Why Is Truth Important?

in #health6 years ago

Truth is awesome defender. It seems he loses almost all battles and still emerges as a victor. German papers Bild-Zeitung were recently speaking of  Susanne F.'s rape and murder. One of the statements was that there is no relation between migration policy and worsened security state of Germany. They supported it with evidence saying that "it is common knowledge". Similar arguementation was used in Süddeutsche Zeitung and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Despite mainstream's support of falsity, people realize the truth about migration and security threats and vote for rigid anti-migration parties such as recently in Italy or Slovenia.

This was one example how truth lost its position in mainstream, yet won among the common people. Or starts winning at least. It must be important then. If it interests people and inspire them to take action. Why is truth important?

It helps us predict, prevent and solve

"In life, 95% can be predicted and only 5% is random" (ancient wisdom)

A few things can not be predicted. But knowing right information at right time can do miracles. More you know, better you can judge if event A will lead to consequence B or C. You can predict the disaster and prevent it by canceling the event A. In the case I was describing before, it would be standing against policy of open doors, which Germany adopted after European Court decided sending refugees back is a breach of human rights.

This would be hard quest for one person. And another quality of truth is that it opens only for fraction of people. It can not be otherwise, because only in medicine, there are about 10,000 research papers published every year. How can one read all the research to know everything we have discovered? So let's see it better on more personal example.

Cancer can be reversed! The pictures saying cannabis oil is 1,000 times more effective than chemotherapy are all over the Facebook. Well, the real comparation would be speaking of much lower number. It has been recently put to the test. However, it is closer to truth than saying nothing can be done apart from what conventional medicine offers.

Our body is made to repair itself. If we eat too much protein, the cells will be dividing too often. Moreoften than they should. And the risk that the errors will not be fixed before next division are higher. This is one of biomechanism describing how lowering your protein intake may help counter the cancer.

What if cancer is not caused by DNA flaws, but by mitochondrial health instead? Quick burst exercise three times a day as Dr. Mercola recommends may help a lot.

All in all, it takes only logic to come to the idea that eating less additives will boost your health and body in general. Should not be healthy body more resistant to cancer? Yes, it is. Our body is able to solve the cancer on its own in some cases. If we help it, the chances are higher. However, it is better to try to prevent it in the first place. Once doctors see the cancer on the screen when you are tested, it might be already too late.

Screw the webpages created by cosmetics producers saying that acne is not caused by food. Bacteria causing acne is living in the gut and is feasting on sugar-heavy foods. So its just another example, when knowing the truth allows us to solve sittuations, in which others not introduced to truth might feel helpless.


Many other examples could be written. Knowing the truth gives us advantage of both foreseers and masterminds capable of solving anything. Unfortunately, spreading lies is also helpful to some people in particular. They want to sell something. Knowing the truth can protect us from them saving money at least in the case of acne. Or something more...

When you read news, always ask yourself if there is anyone who could have reason for lying in this. And consider if it is likely to be truth.


The article is also an entry to @krnel 's competition. More information can be found here. Winning prize is 1,000 SP delegation.


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