The Unfairness And Unrealistic Promises On Steemit Can Literally Make People Seriously Depressed - THIS IS A RECIPE FOR A DISASTER!

in #health8 years ago (edited)

Firstly, I would like to mention that I don't criticize for the sake of it. I criticize, because it is very valuable way of improving things. If we don't criticize, then this platform will become worthless and will just deteriorate.
Also, just criticizing is not enough and is meaningless, if you don't offer solutions. That's why I actively offered solution proposals in my past posts.
Only few users dare to express their critical opinion, as majority is afraid that expressing criticism may blacklist them in the eyes of whales, so they would lose potential upvotes from whales.

The unfairness of voting on Steemit can literally cause serious psychological harm. There are many users with little Steem Power, who suffer from variety of mental or cognitive problems including depression, OCD, ADHD, emotional disorders and variety of serious anxieties.

[Picture source]

These users people put so much effort in writing their article, often spending hours of non-stop creativity. Then, they see that they get no recognition or reward for all their work, while they see that many whales gets thousands of SBD for a post which takes 10 minutes to make. Whales that are botted by other whales or because they are in whale clique of mutual rewarding.

How do you think does this reality can make all these users feel?
Now think how this can affect their already serious problems such as depression or anxiety?

I have spoken to many unpowerful (minnow) users in Steemit chat, who felt that this hopeless unfairness is very badly affecting them psychologically. Some of them told me that while writing they don't even eat anything due to their cognitive difficulties (ADHD, OCD). That this unfairness started elevating their mental problems. They get more depressed, more anxious etc.
One person told me that it brings back suicidal thoughts, occasionally.
All these amazing people get attracted to Steemit, because they feel and hope that this platform could give them some opportunity of possible way out of their suffering. A chance of being independent and free of that awful burden they must carry in their lives.
And what do they find?
They find that this social platform is exactly the same like society out there and has nothing to do with anarchism.
That you mean nothing unless you have power or you know the right people.
That you have to live in an illusion of "American dream" waiting for some gracious whale to spend his precious vote on you.
That the platform is troubled with racial discrimination, homophobia, and especially misogyny with objectification of women.
That you mean nothing for Steemit unless you are already famous person.

This is just a ticking timebomb for some tragedy to happen.

Higly rewarded-upvoted meaningless, motivational posts are not going to improve this reality.

Some say that you don't get anything for blogging on other sites but you miss them point. When people usually start blogging they are not offered rewards and they do not expect rewards (besides some recognition of their writing).

It is much much worse to promise something to people ( Steemit marketing "BLOG. GET PAID"etc.) and later exploit their expectations and ingenuity, just to make them realize that it is all an illusion.

User @reneenouveau made a very good observation:
"If you expect a goal that the system is not designed to give or perform then it's a recipe for disaster. All this 'you can get paid to blog' stuff is the wrong angle".

She posted a very interesting post: "
Protect yourself because no one else is going to.... Blockchains versus Palimpsests

There have been some comments focusing on me as person as one being frustrated to the point of feeling suicidal and depressed. I have not said anywhere in this post that I feel suicidal . I am expressing the thoughts and feelings of other users I have spoken to in Steemit chat. Although it also frustrates me too and makes me depressed, please consider these other people, not just focus on me.

Also, please don't judge/discriminate people with mental problems. Almost everyone in our unsustainable culture has some psychological problems to a certain degree. Many people are simply oblivious to their own problems or live in denial.


To other steemians, please lower your expectations. Take a break away from steemit when you can if you feel it is getting unhealthy. Or even, better just do not come. Steemit is based on esteem. It would be totally ironic if steemit rewards or number of upvotes hits your self-esteem real hard.
Don't let your self esteem depends on your payouts or number of upvotes.
If you have make some new steemian friends who appreciates your work, i think it is good enough. At least, it is for me to find some new steemian friends who have common interest in science, academia and the chinese people which keeps me going. Without them, frankly speaking, i would have left altogether.
Also, if you are not successful here, remember that it does not mean that you will not be successful in other paid-to-post platforms.

It is a good advice. They should include this advice in site introduction when you sign, so people know aht to expect.
Instead of marketing such as "BLOG. GET PAID"

This post has been upvoted by team mini-whale , join us in the steemit chat mini-whale

Oh ok. Thank you! :-) Coming up

Thank you for the mention, and I'm glad our hidden gems in conversation get included in the discussion here.

Steemit can appear to offer an escape or a balm for the meaningless of our otherwise unfulfilled lives. Anything with this kind of potential can be dangerous, when we forget the challenges that lie ahead. Managing ones expectations is a vital part of self-governance.

For anyone who is feeling depressed offline or online, about their success on Steemit, or their possibilities in 'the real world, I say to them,"You're not alone".

Steemit cannot cure these mental or cognitive nor is it causing it. This is serious and these people really should see someone who can treat these problems.
@steempowerwhale 🐳
🌞 upvoting your lifetime dreams!

Thank you for upvote.
Also many of these users already get treatment for their problems, so it is not the point
I'm not suggesting Steemit to cure these problems. I only criticise Steemit's unintended exploitation of these problems.
This problem is about honesty with people who sign in. Instead of marketing "Blog. Get Paid", they should rather make it clear that it is "Buy at least 10k Steem Power. Blog. Get. Paid".
Also, it is important to add that almost everyone in our culture suffers from some psychological problem. Many people are just not aware of it (or live in denial)

You hit it on the head. The problem is about honesty and integrity. If we stand together in trust to say that we will upvote quality content, then we have to do that.

IF we stand together...

And if we choose to win together instead of winning at any cost. I've been thinking about the word "trust," lately. Is Steemit trustworthy? I know many of its members are. Whether newcomers determine Steemit to be false advertising or deserving of serious investment will depend on how effectively Steemit can earn trust. A lot depends on what expectations are encouraged. I'm so glad you wrote this article.

@pulpably You are very right about trust. For now Steemit has done little to earn users trust.

I write such articles, because I know that someone has to stand up. Only few peopel stand up. It seems that users are afraid to be blacklisted by whales and lose potential upvotes. I don't care. I am already certain that that some whale "clique" has already blacklisted me.
How dare I come to join this platfrom and criticize...

I think Steemit's integrity is being tested and needs to. Your honesty is completely positive. I've been in conversation on this post from @jsteck called Mrron Where Have You Gone? where it's clear that something is fishy around Steemit these days. We all have to stand up. Or be wusses and wait for the brave ones like you to do it. BTW, I was totally going to write your Logical Fallacies post, but you beat me to it and did a better job, too. Definitely following. :)

THank you for raising these really essential concerns,logic.
Things need to change. The unfairness of the system,and the raised expectations. Unrealistic expectations might be the biggest short term problem.
But unless inequality is dealt with on this platform,it will stop growing,and we will see mostly a small group of whales and dolphins left,with the steem price at 25 cents.
I do believe that things will change though. There is a growing pressure on the developers to change things. And a lot of good proposals coming on how to tweak the system. And initiatives like @robinhoodwhale and @steemsquad Also I recommend this great article,with a really long and good comment section,showing that this discussion is alive and thriving:

I would define this pressure on the developers as a political pressure. They might just have to yield in the end. Or face the slow death of Steemit.

Thank you for comment.
I know about these initatives. You are right that there is pressure but it seems like things don't change much. Devs have known about this criticism for many weeks. We don't seem to much response from them.

Thanks to link to interesting article.

I was wondering when I would see this becoming a bigger issue... but hey, Facebook is the same. This is nothing new. People have become depressed and suicidal over not getting likes or if people deny their friend request. I've up-voted because we as a community can prevent this type of social bias but I do think it's a bit heavy handed to say it's making people suicidal.

I think people need to remember that there's a lot more to life than these platforms, even if there is money involved... I myself have gotten lucky on Steemit but I can also say safely that it's not without hard work and quality content. My best posts have been the money makers. Everything else has got pennies and cents.

Suicide is a serious issue. If Steemit is making you unhappy then I think it's time to reevaluate your attitude toward your experience here.

Also, as time progresses we will see a lot more large VEST owners. That means there will be a lot more wealth to be dispersed. I would tell someone who's dealing with depression here to hang in there and wait out the storm.

I can see some comparison to facebook but I don't mean some pathetic FB frustration, because someone did not like your selfie or has or your attention seeking FB post. I'm talking here about hardworking ingenuity and creativity.
Also, please do not only think that this post is about myself. I am expressing frustration of many people I have spoken on in chat. I have not said anywhere that, in particualar makes me feel suicidal.

I feel that there is no incentive for anyone to read other people's work or vote on it.

You are right. The only incentive seem to be potential buck from curating whales and users most of users don't even read their posts neither.

But if those who are currently whales continue to submit posts that show a lack of effort, presumably all those little people will use their collective voting power and strip those whales of their Steem power?

If Steemit works like its developers claim, then while undeserving whales may appear in the short term, all those whose rewards are grossly more than the quality of their contributions deserve will eventually be cut down to size and Steem rewarded in ways more befitting a meritocracy.

Many people say that but it seems like Steemit devs refuse or ignore addressing many important issues. It may bring their demise, especially when Synereo comes around. Users may just move there.

Also minnows seem not organised or too afraid to stand up collectively.

Isn't it a bit exaggerated? I would have understood frustration, but not more.

It is not just about me. I am writing about users here. This is my observation of what happens to many people.
It also affects some whales too . Stellabelle is an example.

All I can say what finding here (two days ago) is doing for me. It is inspiring me, at present to really get to grips with creating interesting posts, and to read other peoples posts, both their stories, info but also how they create their posts

As good as this is we must all begin now understanding that we are ALL unique facets of reality, always changing and that we need to undermine the trauma that has been done to us by 'education' and culture in general

For one we have had fku knows how long being told we are worthless sinners living in the 'prince of darkness's' world, and can only hope we get to go to eternal heaven rather than everlasting hell (IMAGINE how BOLD and courageous were the people in the thick of this myth who defied it! lol) ...TO the present toxic myth that we are just robots living in a dead world (now some are claiming computer simulation) and our only real freedom is consumerism. Meanwhiiile the natural world is being dissed and severely abused and trashed and destroyed left right and centre, other species are being made extinct, and the whole ecosphere is under threat. We need to explore ways to undermine this trauma for ourselves and each other. First we have to see it exists because a big part of mindcontrol is suppressing memory of original trauma, and then the gatekeepers of the culture claiming your 'mentally ill' if you show signs of disturbance etc
Use words and images to expose, express, explore, create~~~

Thanks. Very thoughtful comment. You are right about the state of Earth's ecosystems, although it is not matter of my post. I pointed out to environmental degradation (climate change-global warming etc) in my past posts.

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