Why ME God? : When you are suddenly hit with difficulties.

in #faith6 years ago (edited)


There were a few February babies on Steemit and I am proud to announce that I am one of them (in a week's time)!

So how do I feel?

A year wiser? Not really. I felt like I am on a speed mode learning last year, at least 3 years combined. There were some situations that made my heart palpitates too – God’s willing, He was there to see things through.

There is so much to do and sometimes things takes time to take off.

As I reflect on how the year would or could have been I can’t help but feel grateful about all the things I have learnt and experienced, both the good and bad.

Here’s what I reflected and learned.

Regardless of what we believe or who we are, there will be moments or time when we really need that spiritual boost, especially when there is nothing left for us to fix our problems.

We all have limitations, whether in terms of finances or time, and sometimes both.

Some problems is due to our mistakes, some came to teach us a great lesson and some just testing our faith. Often, it is during our difficult time that we see clearly. It is those times when you need to reach out more for help and who will come to your aid when you hit rock bottom.

Here are the top THREE problems that plagued humans most of the time:

• Financial
• Health
• Relationship

And each of us will face either one or all of the above at the same time.


Sometimes I wonder why do we have to go through all these or why did God let us be in this situation if He knew it was bad?

Sometimes we wonder why, despite doing everything right, what did we do wrong? Why has God allowed us to go through such hard times? Does He not care about us? To be honest we have all felt a little something like this every now and then.

Trials are there for a reason. I am not God to tell you exactly why. But don’t forget there were other times that God has delivered you because He will do it again.

Do you remember somebody telling you to wait for God’s timing?

I know that God has delivered me in the past, I have seen God answered friends’ prayers, open doors, help others, and I’ve seen many miracles where I knew it was only God who could have done it. So I turn to praying whenever I get worried so God can give me comfort, encouragement, motivation.


Sometimes we have to admit we just don’t know everything and instead of going crazy and trying to find out why, we must trust God’s work because He knows best.

In our lives, some of us have suffered because we made a bad choice and we have to admit we don’t know everything and it doesn’t matter how old we are, we just go through different journey or paths to learn.


God is probably protecting you from bigger problems that you don’t see coming hence the problems that you face now probably serves as a reminder or training for you to overcome so you could guide others in similar route.

You probably don’t see it relevant now, but soon when the grey cloud slowly disperse, you will see it clearly.


Sometimes we just need to immerse ourselves in prayers and let God take over.

We cannot do everything. We can never do it all. You must remain strong and have faith that God can bring you through it even if it seems impossible.

Do you have problems that are plaguing you now?

Perhaps we can all pray for one another earnestly that God will alleviate the burdens and bring each of us the assurance, solutions and closure.


And for my birthday, I ask for nothing much from each of you that reads this (perhaps you are sent here to read this - for a reason), but I would truly appreciate it if you could leave your prayers below so we can all draw from each other’s encouragement in times of need. Doesn't matter what your faiths are, just leave positive words for everyone.

Sometimes we just need that positive energy from each other to turn things around. Have faith.



Something About Angiechin28

Angie Chin is a Mom with a mission and founder of WonderWomen.Asia (coming soon), the first online portal in Malaysia that connects Women to affordable online learning, community activities, shareable contents, events, jobs and go-to market opportunities. At home, she’s a mommy to a 10 year old daughter, 6 furbabies + a grown babe. She loves travelling, cooking, exploring new food, reading and watching re-runs on Youtube.

Regularly posting up her ramblings and sharing contents (current favorites are Facebook & Instagram), she fell head over heels with Steemit after realising it’s the only platform that allows ANYONE to earn cryptocurrency by creating and posting up contents, even by liking, voting or commenting other people’s contents!

Whatever you do on the platform, you will earn. Isn’t that awesome?

To start earning, sign up for Steemit already! Post up your original contents and you can almost start seeing the ka-ching in your account before you know it. Best of all, it is FREE (Love the word FREE).

Life tagline (for now): Never be afraid to try anything once!

Drop her a note at [email protected]


Regardless of what we believe or who we are, there will be moments or time when we really need that spiritual boost, especially when there is nothing left for us to fix our problems

I can definitely relate to this. When we have come to the end of ourselves and there is nowhere or no one for us to turn to, that is when we realised that He is our source and only He is able to do what humans cannot do. Happy advance birthday to you

Amen to that @karinzdailygrind! I am sure we all been there before. He will not fail us.

This topic is dear to my heart. Suffering causes us to trust God for who HE IS, not what he does. In Job 38, God spoke to Job out of a whirlwind. He didn't answer Job's "whys" because they never were at the heart of the issue. However, God used Job's ignorance of the world's natural order to reveal his ignorance of God's moral order. If Job didn't understand how the physical world works, how could he possibly understand God's mind and character? We are not to question God for the whys. Our job is to submit to his authority and rest in his grace. Thanks for sharing dear @angiechin28

We will never understand God's whys :-( And I guess its His way to pull to him closer, so we never far away from seeking Him. Sometimes I wonder if its fair to God that we submit everything to Him even if some of the problems were due to our mistakes/choice. But I always believe God will never abandon us, painful journey yes, but it opens our eyes and hearts after that. I have seen and experienced His miracle before, that is why I believe He will always be there - in His time.

um... please don't mind me, I am just testing this out. I am not spamming, really. I'll be on my way now. oh yes... I just upvoted you by the way. Stephard Tester, superoo7/superoo7-dev

Thank you! Lols

Hye @angiechin28, thank you for this wonderful writting. I love reading this post. Great content. We all have been through rise and fall moments in our life, but I'm sure God will never test us more than we can take. It's just a matter of putting our trust and faith in Him. By the way, Happy Advance birthday in a week times. May God bless you and family. And stay steeming! followed and upvoted.

Awww..your feedback made my day. Thank you for the wishes @aaronren. I must agree with you that sometimes God tested us for a reason but sometimes its pretty hard to bear. Followed you too!

There is always a reason for why things turn out the way they do, and a bigger purpose for everything that happens. Love that you write posts that uplift Angie, and love that we think alike. Well done you!!

We think alike because we went thru so much. Behind our smiles and laughters, there were episodes of great challenges too. Keep it up @jassicania! You will inspire many that needs it.

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