Hundreds of Doctors Issue Warning Against Worrisome Antimicrobial Found In Many Common Consumer Products

in #health7 years ago

At least 200+ doctors and scientists from around the world have collectively penned a letter, urging for cation and attention to be paid in the matter of using a potentially dangerous antimicrobial in a number of different consumer products.

Their letter is referred to as the The Florence Statement on Triclosan and Triclocarban. And the antimicrobial chemicals in particular that they are concerned with are called Triclosan and Triclocarban. These chemicals are said to be found in thousands of different consumer products that are on the market today.

Triclosan is an antimicrobial that has already been banned by the FDA from being used in hand soaps and body wash throughout the US, but it's still used in many other products.

The hundreds of doctors and scientists together issued their warning at the end of June, just a couple of weeks ago. And they say that there are dozens of peer-reviewed papers which support the notion that triclosan is something to worry about.

They say that this material causes much more harm than good and they argue that it shouldn't be used in any products that are for everyday use.

Scientists argue that triclosan can potentially act as an endocrine disruptor and alter hormone systems which might eventually cause some reproductive or developmental issues. They also suggest that it has the potential to play a big part in the way of contributing to the growing issue of antibiotic resistance, that it can also alter the gut microbiome, and might even promote cancer.

Previous studies that have sought to investigate the prevalence of exposure to triclosan, have shown that the triclosan has been frequently detected and therefore it adds to the worry that many people might suffer from extensive exposure to this chemical. One study from those in the US found that triclosan was present in 75 percent of urine samples.

Seeking Voluntary Solutions...

Those behind the letter say that they aren't arguing for the chemicals to be banned, they just believe that they should be used in an intelligent manner.

They want the world to know that to their knowledge thus far, these chemicals haven't been seen to provide any possible health benefit, making them wonder why it's so prominently found in a variety of toothpastes and other consumer products. They want to help to spread the word and educate the public on the potential for harm here, so that the public (they hope) will start to turn away from using products that contain this substance.

When it comes to putting this chemical in toothpaste for example, scientists suggest that there are a number of beneficial organisms that live in our mouths and so it probably isn't the best decision for us to use harmful chemicals like this in order to disinfect the mouth. Why? because if we do that, then we can get rid of the good stuff along with the bad stuff.

Scientists suggest that the public shouldn't wait for the FDA to tell them what's good or bad, they urge them to already take the step to get away from triclosan if they can. They are also urging for more transparency on the issue.

The hundreds of doctors and scientists who collectively signed the agreement are hoping that they can help to spread awareness about the issue and potentially influence manufacturers to voluntarily stop working with the ingredient.

banner thanks to @son-of-satire


The information that is posted above is not intended or implied to ever be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.



A useful article, we dont appreciate how much stuff we getting exposed to, via food and common household items.
I wonder about your disclaimer, is it really necessary on Steem, if all this stuff already published in medical journals without any warnings? I am thinking about my (future) posts, so trying to learn from the masters : )

The information that is posted above is not intended or implied to ever be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.

i would just rather be safe than sorry lol:)

The most way to tell these big companies to stop putting harmful chemical in everyday products is to boycott them.

I agree. There are so many harmful ingredients in so much.Can't even keep track.

Thanks for the warning! I think there are a lot of things in products that are even more dangerous for our health :/

perfect lawsuit material!

Remember corporations are immune from lawsuits, otherwise all the banksters would have been bankrupt by now for all the scams they do with their customers.

yes, they were found guilty manipulating precious metals, and only fined very small amount

of course they get fined a small amount, they got the best lawyers on this earth

I just discovered something today that blows my mind. My son has had a painful rash in his armpits since friday. Couldn't figure out what it was except that he uses AXE deodorant. Well, today he goes to the doctor and is told he has chemical burns from the product. As a mom,I just about lost my mind.
I sent them an email, and will send more info and pics. So many people use this product. He has been using it for the last 3 years. And now he is in pain. The doctor gave him some creme,so hopefully that will help. He can't take off work due to very few people showing up. So I am hoping this stops for him. I have no idea what to tell him to use when this is hopefully cleared up.
Companies and doctors and pharms know what they are selling.
They just hope no one notices or there aren't enough fatalities. Thanks for pointing this out!

Are there any suggestions on what to substitute for the toothpaste one?
Maybe just baking soda?
As I get older I notice the good old fashioned stuff from the past still works today for certain things, such as baking soda, arm and hammer, borax etc
But toothpaste? God... millions of people use those brands...

corprations will not take accountability for anything

Yeah I found that out recently.

Thanks great advice, health is important!

i bet there is a lot more dangerous things in the products we buy. the fewer ingredients and less processed the better.

Wow. Trickosan seems really dangerous if it affects the endocrine system. As you have pointed out, if it was found in urine samples of 75% people, then the usage appears already widespread and needs to be controlled immediately. Will watch out of ingredients on products hence forth. Thanks for the heads up.

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I think most products would have some dangerous substance, or involved in animal cruelty for testing their products. A clean harmless product would be too expensive to produce, thanks to the fiat currencies that keep losing value now we getting worse and worse products to hide the loss of purchasing power

There is a nutrition labelling and education act. People should be made awarw of this act more and more to take actions against sucg companies.

This comment has received a 0.05 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @cryptokraze.

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