Reiki Sessions: My Experience with Natural Superhuman Healing Powers

in #health8 years ago

I've been receiving reiki every day as part of my main healing treatment for my foot. On top of everything else that is helpful, honestly reiki with comfrey plant feels like it's the most powerful form of healing I've been receiving so far. So I would like to share my perspective of how I feel this energetic treatment has been benefiting my progress!

Prior to this, my experience with reiki was practically nonexistent.

It took me awhile to identify and relate to life force energy at all. Back in high school in Argentina, I was submerged in a conformist paradigm of labels, and from that perspective I used to call myself an atheist. I was so lost, hopeless, and felt so meaningless from an atheist point of view that I tried adopting religion in some form. However, that felt like a forced faith that ironically led me lose faith in myself and humanity... This eventually lead to me to labeling myself as agnostic as I became depressed and unsure of everything - what is even real?!

After I moved to back to Florida, I was reunited with one of my cousins who is a kung-fu master with over 17 years of training. Since the moment I arrived, he had been trying to show and explain how energy works to me and my brother. As he practiced taoist kung-fu, he specialized in activating/creating and manipulating/redirecting energy. He used this technique to help us feel what he was talking about, forming a ball of energy in his hands which he would make efforts to connect and pass to us. 

It took awhile before we became receptive to it, and honestly we were beginning to think he was making it up, hehe. It wasn't until after having our own personal experience and sensation with energy when we were finally able to feel and connect everything he'd been wanting to teach us! These were the sensations I was searching for, the feelings I had been unable to connect with before, but I will save those details for another post. 

Obviously, we didn't acquire the same understanding my cousin has for it, but he influenced us by helping us love, evolve, and upgrade our awareness, as well as giving us kung-fu and Qigong lessons! Even though we didn't fully comprehend what this meant, our minds were constantly opening more and more, taking in as many perspectives we possibly could.

My cousin doing an effortless "Iron Board Bridge"

Learning about energy and intuitively combining it with my passion for tree climbing and nature drastically improved how I could connect with another living being more than any belief system I explored ever did! (My whole life I found it extremely hard to relate and connect with other living creatures to a compassionate level... fortunately I've ONLY been improving!) Despite becoming aware of energy, my brother and I didn't focus on mastering this newly rediscovered natural instinct. Yet our intuitive guidance, combined with all our learning experiences and all the additional perspectives we acquired through our travels, have allowed us to continuously develop and strengthen our connection with our true selves, allowing our life force energy to flow freely and powerfully, endlessly developing and empowering us!

This is a log that became the post for a structure at an ecovillage in Australia. I put it in the ground after digging a deep hole for it, so I climbed on top to sink it all the way down before burying it, and decided to do some yoga on my tree friend :)

For the past year, I have been too busy traveling the world and expanding my awareness to heal the foot I broke in New Zealand, but I have grown tired of being physically limited. I finally came to @gardenofeden seeking healing as an alternative to surgery. They know techniques for activating health and wellness that focus the same energy my cousin brought to our awareness. Now that I've commenced my healing journey and have been experiencing the most reiki I've ever been blessed with, channeled through @saramiller, I'm more connected than ever with this energy sensation!

Super fun waterfall playground in Australia!

My first experiences of reiki were very similar to the sensation of an electric bath, similar to what I experienced in daily bathhouse sessions in Japan to rejuvenate from all the hardcore tree climbing and play I was doing there all day and night! In the beginning the electric bath was pretty consistent, constantly feeling more and more electrifying. 

Even when reiki is focused on my ankle and foot, I can feel the energy coursing through my entire body - just like the electric bath - and it will occasionally trigger involuntary reflexes around my entire body. It feels like spots of my body will briefly contract then relax deeper than before, and the sensation is not limited specifically to where I'm receiving reiki. I  normally sit or lay down to receive reiki. Even if it occurs while I am super energized, it tends to relax me so much that I almost always fall asleep!

I've been wearing a magnetic copper ankle bracelet since Day 1. Sometimes I'll wear a comfrey root wrap with crystals around my ankle too, and I've experienced notable differences between receiving reiki while wearing and not wearing these healing aids. Sometimes the magnetic bracelet feels like it intensifies the energy flow, while other times it feels like it blocks or constricts the flow from passing through the bracelet. The crystals and comfrey have only felt better combined with the reiki. Not having anything on at all makes it easiest for me to relax during a session, since I am unaccustomed to wearing accessories anymore.

On Day 7, @saramiller gave me reiki on a tree! It was an incredible new experience with reiki for me, as I OBVIOUSLY love being on trees! @saramiller stood on the ground while I hung my injured foot down from the tree so she could ground us to the earth. However, it wasn't easy for me to feel comfortable right away, since I'm not use to being grabbed while I'm on a tree, unless it's with the intention of me helping someone climb... 

At the start, I felt like the contact was unbalancing me, challenging me to relax. Yet the more relaxed I got, the more that changed, making me feel even more relaxed as she held my foot. I think receiving reiki on a tree was super powerful since the tree's life force energy was also in the healing flow! Not to mention the tree gave me a nice stretch and massage the whole time I was receiving reiki too.

Day 8 was the first and only day I didn't receive reiki, and honestly it's probably the most discomfort my foot had felt ever since I've been on this healing journey. This was the first and only opportunity I had to compare daily reiki treatments to not having it for once; the contrast was interesting to observe.

Thanks to feeling the difference, I was way more receptive on Day 9, when I had my first full body reiki session inside a copper pyramid next to a crystal grid, along with the healing crystals I've been carrying around with me as much as possible. It was right after an incredible massage thanks to @everlove

This was the most powerful reiki experience I've had yet. While I was receiving reiki, it felt like I was weightlessly floating in undefinable space and I was effortlessly being pulled upwards from wherever @saramiller put her hands. Even after she finished giving me reiki and left the room, I could still feel the healing energy guiding my body. I wasn't tired before this, but feeling the energy vibrations from the reiki was also like a meditation, and I was able to connect with my body and listen to how it wants to heal. 

It inspired me to rest for about 4 hours, and I felt an empowering urge to fast. I prolonged my daily 8-16 hour fast into nearly 4 days, starting with only liquids for 66 hours until after Day 10, when I ate some activated chia seeds, shortly followed by half of a freshly harvested sweet potato on Day 11. I continued to not eat most of Day 12, after 85 hours, when I went out to eat some greens and pecans from the garden. My dad was arriving later on Day 12, so I was getting ready to eat with him and ended up breaking my fast after 95 hours. Since the day I injured myself, I've been feeling my body needed to rest and fast in order to heal efficiently...but I ignored my body's intuition This reiki session made me feel that more earnestly than ever before, and it led to the most effortless and thoughtless fast I've ever done. 

The same night of Day 10, after about 48 hours of not consuming anything except liquids; @everlove and I exchanged massages, and @saramiller again gave me reiki for my ankle. I was so relaxed and receptive to it that it felt similar to the full body reiki copper pyramid session I just described. I felt like I was floating in undefinable space again, except this time always being pulled up by my ankle. I often end up checking to see if she is still giving me reiki, because I get in such a relaxation trance that it feels as if she never removed her hands -  sometimes even hours after she actually stopped...

When I woke on Day 11, my back felt fabulously more healed from the recent trampoline incident! It was hurting to lay face up on the ground for my hips and lower back, but now I have just a tiny bruise and can lay comfortably.

@saramiller's friend had been feeling sick, so she let me experience being a type of transmitter to send reiki through both of us to help her friend across the world! Later we did freestyle yoga, and when we came inside we exchanged tons of massages, played, and had a group cuddle puddle! I'm sure I felt @saramiller using reiki in between and during a bunch of the action, hehe! Although it flowed without a specifically ankle-focused reiki session that day, it was interesting and beneficial to receive it throughout the day and on more of my body.

The next Day 12 my dad was coming to see me, so I was preparing myself to break my fast with super healthy raw garden foods so I could get my digestion going again. It was such a beautiful day, I was out in the sun taking advantage and absorbing as much as I could while peeling loofahs and extracting their seeds. We massaged each other when I came inside, but we all wanted to go outside in the sun which lead into another amazing Tibetan bowl and reiki healing session! 

I never experienced bowls played on my body, which unleashed an entirely new sensation throughout my whole being, causing everything to vibrate noticeably in a peaceful and relaxing manner. Combined with the reiki, it was a truly powerful full body healing. After relaxing there, we gathered in the same spot for an agni hotra sunset ceremony. Once the ceremony was over we played, massaged, and cuddled as we watched the night fall.

Day 13 I spent mostly outside of the @gardenofeden in Dallas with my dad. He isn't fully aware of my injury's severity or limitations for optimal healing, and doesn't prioritize nor fully understand healing I've been doing @gardenofeden. I did the 4 breath purifications while he was at work and stretched a lot, but didn't get reiki until I returned to the @gardenofeden that night. @saramiller gave me reiki on my head, chest, elbows, feet, and knees outside on the deck after we played a bunch, rolling around, doing handstands and stretching.

My ankle was somewhat overused from moving around in the matrix with my dad. So on Day 14 I needed to catch up healing on my healing and @saramiller gave me reiki in the copper pyramid, again putting me to sleep for hours.

Day 15 I got reiki on both feet, and @saramiller decided to focus our unique relationship towards activating infinite and unlimited super powers!

The next days followed this progressive pattern - Days 16, 17, 18, 19 featured increasing amounts of reiki, play, massaging, stretching, yoga, breathing, and sound healing. Day 18 ended, and Day 19, began by sleeping in the copper pyramid after another full body reiki session, which I unusually requested because my body felt like I needed it all over that time. I received reiki several times on Day 19; the last session for my foot at night was incredibly relaxing and felt similar in the way I felt weightless and floating around, being pulled by my foot. I focused on my ankle and envisioned its success. That session was so powerful and obviously draining for @saramiller that when she finished she fell asleep on the floor as she began to stretch. 

On Day 20 I got reiki multiple times, including on a tree again! 🐒 @saramiller and I aren't sure how long the session lasted, but it felt like I was receiving pulsating vibrations from both her and the tree. I moved 4 times to change positions because I was relaxing way too much and beginning to overstretch and scrape along the tree. I even dangled upside down to receive reiki for awhile too; it really felt extraordinary! 😍

Yesterday for Day 21 I didn't receive reiki until later that night. @saramiller gave me reiki in several areas before I fell asleep for about 3 hours. I wasn't tired, though it was so relaxingly pleasurable and super energizing when I woke up! I'm watching the sunrise now and haven't felt the need to sleep since the reiki session... 

Each time I feel the power of reiki more clearly and become more receptive to it with my whole being, which feels like it allows for more powerful and healing clarity/understandings. It's been helping me tune in and listen to my body and mind, learning more about myself, internally and externally. These sessions are illuminating how I've overused my other muscles for the last year, and it's helping me loosen tension to allow my body to heal itself more efficiently instead of having to fight against all the built-up scar tissue.

I can't believe it's already Day 22. I'm going to take a nap before posting this today though, because unlike most people "trapped" in delusional government imposed environments, I am not obligated to a job...or anything. On the contrary, at the @gardenofeden, @quinneaker has created an opportunity for freedom, love, and non-judgement; here, I am free to do whatever I want, whenever I want, simply because I want to or not!  We spend our days promoting love and harmony/unity/community through constant evolution and awareness of the purest, most honorable intentions possible, helping everyone around the world and our planet as much as the team is capable.

I'm so grateful that my journey has returned me here to @gardenofeden, where I am FREE! Accepting the simplicity that everything simply IS, I rejoice living in the moment, full of infinite potential and possibilities, without all the delusional determinations and restrictions attached to labels - I don't call myself an atheist or agnostic or anything else anymore. Of course, especially since I'm sharing my writing online, because of society's primitive modern level of communication through advanced technology, labels are an effective way of giving a simpler understanding and easier definitions to concepts about anything within that confined box. 

I'm SO blessed not to be waking up to an alarm feeling obligated to go unproductively work "for the world" (which really just perpetuates a delusional and unbelievably unsustainable stress-filled cycle). To me, this pathetic conformation of masses in order to merely survive, unconsciously overpaying to barely exist, spending highly useless and misleadingly over-valued income on suicidal materialistic "goods" - a self-destructive expense that comes with being a normal consumer, striving for that delusional paper reward, giving up freedom and wasting hours in unappreciated "living", feeling just enough comfort to feel like nothing needs to change, continuing doing what doesn't feel honorable every day, unknowing of any alternative upgraded possibilities to truly be living to the fullest potential, and endlessly searching for something to resonate being alive with is a complete waste of precious life force energy! 

Everyone needs healing, whether something is physically broken or not. It's available at the @gardenofeden!


Focused intention is powerful medicine. I'm grateful you are taking this opportunity and receiving all the vortex has to offer. Quinn has indeed activated a space of healing--mind, body and soul! Working through the underlying, core issues that created this issue in the first place if of great value. Glad to see you are inspired to do the work!! Grateful to be a part of your healing journey and to share with someone so receptive. My your healing be amplified and take you to new levels.

I am doing my best to prioritize the success of this experiment more than anything! (Even more than climbing trees all day, even though that is hugely motivational for me hehe).
Thank you for the blessings @everlove, I am so blessed to be part of this healing vortex, with the unique opportunity to work on my self freely as a whole! I'm constantly having exponentially growing feelings that my healing is going to be aligned with unfathomable potential!

There are powerful energies at play, so grateful to see you tapping into yours--and ours!!! Blessings to you @fmatinata.

What an epic journey! Thanks so much for sharing. I wish you all the best on your journey :)

Thank you for resteeming and for the blessings @samstonehill, every day keeps getting better and better! :D Blessings to you on your journey as well!

I'm so grateful to share the healing vortex with you! Every single day gets better and better. Thank you for expressing your experience and providing a testimony for its effectiveness. May everyone wake up to their infinite options and unlimited potential! 💛

I'm grateful to share this whole experience with you too! I appreciate you helping me so much every day like the foot massage you started giving me while I am/was mid-typing this comment hehe 💓
May the world realize their own super powers! Thank you for sharing yours with me!

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