I have been vegan for 13 years and am here to say that it is not an optimal diet for every human.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

In fact I have come to realize it can even be dangerous for some, like myself.

If someone told me this years ago I would have (silently) scoffed and felt a mild tingling of superiority spread throughout my being. "I just care more about the welfare of other beings than this person." I would have thought. I never outwardly judged people for their dietary choices and I even tried to combat the invasive arrogant thoughts that came into my head with things like "Hey there buddy, you enjoying that laptop that people died making? How about that tablet that you got purely for pleasure and can't even justify with work? Oh you liking that quinoa that you are eating and taking from the mouths of people in a third-world country that depended on it and now can't afford it because you have it? How about that coconut oil you practically bathe in that was probably harvested by chained up monkeys?" but somewhere under all that I still felt a bit of superiority and now I am here to admit that was ableist of me.

I genuinely believed anyone could thrive on a vegan diet. But why?

Because I had for 5 or 10 years and I felt fine? I was thriving. What kind of self-centered, arrogant crap is that to think? I am not a doctor and I was admittedly not chronically ill but I somehow thought if a diet worked for me it must work for everyone else too? I am now chronically ill with 3 overlapping diseases. Interstitial cystitis, IBS, and most likely -to my horror- PCOS. Now you may be asking what exactly makes me vegan so dangerous or impossible to thrive on just because of some illnesses? Surely I can just eat beans, nuts, veggies and get all the good nutrients I need to thrive.

Well, I decided to make a pie chart to illustrate my point a bit easier.

Here is a full list of foods to be avoided if you have interstitial cystitis:
Cranberry juice, Grapefruit and grapefruit juice, Lemons, Oranges and orange juice, Pineapple and pineapple juice, Strawberries, Chili peppers, Pickles, Sauerkraut, Tomatoes and tomato products, Processed sandwich meats (salami, bologna), Soy, Yogurt, Chili, Horseradish, Ketchup, Salad Dressings, Soy sauce, Vinegar, Worcester Sauce, Alcohol, Coffee (caffeinated and decaffeinated), Tea (caffeinated and decaffeinated), Carbonated drinks, (cola, non-cola, diet, and caffeine-free), Chocolate, Indian food, Mexican food, Pizza, Spicy foods, Thai food, Artificial sweeteners (Equal® (sweetener), NutraSweet®, Saccharin, and Sweet’N Low®) Monosodium glutamate (MSG)

and if you are thinking, yeah well they say to avoid those things but you could probably make exceptions. Right now I am at a point where I am peeing 30 times a day and in constant burning pain and can't leave my bedroom. It isn't a choice and you are in a little pain if you fuck up, for some, it is legitimately debilitating to eat anything on that list.

And hereare IBS triggers:
(take note of how many of those things would be IC safe, vegan foods that I NEED to be healthy)

IBS triggers

  • Too much fiber, especially the insoluble kind you get in the skin of fruits and vegetables
  • Breads and cereals made with refined (not whole) grains
  • High-protein diets
  • Coffee, carbonated drinks, and alcohol
  • Processed foods such as chips and cookies
  • Beans
  • Fried and fatty foods

Things to avoid if you have PCOS:

  • High GI Foods
    *Low GI Carbohydrates
  • Soy Products
  • Processed foods and meats
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Limit starchy foods

So, as you can see the options for remaining foods that are safe for IBS, IC, PCOS, and vegan are pretty damn slim.

I am not saying it is impossible as I still plan to remain vegan. I have been vegan for half my life now and don't plan to give it up very easily, if ever. I plan to cut out all refined carbs and sugars. I already cut all the main IC triggers a week ago and I plan to incorporate quinoa and oats in place of pasta, bread, and potato and plan to invest in a protein powder and flax oil.

However, I am definitely going to acknowledge that I may now be depriving myself of nutrients and I do think if I could morally or physically stomach the idea of eggs and fish it would be much, much easier to be healthier, slimmer, and in less pain. My vegan diet is clearly getting in the way of my health and while I still think meat consumption reduction is absolutely necessary considering our population size and the effects of the meat and dairy industry on the environment I do not, any longer, believe veganism is a viable, healthy option for everyone. ** I am very pro-insect eating as an alternative to animal meat.**

I still think a vegan diet is absolutely possible for many people...

and I am still chugging along on my vegan diet myself but I can only imagine that many other illnesses mess with people's ability to eat nutrient dense vegan food just like mine does. If I try to just cut out IC triggers and ignore the IBS ones I am in the bathroom shitting until my ass is bloody and my butt is covered in hemorrhoids and I still can't leave my room. If I ignore the IC triggers and eat those I am unable to leave the bathroom because I am peeing razors and battery acid and ignoring the PCOS because I was unaware of it lead to me nearing obese level fat and feeling like absolute garbage. These things aren't just things I slightly prefer they are absolute guidelines for my health and well-being.

Anywho, I do plan to check in with my new diet. I only cut out booze, coffee, and acidic foods a week ago and only today did I decided to do away with starch, fried foods, refined carbs, sugar, and seriously reduce my potion sizes. It is possible I will eventually find my sweet spot and still be vegan but I would never look down on another person for not going through the hell I am, jeopardizing their health and sanity in order to be vegan. I think it is important for vegans to acknowledge that some people have serious physical illnesses that make veganism a bad dietary choice. I personally used to not buy that but, now as I am disabled, fat, and unable to leave my bedroom, I am saying I was wrong. It is important to challenge even the ideals closest to our hearts when we are confronted with new information.

Sources for the ridiculous sounding claims, like chained up monkeys harvesting coconuts

Monkeys picking coconuts:

(Hey cool, may not be as insidious as I believed in the past!)

Slaves making phone batteries:

Quinoas global success leaves issues for Bolivians: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/20/world/americas/20bolivia.html

More information on diets for IC/IBS/PCOS:

IC diet:

IBS diet:

PCOS diet:

Also, perhaps I was wrong about insects? I will be looking into this more and blogging about whether it's worthwhile or not later:

**all images from pixabay

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I'm so, so sorry to hear what you have been (and are) going through. I have had concerns about vegan diets for those reasons and more, for a very long time. Keep talking to us about what's working and what isn't. I've got to go to bed now, but am happy for you to bounce any thoughts and ideas off me.

Thank you! I was never outright judgmental as there's also food desserts and finances to take in but I did secretly carry the belief that anyone could be vegan and thrive and now I am realizing how ignorant that was.

I will definitely keep checking in. If anything, I am proud that I am at least finally prioritizing my health over my comfort and addiction (ie not wanting to give up sugar, alcohol, and coffee) Though I still have one low acid coffee in the am with 3 prelief. A girl's gotta live right? XD

I checked out your blog and followed it so I can check out some particular posts later!

Great Post, thanks for posting this on steemit !

Great and honest article... I was Vegetarian for 15 years and went back to meats, that has been about 20 years now... but I found quite the opposite, slowly transitioning back. I wish you all the best and hope you find your happy diet.

Well every person is different. For me I only feel I would be better off not vegan because of 3 diseases I have personally. I also don't think I need meat aside from perhaps fish and eggs. But I am still planning to stay vegan. :) Hopefully cutting refined carbs and sugars does magic. haha

I am happy to hear you are transitioning back to what is healthy for you! Most people, in general, eat way more meat and dairy than needed.

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Sounds like a bad situation you find yourself in. My youngest daughter has gone the vegan route (almost 18 months now) and she is always sick.... it concerns me but she is adamant that it is not the diet.
On another note, is there possibly something you can take out of this documentary...

Just maybe there is a fairly quick fix for you ?? Nonetheless, whichever way, I really hope you get better!

I don't think there is a super quick fix but I am very determined.

I could possibly give tips to help your daughter? I think if hse has no underlying illnesses she can be healthy vegan. One thing to make sure to get as a supplement is b12, also making sure to get complete proteins, varied diet is crucial, avocados are great. Also finding some concentrated oil for omegas is a very good idea. :)

My issues with being able to be healthy as a vegan are due to all these limitations.

I will still watch the documentary even if it doesn't apply to me because I like documentaries. :D

Thanks for the replies and your suggestions. I will certainly pass them on. That document was for me very inspirational and has helped my stepson overcome allergies which have plagued him all his life. Add to this he has lost 15kg's in one month (around 35kg's overweight when starting)
I have followed you so I can follow your story. Take care

Oh really, it deal with allergies? I know I have so many allergies. I can't afford to get a panel done right now but hopefully the elimination diet will eventually help. I think I will watch it this morning. :)

Good morning (here) @lauralemons ... did you watch that documentary and if so did you derive any value from it? I am just curious :)

I actually was reminded from your comment and started it a few hours ago but I tend to pause things and wander around. Over half way through now and I am definitely inspired. Him at the beginning of the film is my boat except I haven't started the many pills people tell me to get on yet to control IC because of the extreme side effects. I have a feeling if I am diligent and honest with myself about addictions I will beat this. Loving the film! :) I will have more to say when it's finished. ^_^

Being sick can be from eating processed vegan foods rather the more healthy plant based route. Also, make sure she eats enough fruits because as frugivores, we get most of our nutrients from that. :) Good luck to her and you as well!

It was interesting.

The host of Liberty Radio Network's No State Project has become vegan within the last year or so and, much to the chagrin of some of his listeners, he likes to talk about veganism so he welcomes callers, either for or against, on that topic. LRN.fm No State Project marcstevens.net

No one diet is an optimal diet for every human especially if you are riddled with all kinds of illnesses that prevent you from eating certain foods. To single out a vegan diet in your title and say it's not optimal for everyone sends out the wrong message and is silly.

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