How I Dealt With Cancer

in #health6 years ago (edited)

A lot of people asked about how I dealt with being told I had leukemia, and how I dealt with or overcome cancer.

In this video, I will share with you the mindset I had to have to deal with a situation like that and what the whole experience has gifted to me.

The Mindset - Dealing With Things One Step At A Time

While I have had the blessing to stumble upon a treatment called Advanced Ayurvedic treatment which treats incurable diseases, I have to attribute a whole of my healing journey to the mindset I have had to adopt, the perspective I have take, and the behaviour I had to conduct myself in.

It would have been easy to give up, and to give in amongst all the pressures that was weighing in - but when you adopt this one single mindset of just "Dealing with things one step at a time", things just became alot easier to deal with.

Focusing On The Now

Indeed, a journey of a million miles begin with one single step.

Instead of being too caught up with what you need to do, and what you "think" might happen, stay focused on the Now moment, the present moment, because the fact is, right here, right now, is the only tangible thing you got, the only reality you have to deal with.

So hey if you are having a tough time right now, try this out, and tell me how this works for you. I'd love to hear from you :)

I love sharing about things that matter in Life, things which I have personally went through and which I see myself improve as I sort and shift through all my nonsense.

It is precisely because I have seen improvements and changes in my Life where I am motivated to share them all with you!

SO, if you'd like to see more, do follow and connect with me!

J x


Life can hit you with so many things unexpected, losing jobs, loved ones, bad business, getting sick, etc. It can happen to anyone. I agree that when bad things happen, instead of feeling sorry - we should learn to pick ourselves up and ask what can we do to fix this. Yes, its true we cannot do everything, but we can do something about it. Start with baby steps, acknowledge it has happened, understand or learn why it happens and work on plans. I have been there one too many times too and when things are just out of my capabilities to handle, I would pray and leave it to the mighty one up there to guide and see me through. Sometimes faith is all that you have to pull through when you have nothing else left.

Beautifully said Angie. I am sure you have tons of stories to tell and share judging by what you said. Love it. Love and blessings to you, and thanks so much for taking the time to share !

I really like your advice. "deal with things one step at a time." There is no point in worrying about the future, because it hasn't happened yet. Worrying about things just causes lots of anxiety. Trust me, I know. I've been there and it sucks. Now I just try to live in the moment, because that is all we have.

Hi there, Yes , for those of us who have been through a hella lot would know how that's like hey. I am so glad you resonate :) thanks so much for dropping by :)

Your backdrop looks like it is from.a gypsy's caravan. And can imagine that you hold a crystal ball hidden frm camera.

Sorry my first observation digressed from the reason i pressed reply. When i was facing mount mordor...i accepted that death may visit me in a matter of mths. But my priority was quality of life rather than leading a dreadfully sorry life but a prolonged one. With that i took steps not to heed the doctor's advice and turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Did some ayurvedic and i am not sure if it is advanced or not but it did stop the decline and gradually it improved. The best part about this experience is there are small doses of miracles that reaffirms our faith and death isn't a scary end.

And it sure is a blessing in disguise - so well done you for doing what you have done! So long as you have improved, that's what counts don't you think? All this also reaffirms our faith and wanders of Life hey :)

You go girl!! The power of positivity always trumps above all obstacle!

Thank you so much beautiful !

Yup! ... well thought and said... dealing with things one step at a time...
Allow me to add one more philosophy...

"Hakuna Matata"
enjoy the song... :)

hahahah, thank you Sireh!! Hakuna matata!

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I totally agree with you. There are so many things could happen to us that are absolutely out of our control. I was very sick for about 4 months starting last November (I recovered after the surgery in January). When it happened I was just focussing on getting well again. There was no room to worry. I just took it one moment at a time, just go with the flow.

By the way, I love your wall tapestry. Mind if I ask, where did you get it?

Hey Olivia dear, I didn't realized you went for a surgery, may I ask what surgery was that? You looked well the last time we met, that is good, but I hope you are hey.
And sure, that is actually a mandala. It is from Heart Sanctuary , this healing centre in Jalan Klang Lama.

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