If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail...

in #health7 years ago

Hello Steemians,

First of all a big thank you to everyone that has joined in with my #sixweekhealth challenge so far. If you've not seen the challenge, and want to join in for the chance to win 60 Steem, check out the challenge for this week HERE.

'If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail' - Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin is credited with saying, if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. But I doubt he was thinking about diet and exercise when he said it. It was probably about war or politics or something. None the less, the saying applies really well to planning for our health.


Veggies from the farmers market all washed and dried ready for storage

Eating well for a day or a week won't improve your health much. It takes months and years for changes to happen and for health to improve. So you need to have a plan in place that lets you keep on with those healthy habits. So step one is to plan the days that you'll go shopping. If you just wait until you're all out of food, you're destined to fail. I always go shopping at 8am on a Saturday because then it's done with. You can make most veggies and meat last a week if you store them properly, though some people might like to shop twice per week.

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Always having healthy foods in the house makes it so much easier to eat well. If you run out of healthy food, you're more likely to just buy a take away or make some crappy pasta or frozen pizza rather than a meal rich in protein and vegetables. Storing different foods correctly can really help. THIS article gives some great pointers on how to store fruit and veggies so that they stay fresh for longer.


Batch cooking some chicken skewers for lunches

Once you've bought your food on your planned day and prepared it and stored it for lasting freshness, it can be helpful to prep food in advance. Perhaps you marinade chicken for dinner later in the week or pre-cook a bunch of food to have for lunch or breakfast. Look for the times that you struggle to eat properly most often. If you find yourself reaching for a store bought sandwich at lunch, what you're really reaching for is convenience. Prepare yourself healthy lunches and have them ready to eat, and you're more likely to eat well.

So if you're struggling with your diet, have a think about how you could prepare more healthy food for yourself in advance. Eating out at restaurants frequently? Look at the menu before you go out and make a healthy choice. Regularly missing breakfast? Prepare some healthy breakfast options in advance and leave them out for yourself. The more you can plan, the less likely you are to fail.

I hope today's post has been helpful and is a little reminder to be extra prepared! If it was helpful, comment below and let me know which ways you plan to be healthy.

Yours in health,
Coach Ben



I am a Foodie.....

@healthsquared All those fresh and green veggies make me want to go as a pure vegan :D

I'm a foodie too, nothing better than food that is medicine!
if anyone wants to know more about healthy eating and plant based recipes, theres some new steemians you should all meet, please check out this post to find out more and get inspired

What your writing about is so crucial. We're truly creature s of habit and convenience, we oftentimes go for what's easy. I liked the BF quote "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail"

We like to cook extra food freeze it to eat throughout the week. It help so to keep your future self in mind.

That's a really good idea - sort of like making your own ready meals. I like the idea that you need to keep your future self in mind. You might be really motivated right now but at 9pm on a Wednesday after a bad day at work, you might not be. So do future self a favour and help out by making things easy! Thanks for the great point @mountainjewel

I agree with the meal prep once a week, only I prefer to organize ingredients and portion to be cooked fresh. If I am traveling, I will pre-cook and reheat in the oven, or on stove when available. NEVER a MicroWave...

A reminder, I'll have to make a post on that too!
Thank @mountainjewel you!

I'd be interested in reading your microwave article @starserpentbay :)

Great point! It can't be short term, it needs to be a lifestyle.

It must be long term or forever term as long as we're still alive.
And yeah it needs to be a lifestyle which is a lifetime commitment.

And that is where it all starts, define healthy eating ;)

I just love steemit. So many people that educates other people. Keep it up brother

This is so true. I have found that if I don’t cook on the weekend for the whole week, I will get off track and eat something that is convenient. Convenient normally equals not good for me.

It really does help! I'm lazy so I need to make healthy food more convenient than convenience food!

Great advice, I always find that although I stock my fridge full of healthy food.. I sometimes get too lazy to want to cook..and reach for the cup noodles.. and then its a downward spiral 🙈

'If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail' - Gotta keep this in mind a little more often. I'm terrible at planning anything!

That's why I often pre-cook a lot of my food. Then the healthy food is as fast as the cup noodle! (and I don't keep cup noodles in the house :p)

Hi Entranador, the information you provide is ideal, in addition, an emotional imbalance leads people to make bad decisions in their diet, that's why you just said, diet is a lifestyle, not a temporary emotion, regards

Comfort eating can be really difficult for some people. When they feel emotional they reach for junk food. It can help not to keep junk in the house in these situations - part of being prepared and planning!

Correct thanks

Healthy foods wealthy life..I like the skewers so much

They were so good!

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