Children With Asthma Being Given Unnecessary Prescriptions For Antibiotics, Study Finds

in #health7 years ago

If children are treated with antibiotic drugs prior to their first birthday, then they are more likely going to develop allergies; according to a new study by researchers at the University of South Carolina. And some wonder, could the same early exposure to such substances promote the onset of asthma?

The prevalence of asthma around the world has seen an increase over the last few decades, and it's estimated that today there are at least 235 million people in the world who suffer from asthma.

Rates of asthma have seen an increase especially with people who are 65 years and older. And this trend has prompted many to wonder what the cause for that might be. Some in the medical community have suggested that there might be a significant relationship between antibiotic use within the first year of life and the development of a respiratory issue like asthma.

Antibiotics are today among the most frequently prescribed medications that are out there on the market. And there have been many stories signaling the growing trend of misuse and overuse of these antibiotics. Because of those issues of misuse, it's given rise to worries about antibiotic-resistant bacteria and “super bugs” that we some day might not be able to treat.

For the many children who have asthma, it's suggested that kids who suffer with it are more likely to be prescribed antibiotic medication in order to try and deal with it but researchers suggest that this isn't what their health professionals should be doing. There is said to be no evidence to support the notion that children with asthma need antibiotics, at least not any more than those without asthma do, so why then are so many being prescribed that medication?

Not Just Antibiotics Medications...

Another recent study has suggested that cleaning products might be the culprit to focus on, if we want to know what is triggering the asthma trend.

One study found that nurses who used disinfectant to clean surface areas at least 1x per week, had about a 24 percent to 32 percent increased risk of developing a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The study involved over 50,000 nurses who had no history of any chronic obstructive pulmonary disease issues and they were followed as part of the study for roughly 8 years.

This isn't the first time that the finger has been pointed at antibiotics and disinfectants. Researchers have previously admitted that chemicals like bleach and ammonia are known to contribute to respiratory issues. However, this new study analyzing the thousands of nurses is unique in that it sought to analyze healthcare workers and COPD specifically.

These findings are adding to research that's already out there suggesting that we should be mindful to the use and exposure of antibiotics and disinfectant products.

The results from both of these studies have been recently highlighted at the European Respiratory Society International Congress 2017 that was held in Milan, Italy.


The information that is posted above is not intended or implied to ever be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.


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What are the antibiotics supposed to do for the asthma? I don't understand why that would help.

Exactly 😀

Thank you for this article. I used to hold "doctors" up on a pedestal, until I bumped into many doctors that I do not like. I wonder how many doctors do NOT follow the Hippocratic Oath, and instead of helping their patient, they prefer to help themself. I still like GOOD doctors, but the problem is to figure out WHICH doctor can we trust for his advice ? One doctor, who I think is a GOOD doctor, told me this "Four out of Five doctors agree that One out of Five doctors is incompetent." The only problem is to figure out, which one of those five is incompetent? To prescribe anti-biotics to a baby in his first year of life is probably sign of an incompetent doctor.

Some doctors go the natural route

thanks for checking it out :)

Antibiotics are the modern-day bandaid for everything. Upvoted ;)

thx! followed!:)

C'mon, It's really not that hard Antibiotics should only be given when there is clear evidence of a bacterial infection, they do not have a defined role in the treatment of stable patients with chronic asthma! Each time they give those poor kids antibiotics, they are more likely to have some bacteria that will change (mutate) into an antibiotic-resistant bacteria that will surely cause even more problems.

Exactly 😀

Asthma sucks, had it all my life... Can't see how antibiotics help...

Asthma is a chronic disease involving the airways in the lungs.
Valuable information and great post. thanks

Sounds interesting,thanks for sharing,cool cool,,

Muy interesante tu artículo! UPVOTE

Unfortunately this is happening all over the world with a lot more ailments than asthma.
The truth is that when one is healthy there are very few problems and even when there are nature has provided a solution for that.
This is ancient wisdom of which we still have access to now. I share about it regularly and hope people find their way to natural thrival once again~*~

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