ultimate extension of bad medicine to administer and force medicine at gunpoint. That's what this family is going through and that is where it's all headed in California, across the United States, and everywhere around the world if we don't change.

If we do not have the right to decide what we do or don’t allow in ou body, especially when that which we’re talking about has been declared “unavoidably unsafe” by the United States Supreme Court in 2011, then what meaningful rights do we have left?

LAURA HAYES: If we do not have the right to decide what we do or don’t allow in ou body, especially when that which we’re talking about has been declared “unavoidably unsafe” by the United States Supreme Court in 2011, which means inherently dangerous. When we don’t have the right to decide whether o not we want to allow 70 plus inherently dangerous products into our children or ourselves, then what meaningful rights do we have left?

TY: I don’t know about other countries of the world, but in the United States, we cherish our fundamental rights, which include freedom of speech and freedom of choice when it comes to medical procedures, and our fundamental freedom of thought. Nobody can tell us what to think.

When people don’t want you to think, when they only want you to believe and trust what they say and obey the orders that they give, they’re not going to want you to be educated. They’re not going to want you to ask questions.

BARBARA LOE FISHER: When people don’t want you to think, when they only want you to believe and trust what they say and obey the orders that they give, they’re not going to want you to be educated. They’re not going to want you to ask questions.
They’re not going to want to have to answer the questions that you ask. This is a very authoritarian, paternalistic attitude that pediatricians and all of those who are giving vaccines, those who are making policy for vaccines are trying to foist upon us in America.
In America, we don’t have a tradition of particularly liking an authoritarian type approach.
In America, we’re used to having the freedom.
Freedom of speech, freedom of thought, the ability to follow our conscience, the ability to hold religious beliefs. We’re not a society that is used to being told what we can think and what we can do.

DR. PALEVSKY: Every story about kids who’ve been vaccine injured, the parents almost always state, “I didn’t want to do it. I knew it was wrong. I had this gut feeling, but my doctor bullied me into doing it.”

If you choose not to vaccinate, you’re told “You cannot be my patient anymore, I will not see you family.”

DR. MARGULIS: Many pediatricians in the United States will kick families out of their practice if they choose not to vaccinate. So how can you have informed consent, if you choose not to vaccinate, you’re told “You cannot be my patient anymore, I will not see you family.”

TY: The scenarios that Dr. Jennifer Margulis just described are exactly what happened to my wife, Charlene, upon the birth of our first daughter, Brianna.

They said “Oh, no big deal. That’s just eczema. It happens all the time. Just put some nice lotion on there and she’ll be fine.” And then shortly after that, I noticed—she was just starting to be very verbal, with “Ba-ba-ba-ba.” And that just stopped.

Unvaccinated patients not welcome

CHARLENE BOLLINGER: We vaccinated Brianna, and at her 9-month visit, the well-visit, I gave her over to the doctors to get he vaccinated, her routine vaccinations. And this was back in 2001. She was born in 2000, of course. And so, when they took her and vaccinated her, I took her home.
And I just remember—you remember? She was covered from head to toe with a terrible rash, and it was awful, and I didn’t know what was wrong with her. And I remember bringing her into the pediatrician, asking “Well, I don’t know what’s wrong.” And they said “Oh, no big deal. That’s just eczema. It happens all the time. Just put some nice lotion on there and she’ll be fine.” And then shortly after that, I noticed—she was just starting to be very verbal, with “Ba-ba-ba-ba.” And that just stopped. And I was so alarmed, and I was so in tune with her as her mother, that I knew something went south. Something was wrong. And I was so concerned, and so I went to—I was telling the pediatrician my concerns, in Pittsburgh.
And it was a woman, and she was so sympathetic, and I felt like she really cared. And she listened, and she would just be sympathetic to my concerns. And then one day, she was just gone. She quit the practice and she had a family, and she was going to take care of her family.
And so, a young man took over the practice.
And so, I just started—I continued the conversation with him, just as I was with this nice woman.
And this man was completely different. When I told him my concern about the MMR specifically, because of the symptoms we were seeing with Brianna, her regression and her speech, and even her movements were regressing.
And I just will never forget his smug, condescending attitude when I verbalized these concerns.
I just assumed that he would be akin to this woman that was sympathetic, but he just put his nose in the air and said “You can get more mercury from a fish stick than vaccines.
We do not subscribe to that nonsense here.
If you do not vaccinate, you’re no longer welcomed at our practice.” And me, being a first-time mother, I believed that he knew more than I did, though it was a bit offensive the way that he was treating me, so condescending. I thought about that, and I thought “He knows what he’s talking about.” I brought Brianna in and I handed that precious little baby over, and I allowed her to be vaccinated once again, because of that intimidation tactic that that doctor used on me. Thankfully, Brianna is just one of the smartest 16-year-old, beautiful young ladies I’ve ever known.
She’s so intelligent, and she’s so healthy, and she’s doing everything she can, as you know, exercising, eating right, and all those things. And she has a bright mind. I’m very grateful, because we did, for a little time, see her going south.
Now in hindsight, I just have to wonder, “Did she see this happening on a regular basis and she just couldn’t allow herself to be a part of this system anymore, and so she just quit?” Because there was something definitely different in her. She really cared.
And that meant so much, and that’s what we need more of. We need doctors that really care.

The pediatricians say, “No, you have to vaccinate. If you’re not going to be vaccinated we’re going to kick you out of the practice.”

DR. TENPENNY: What parents really need to have is someone in their community that is a medical professional, such as a nurse, a nurse practitioner, a pediatric chiropractor, a naturopath, or even their mother or their grandmother, who’s raised children before.
Because if you have a new baby, what you kind of want to know is, is this normal? Are they sick enough that I should be concerned? They’re kind of fussy. Should I take them to the pediatrician? They just need a partner in that.
And instead they take them to the pediatrician.
The pediatricians say, “No, you have to vaccinate. If you’re not going to be vaccinated we’re going to kick you out of the practice.”

NEIL MILLER: The number one question that people write me almost every week, I get somebody, said “I just asked my pediatrician some questions about vaccines and he fired me.” And what do I tell them? I tell them “You should be thankful that he was honest enough to end your dysfunctional relationship with him. Go find somebody that will respect you views and respect you and your family and the decisions that you want to jointly make with your healthcare practitioner.”

TY: As Neil Miller just described, it’s vitally important to find a pediatrician that respects your wishes and wants to and will work jointly with you, especially when it comes to vaccines, which may have benefits but they also have risks.

The question is, is there a greater risk to vaccination, then there is to a benefit? More and more of the science is showing, more and more life experience is showing that there is a greater risk to vaccination, than there is benefit.

DR. PALEVSKY: Everyone knows there’s a risk benefit to every decision we make. Parents know that all the time. The question is, is there a greater risk to vaccination, then there is to a benefit? More and more of the science is showing, more and more life experience is showing that there is a greater risk to vaccination, than there is benefit.
The public is learning this. They are learning it first-hand and they are learning it by doing the research. Every attempt is being made to stop them from learning it. The science is clear. The vaccine ingredients are clearly poisoning the body and the brain.
We’re told vaccines are safe. Anybody who reads that article, “Vaccines Are Safe,” they’ve never read below to see well, have the ingredients been tested to see if they enter the brain, to see if they impair mitochondria? The blood-brain barrier has the highest concentration of mitochondria of anywhere in the body. Vaccine materials can go right through it, penetrate it, destroy it, go right into the brain.

If we don’t change the trajectory of how many vaccines we’re giving our children, I see a disaster happening in our country.

DR. BROWNSTEIN: Parents need to educate themselves about what’s in a vaccine, what are the benefits and risks of vaccinating, and then make the best choice they can for their children.
I don’t belittle parents who vaccinate their children. I don’t belittle parents who refuse vaccinations for their children.
We’re all trying to make the best choices for our kids. But I wouldn’t blindly allow a doctor to give your child 72 vaccines and tell you that everything’s safe and effective with them without you reading about it and understanding what’s in each of those vaccines.
If we don’t change the trajectory of how many vaccines we’re giving our children, I see a disaster happening in our country.
Our kids are becoming sicker and sicker. There’s more autism. There’s more ADD. There’s more cancer.
There’s more asthma. There’s more allergies.
There’s more severe allergies, including anaphylaxis. And I fear this is all going to get worse and come to a tipping point, where economically our society just can’t go on like this. There’s just going to be too many sick kids.

Knowing that I unquestionably caused some damage in many of these children, it’s just really hard to live with.

DR. MERCOLA: When I even think about it, I’m almost brought to tears. Because I know that I, unintentionally—the law of unintended consequences—was responsible for a lot of this damage. Because in my efforts to comply with the standard recommendations of providing vaccines. Knowing that I unquestionably caused some damage in many of these children, it’s just really hard to live with.
And I think that maybe one of the challenges to many physicians, even seeking to understand this process. Because if they are causing damage, how do they live with that? How do they live with that? It’s an incredible emotional challenge to reconcile.

The country that we grew up believing that we lived in is vanishing.

TY: Dr. Mercola is just one of many physicians who have regrets for damage that they may have inflicted due to the vaccines they gave their patients. Freedom is a fundamental tenant of the United States. I believe that it is a moral imperative to fight for choice in vaccines and to tell the truth about vaccines, including both the benefits and the risks.
The country that we grew up believing that we lived in is vanishing.

Medicine should never be mandated.

BARBARA LOE FISHER: It is and it’s happening in a lot of areas but it’s happening especially in this area. Individual autonomy, the right to protect bodily integrity, the human right to informed consent to medical risk-taking, the human right to follow our conscience, to follow our religious beliefs, these are fundamental rights that define what freedom really means.
So, if the government takes that away from us, we’re no better than slaves. We’re no better than people who can be used. We have to have the right to have control ove what goes into our bodies and the bodies of our minor children that we are responsible for legally and morally.
When something happens to our children, there is no one who loves our children like we do.
The parents, the mothers and fathers, we have a moral duty to fight for these rights.

Medicine should never be mandated. We learned that during World War II. We have the Nuremberg Code to ensure that that never happens again. We are a signer.

LAURA HAYES: We need three things to happen immediately in our country. We need vaccine mandates to be banned in all 50 states. Medicine should never be mandated. We learned that during World War II. And we have the Nuremberg Code to ensure that that never happens again.
We are a signer.
We need to fully restore individual and parental rights to make any and all medical decisions for oneself or one’s children. We also need to immediately repeal the 1986 act.
As I said, an act that never should have happened.
What should have happened on that day is the complete moratorium on vaccinations until we got to the bottom of why so many were being harmed and killed by them.

MIKE ADAMS: Humanity has been ruled by myths, false narratives for a very long time. How can all the people of North Korea believe that Kim Jong-Un is their God? Why do they believe that? It's the same reason that people in America believe vaccines are safe. It’s because that's what they've been told.  The people of North Korea are genetically almost identical to you and me. Very few differences in our genetic code. We're born the same way, we have the same biology. We live on the same planet, we breathe the same air. How can they believe something so crazy? And we in America, we think everything we believe makes perfect sense. The truth is, we need to look at our own belief systems.
We need to ask questions, skeptical, rational questions about what we believe. Our medical system is based on layer upon layer of false mythologies.

DR. PALEVSKY: There’s definitely a need for surgery. There’s definitely a need fo emergency medicine. There’s some great work that’s done in that field of conventional medicine. But I can practice medicine without using pharmaceuticals.
That is a blow to me, having been trained in conventional medicine. It’s a blow to most physicians to realize that medicine is not needed most of the time in children. What’s needed is an understanding of what’s really going on physiologically and how to help children move through those states of symptoms so that they ca// n heal and get better.

JEFFEREY JAXEN: There was a quote by Howard Zinn, this was during the Vietnam War, with this spirit, and he said, “We don’t have to engage in acts, grand heroic acts to participate in this change. Small acts when multiplied by millions can change the world.” I think everyone can disobey in their own way and know that we’re all going towards the same goal. And this has united us, unfortunately and fortunately, an over-reaching pharmaceutical industry has united us. We’re going to take back the medical system one way or the other.

To vaccinate or to not vaccinate?

TY: Dr. Wakefield, last question for you.
If you had a young child now, what would you do as far as vaccinating or not vaccinating?

I came to the conclusion, after a lot of research, that if I had a baby now, I would not give them a vaccine until someone can prove to me that the vaccines are individually and collectively safe, that the schedule is safe. There’s been no testing of that schedule.

DR. WAKEFIELD: Just a little backstory to this, when I first got involved, based upon the parent’s story, I was looking at MMR.
I was concerned about that. The more I got involved in it, the more concerned I became.
I started hearing from the U.S. about the thimerosal/mercury preservative, about aluminum as an adjuvant, about formaldehyde, fetal cells, contaminants, retroviruses.
And I came to the conclusion, after a lot of research, that if I had a baby now, I would not give them a vaccine until someone can prove to me that the vaccines are individually and collectively safe, that the schedule is safe. There’s been no testing of that schedule.
And so, at the moment, I wouldn’t give a newborn baby of mine any vaccines. When I come to meetings, like the one we’re at now, CalJam, where chiropractors bring thei babies, they actually bring them and they sit in the back.
The babies are so well-behaved, and you look at them and they engage you. They’ve got great eye contact. They engage. They are so far ahead of the children we see in the community.
They’ve never had a vaccine. It makes you think, “Wow!” It’s terrifying. It’s actually terrifying to see how healthy they are, because it makes you realize that we have done something really very, very bad.

When I come to meetings, like the one we’re at now, CalJam, where chiropractors bring their babies, they actually bring them and they sit in the back. The babies are so well-behaved, and you look at them and they engage you. They’ve got great eye contact. They engage. They are so far ahead of the children we see in the community.

DR. HEATHER WOLFSON: I was born to do this.
This is my passion. I have two young boys, 3 and 8 years old, and I'm doing this fo my boys and I'm doing this for all the other children out there.
They deserve to not be maimed and killed by vaccines. They deserve better. The parents are brainwashed and they need to know the truth. The doctors are brainwashed and they need doctors to come out of the closet, like my husband, and speak the truth.
Speak the truth and shout it from the rooftops because this is the only way we’re going to change the position of the world. It was very scary having the death threats, having the phone calls to the office, to the home.
CNN, you know, was stalking my husband, even at his practice, accusing him of going dark.
Accusing him of endangering the lives of other children.
You cannot risk the life of one child to supposedly protect the life of another child. That is my child and it is my responsibility to protect my child. I know the damage that vaccines cause. I know what's in a vaccine. I've done the research, the proper research.
And not only are the dangers—the vaccines dangerous, the infections they’re intended to prevent are benign. Not only are these diseases, infections benign, we want our children to catch these infections because they confer immunity for a lifetime, something a vaccine will never do.
And they protect us against much more harmful disease, like cancer, Alzheimer's, autoimmune disease, the same diseases that the vaccines are actually causing.

The infections vaccines are intended to prevent are benign. Not only are these diseases, infections benign, we want our children to catch these infections because they confer immunity for a lifetime, something a vaccine will never do.

DR. JACK WOLFSON: We were receiving emails.
Emails like, “You better hope I don’t see you walking down the street.” “I hope your children die of measles.” As if my children, my healthy two boys that were breastfed, given organic food, given love, given natural immune boosters, as if they are going to get sick from the measles, or chicken pox, o any of these other fear-mongering viral and bacterial infections. Natural immunity will prevail every time.
Then people call the office and make comments on the phone. But you know what? We’ve made so many friends through this, so many amazing people that we’ve met that are on our side and the doctors are there. The MDs, the DOs, the PhDs, the chiropractors, the naturopaths, the homeopaths. We’ve all got to come together and speak out and speak the truth and only then will the truth prevail and we’re going to win this war.

TY: I believe that Dr. Wolfson is correct.
The truth will prevail. The light of truth will be victorious. And if your primary goal is to spread truth, help humanity, and make sure that children are healthy, then I believe that you will be able to look back at the end of your life and be satisfied.

You can either bail out, or the choice I took was to stay in the system and fight it, learn about it, pass that information on to others.

DR. LEWIS: You know, at the end of my life, I’d like to look back and feel like I’d been as good to other people as I could. And so that’s been a guiding light in my life, and certainly in my wife’s life, and our children’s lives.
I think people think about science as being facts, and cold and hard intellectual pursuit, but it’s not really. Hardly anything we do, including in science, does not have an impact on other people. That’s what protecting public health and the environment is all about.
That’s what vaccines are supposed to be about, protecting our health.
But when you go to work for a university o government agency, and you find out it’s not really about that in the real world. It’s about making money. That’s an eye-opener.
And you can either bail out, or the choice I took was to stay in the system and fight it, learn about it, pass that information on to others. And hopefully, they can, in a more educated way, deal with it.

TONY MUHAMMAD: I believe that within one year, this movement will get as much steam as Black Lives Matter, as the Female Movement that we're seeing right now, this too. But when this one comes out and the press is absent from telling the people the truth, we believe that this one will cause so much anger because when you attack babies, that's not good.
There are countries who have better vaccines than we do in America. Why we can't go to Switzerland and say, “Hey, show us what you've done” because we're not against vaccines.
We just want safe vaccines.

We should demand the same safety studies on vaccines as any other pharmaceutical drug. And we all know that’s not what’s happening.

NICO LAHOOD: Last note. I know you’re a believer also. Hosea 4:6 says that “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” We just need to educate ourselves. Just knowledge in every aspect of our lives. And I’ve always told people, we advocate four things.
Number one, parents educate yourself. Number two, let doctors be doctors. Let them have an opinion on whether to vaccinate or not vaccinate. Number three, don’t force vaccines on parents. Let them have a choice.
And number four, we should demand the same safety studies on vaccines as any other pharmaceutical drug. And we all know that’s not what’s happening. Those are the four things. And in the end, after that, we’ve been saying this consistently.
After those four things, if you want to vaccinate, that’s on you. That’s it. But don’t tell me that I have to, or someone else. Everyone can have an opinion. We have freedom of thought so far, for now. And so, I support that. I just support choice in vaccines.

As a therapist, I thought, “Oh they’re just trying to blame something on autism.” Well, if I would have listened to my heart, I would have listened to those mothers that were trying to warn me.

HEIDI BONARATI: My name is Heidi. My son, Ben, is vaccine-injured and he now has autism.
I just want to say how happy I am today to share my story with you. I’m just thrilled to know that the documentary, “The Truth About Cancer” is leading to “The Truth About Vaccines.” The more people that can hear this message the better. If you’re out there and you think you’re alone, you’re not. It takes a village.
Ben was born right on time. Came right on his due date, and was a very, very healthy boy. I’m going to try and get through this without crying. He was very healthy up until about 15 months. It was at that time I thought—it was his well visit and I took him in for his—at that time he was due for his MMR vaccine.
Thankfully, he had an ear infection so that delayed it three months. They didn’t want to give him the vaccine when he was on an antibiotic for the ear infection. But, unfortunately, that at that point pushed his immune system down.
When he was 18 months, we went back for the MMR, and right after the MMR, I wouldn’t say right away, but it was kind of a gradual, a few weeks after, we noticed a very significant decrease in eye contact. He had language that he had lost.
As a mother, as a parent you believe what the doctors tell you and I thought—as an occupational therapist I had kids that were on the spectrum when I was in the school system.
I had mothers tell me, “Oh it was the vaccines.
It was the vaccines.” In the back of my mind, I kind of put it in the way back of my mind. As a therapist, I thought, “Oh they’re just trying to blame something on autism.” Well, if I would have listened to my heart, I would have listened to those mothers that were trying to warn me. Which is, I’ve turned into that mom because I’m warning othe mothers about the injury that could happen.
Not to every child, but what works for one child won’t work for another. One size doesn’t fit all.
To answer your question, I have blamed myself for a long time. I remember one of my mentors and autism heroes, Jenny McCarthy, who I’ve met several times on this journey, she went through that as well. She blamed herself.
I remember Jim Carey telling her, “To heal it, you need to feel it.” I have embraced that because, like Jenny and many other moms, we do blame ourselves because we put our child in danger without knowing it. I had to face that and really feel it and cry for a long time and start to heal. Because we didn’t intend to hurt our babies.
When he was three, I told you already, he was diagnosed with autism. I knew, thankfully, as an occupational therapist working in pediatrics, it was really a God thing that probably 80 percent of my caseload, these kids had autism.
I knew that the kids on a gluten-free diet were doing the best.
We started on a protocol, kind of building on everything that we had done. We moved from just being gluten-free, dairy-free to transitioning over to the ketogenic diet.

You think something’s wrong with you and people think you’re crazy. “How can it be the vaccine? My kid’s fine.”

Then we added, we were already on the Bravo Probiotic Yogurt. Then we started Rerum, the oral emulsion, the vitamin D emulsion. Then, also added in My Amino.
It’s overwhelming as a parent. Because you think something’s wrong with you and people think you’re crazy. “How can it be the vaccine? My kid’s fine.” Until now, until all of this evidence’s come out, thank God, for Dr. Andrew Wakefield, and Polly Tommey, and Del Bigtree and all these heroes and now Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and our president who’s fully supporting us, we just want to get the truth out there.
The truth is we don’t want any other baby to be part of our club. It’s not just autism, it’s the Gardasil vaccine and the Hep B vaccine. Babies are dying as we speak because we don’t have any vaccine safety program.
To answer your question, it’s been very hard as a mom because, like I said in the beginning, we did everything that the doctors told us and what Western medicine believes is healthy. We’re not an anti-vaccine community.
We believe in vaccines, otherwise we would not have gotten the vaccine for our child.
But we just want to take the junk out.

TY: I hope you’ve learned a lot over these last seven days. I know that I certainly learned quite a bit as I was preparing this docu-series.
In the end, we’re not going to all agree about vaccines. But regardless of where you stand on vaccines, whether you want to vaccinate according to the full schedule, or delay vaccines, or not vaccinate at all, I think there’s one point that we can all agree on.
We love our children and we want our children to be healthy. It’s our desire that this docu-series over the last seven days has spurred debate and discussion on this vitally important topic, and it’s also our desire that now you are empowered with information so that you can make a wise decision to keep you and your family healthy and live a long life.

SAYER JI: I think that it’s true that at any given moment when we make a choice, we really are just doing the best that we can with what we have at that moment. So, if we go back and we regret choices we made, that really doesn’t serve us or anyone else, and it’s really just about understanding and compassion for one’s self.
So that’s the message I would really want to bring to the table, that true healing and making better choices will really happen much quicker if we can let go of guilt for things that we can’t change any longer. And so, please don’t feel that you have harmed anyone.
The only harm you’re doing is that if you’re not letting go of that and just making bette choices now.

The future of medicine is a future that will not involve injecting children with toxic chemicals and calling it immunization.

MIKE ADAMS: The future of medicine is a future that will not involve injecting children with toxic chemicals and calling it immunization.
There is a much better way to protect the lives of children and that—I want to help that future arrive more quickly. I want to advance medicine. I want to see medicine progress past the dark ages under which it operates today.
We live in a time when whistleblowers like myself, scientists like myself, are routinely threatened with violence by vaccine industry operators and biotech industry shills.
We live in a dangerous time. I will not be intimidated into silence. They've tried everything they can think of, it hasn't worked. And now I think they've given up at this point. It doesn't work.
And again, because I'm driven by a divine mission, my spirit is bulletproof. As is yours.
You cannot kill an idea with violence. You cannot kill the truth with threats. Every truth that I reveal through my work lives on beyond me. Every single truth lives on.
So, we've already won, man. We’ve already won. It’s just a matter of time before it all comes out. The light of truth always wins.

TY: Wow, I can’t believe it. “The Truth About Vaccines” seven-part docu-series is over. I really believe at this point that we’re in the midst of a paradigm shift, an awakening, of people standing up for their freedom to choose in medical interventions like vaccines.
People want knowledge. People want to be educated, and they want to be able to make wise decisions for their own health and the health of their children. I invite you to become part of this paradigm shift by owning “The Truth About Vaccines” today.
As always, a portion of each and every sale is donated to charities that are doing real research to help our kids be healthier and safer. Simply click the banner below to join the movement and support our mission. Thanks for watching “The Truth About Vaccines” these past seven days, and God bless all of you.

[End of transcript]

Thank you for your attention. Let's make this world a better place together.

Love, peace and prosperity.


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