Healing Vortex Activated @gardenofeden

in #health8 years ago

I've been "officially" healing my ankle since Tuesday, the day I arrived to the @gardenofeden, constantly evolving and exponentially healing in this high vibe environment. 

I wanted to make this post about how it's been going so far from my perspective, although @saramiller, @everlove, and @loveon have also been helping me keep track of my healing progress.




The day I arrived to the @gardenofeden from Florida, we reminisced and caught up while we were hanging under the sun stretching and rolling around on the ground, playing with the animals, and of course massaging! Eventually that lead to an om circle and then a special animal reiki session with @saramiller that @everlove was able to capture in such a majestic picture:

After the reiki session @saramiller made me a comfrey tea. I had already been raw fasting, eating only coconut yogurt before flying (as well as bringing one coconut with me on the plane hehe) and tons of greens and aloe when I got to the @gardenofeden!

After opening the coconut to share with the locals of this coconut-less environment, I went to hang in the living room on a strong bamboo trapeze-style pull up bar @everlove set up, and played around a lot with that until sunset for an agni hotra meditation session.

Once it got dark and we got too cold to stay out any longer, we went back inside and I started playing the guitar with @rileyechard, which lead into a drum circle didgeridoo music sound healing sesh, when another musician randomly showed up with his guitar too! Little did we know, that another wwoofer who arrived that same day was an incredibly talented piano player!

Starting from this first day, I kept drinking activated Eden water and comfrey tea, and @roswellrockman suggested that I use magnetic therapy on @saramiller's post, so she found me a copper magnetic bracelet which I have been wearing around my ankle ever since. Then @loveon brought us a big comfrey root which @saramiller immediately grated and wrapped around my ankle. Amy also suggested I use crystals to help me heal and brought me malachite and selenite which I put against my ankle in the comfrey wrap, and since I took the comfrey wrap off I've kept them over my heart.

We decided to start the healing with some yoga and focused on pranayama breathing, learning the 4 purification breathing techniques in order to apply them whenever we feel it would be of benefit. Then we did some stretching without over using my ankle. 

When we were done, we had an om circle and then I went to hang some more on the bamboo trapeze bar! I felt guilty being crippled since I couldn't help at all as much as I would like to if I didn't have an injury... so I went to bathe my foot in the sun while peeling loofahs and extracting their seeds for my first time!

Once it was dark, we went inside and @saramiller gave me hot rock reiki on my injury while @loveon made delicious medicinal tea for everyone with lemon grass, henbit, and Carolina Geranium. Then we worked on Steemit while casually stretching and massaging, and we even ended up doing some acro-yoga until it was time to enjoy the delicious high vibe cuisine meal!

I started day 2 by playing on the bamboo trapeze bar, then we did some hip opening and seated stretches and yoga along with breathing and practicing the breathing techniques learned in new positions. I ended back on the bamboo bar. Afterwards, @saramiller gave me reiki on my injury while @everlove gave me the best head and face massage I've ever received.  

We went out to sun gaze before having another sunset agni hotra session, which turned into some more stretching with the dogs and breathing, meditation, and yoga. When the cold herded us back inside, I got a hot foot bath and massage with lavender oil, epsom salt, and comfrey root while I got to create my previous Steemit post! My brother brought me a bowl of high vibe beans and rice, and once I was done typing most of my post I served myself a bigger bowl hehe. I didn't realize how long selecting pictures for my post was going to actually take, so I had to finish it the next day 😅

Then on day 3 we woke up and did yoga grouping up first thing  in the morning, focusing on not pressuring my ankle, sitting, and breathing. I hung on the bamboo trapeze bar before and after that, I did a bunch of upper body movements as well as hanging upside down by my knees or against my abdomen, loving the challenging grip of the rotating thick bamboo stick! When I was tired, I went to receive reiki and it was a powerful experience, as each time I learn to feel more and more of the effects, and of my own body and injury! 

Every day I've been drinking lots of activated Eden water, today with; cilantro, ginger, lime, yellow dock, as well as the fermenting and fresh combined comfrey tea. After the reiki, I got an ankle and shin massage, relieving lots of the dense scar tissue built up from all my previously consistent body abusive overuse 😅 

My brother left to the airport this day, and I know I must heal, but I'm glad he is going to have an amazing adventure traveling through beautiful places all around the world! In the meantime, I finished selecting the photos for my previous Steemit post and had an exciting time experiencing the awesome results with everyone! As always casually massaging and stretching together, which this night lead to some super fun new spontaneous and random positioned massage/stretching acro-yoga with @everlove!

Today, day 4, I woke up super excited, and even grabbed a different walking stick thinking it was the one I'd already been using only to find out it's an upgraded lookalike! 

I broke my tree climbing fast when I went outisde! I stretched and hung, I drank hydrogen peroxide water, and I ate a buuuuuunch of aloe vera, then went to the trampoline to stretch under the sun. The stretching started turning to rolling around, and the bouncing turned into flips, and the flipping led to me landing my first successful back flip that wasn't into water! However, I landed on my knees because the first 2 tries I landed on my feet and didn't feel comfortable landing with that much pressure directly on my feet, so I would just allow myself to collapse. My friend @rileyechard was with me and he could do a bunch of really cool flips, on and from the trampoline, he even did a front handspring off of the trampoline over Eden-shmeden the momma dog!

I obviously couldn't land with that kind of impact, so I attempted to do a front-handspring on to the trampoline instead, which I had already done multiple times on some of my first days here...but for some reason this time I didn't have or use enough power to move forward and basically did a handstand then tried to flip and fell against the metal part of the trampoline hurting my lower back pretty badly... 

So I decided to let it rest and laid naked under the sun placing the crystals Amy gave me on the new injury 😅 however I have a good feeling this pain won't last long at all, even though it did limit the rest of my entire day pretty drastically and definitely swelled up a bit... I'm pretty confident nothing broke and at most it's just a bruise... although that's ironically the same thing I said about my ankle when I injured it, however in comparison, this hurts way too little verse that fall... 

I just took it easy from there, as I didn't really have another choice. When I came inside I played the piano and got very into it! When I was done I tried hanging from the bar, but it wasn't as easy as this morning, and while I barely hung there, I overheard Amy playing the bowls, so I had to go lay down next to those vibes! I've eaten about 90% raw today, got a lot of sun, meditated a lot, rested even more than ever! It's 9:02PM now and I'm going to draw with Amy and her markers! 😁

After drawing @saramiller and @everlove gave me reiki and beautiful Tibetan bowl sound  healing. A bit after that, I heard Jordan playing the piano so I went over there and decided to try hanging from the bamboo again. Though I did feel weaker, I still got to hang more than I expected! However, this is the first day I wasn't able to do a muscle up, but I still managed to hang in various positions whether it was from my hands, elbows, knees, stomach, or a random mixture of anything possible! Thanks to the loosening up from that, I was able to do a few more stretches that my new back injury wasn't allowing. 

Day 5 was a beautiful lovely sunny day, cloudless and chemtrail free! My back injury was feeling waaaaaaaaaaaay better already, though it still partially hurt to lay on hard surfaces. Our new piano playing friend David left the @gardenofeden this day. I wanted to listen and record him play his last sonata, so I hung and played around on the bamboo trapeze stick. When he finished we went to the other room with everyone and drew from the 'Wisdom of the Hidden Realms' deck together.

@everlove was giving me a coconut oil foot massage meanwhile I was eating a bunch of aloe during the readings of everyone's cards!

It was finally time so say 'adios' to David for the third or fourth time, though I'm sure he'll be coming back to the @gardenofeden! After he left, we wanted to take advantage of the divine sun's warmth and nutrition, so we decided to take our yoga and breathing practice to the dodeck! We sunbathed in the garden, ate greens, recharged crystals, drank activated water and kombucha, cuddled and played with the friendly cats and dogs, and just loved life!

It's been an entire week now and I technically broke my tree climbing fast, I was cuddling with the giant teddy bear of a dog Atlas (Eden's big baby) next to the last tree I climbed @gardenofeden back in October last time I was here on our way back from Asia. I noticed and did a super fun hands only climb, which easily led to finding another more challenging footless climb, as well as stretching and hanging from the lowest most horizontal yet significantly unparalleled branch from that tree. Ironically, a lady named "Tree" passed by during my tree play and decided to participate a little and imitated some of my hanging stretches on the uneven branch.

I basked in the the last rays of sun before it started getting cold again, then went inside for my first Tarot reading with @loveon, and to my surprise it resonated deeply to the way I'd been feeling, and it was an incredibly insightful experience! We finished at exactly 5:59 PM which was exactly perfectly when @saramiller set up the agni hotra sunset meditation which we did immediately after with @everlove

Shortly after @saramiller gave me probably the most relaxing reiki session yet, in which I fell asleep for easily over an hour until I woke up, stretched, while @loveon's been cooking some high vibe cuisine that's making me strongly consider ending my 20 hour raw (aloe vera, green onion, a mango, and kombucha) fast! 😋 

In the time it took to prepare the food I gave @everlove a long head, back, and shoulder massage as I symbiotically get better at massaging, stretch my legs and hips, train my hands and fingers, and more. Not to mention afterwards she was happy to hang from the trapeze bamboo stick while walking and massaging up and down my back, I loved it! Then I hung a bit and stretched as well before we headed back serendipitously as @loveon had just finished cooking and we ate together. I passed out pretty much immediately after hehe 😴

Day 6; I unexpectedly woke up just as the sun was rising and got to gaze for a while without freezing as quickly as usual. Today turned out to be another incredibly lovely cloudless chemtrail free sunny day, even warmer than yesterday! So I took an early cold well shower and enjoyed the contrast between how cold I just made myself versus how much warmer the day felt as I allowed the sun to try and dry me before giving up and using my towel hehe, conditioning! I hung and played on the bamboo trapeze bar shirtless for the first time since I got to this colder climate. Then @rileyechard helped me set up the gymnastic rings over the trapeze bar which I'll be playing with a lot now! 😁

We drew some inspiring cards from 2 of @loveon's decks while @everlove and I massaged each other. Then we went to enjoy the sun with @rileyechard and @saramiller, we hung out on and around a pecan tree's branch and on the ground, stretching and moving as we gathered and ate pecans with Eden and Atlas. 

Shortly regrouping at the dodeck for some pranayama breathing yoga and yoga stretching in the warmth of the nutritious sunlight! During this activity I thought I was for sure going to climb a tree afterwards, but I got soooooooooooo relaxed that I ended up falling asleep instead hehe. I woke up when the shadows started creeping up on me making me feel cold, so I stretched a bit more before coming inside to hopefully finally post this!

I kept this for the end and didn't mention it until now because it's been very consistent. Every day I feel way better; with all the stretching, yoga, breathing, meditating, massaging, loving, hanging, new experiences, reiki, hot/cold foot baths, greens, aloe, high vibe cuisine, the lovely cuddly animals, the magnetic bracelet and crystals, the sun, music, and whatever else flows! Minus that silly trampoline accident I had  hehe which has significantly healed already, but it probably means I should be resting and focusing more on healing without going too ahead of myself..


Thanks @sunscape! I'm glad you liked it :) and you already know it seems! The @gardenofeden is a super empowering environment! 💓

This is a really full, rich post @fmatinata. It is so fun to engage with someone who is so eager to heal, has healthy habits and overall well-being in mind. You are so incredibly active in your body, so antsy for movement and especially getting up in those trees!!! I see you are finding balance with resting your body while you're contributing your experiences here on Steemit. YAY!!! I'm grateful for the opportunity to witness and be a part of your your healing journey.

I love that we can all mutually empower and help each other heal! It really makes our healing exponentially more optimal! I am really grateful to be able to be simultaneously healing and evolving at the @gardenofeden, finding balance with resting, Steeming, and my excessive need for movement stimulation!
Thank you @everlove!

Indeed. It is my pleasure to watch evolution and empowered healing. Grateful to be a part of it.

Grateful to share the journey with you, brother!

Likewise! 💓 Thank you for the daily healing Sara, especially today's/technically yesterday's new experience!

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