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RE: I have been vegan for 13 years and am here to say that it is not an optimal diet for every human.

in #health7 years ago

I'm so, so sorry to hear what you have been (and are) going through. I have had concerns about vegan diets for those reasons and more, for a very long time. Keep talking to us about what's working and what isn't. I've got to go to bed now, but am happy for you to bounce any thoughts and ideas off me.


Thank you! I was never outright judgmental as there's also food desserts and finances to take in but I did secretly carry the belief that anyone could be vegan and thrive and now I am realizing how ignorant that was.

I will definitely keep checking in. If anything, I am proud that I am at least finally prioritizing my health over my comfort and addiction (ie not wanting to give up sugar, alcohol, and coffee) Though I still have one low acid coffee in the am with 3 prelief. A girl's gotta live right? XD

I checked out your blog and followed it so I can check out some particular posts later!

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