in #health7 years ago (edited)

This post is about my Dads personal experience with a natural cancer treatment called Laetrile / Vitamin B17 on colon cancer. For you to understand a little more about him and his choice to use this treatment I'm going to tell you a story about the greatest man I have ever known. I'm also going to vent some of my frustrations on the fact that so many natural proven cancer treatments are not getting to the public because of big pharm and the FDA.

My Dads story

My Dad and I had a bumpy path in life looking back. I, like most hard headed young teen boys did a lot that got his temper to flair. And because I inherited that temper from him, we would go for long periods and not even speak to each other after having a blow up. I remember after a particularity long stint of us not speaking, I broke down and went to see him. He was sitting on his porch like he did so often, that he was a landmark local people passing on the road looked for to wave at. My dad was a hard man, one that could hold a grudge for a long time. But he was also a loving man that would do anything to help or protect the ones he loved. I walked up to his porch and he just sat looking at me. It was with a gaze I knew so well, a gaze that could stop a passing stranger in their tracks without a word. A gaze that would make most people shudder and get back into their vehicle and drive off without even speaking a word. I said “well I think we proved we can live without each other. Now we just need to prove we can live with each other.” He smiled and said “You Reckon”.

Me sitting in his lap about 40 years ago. LOOK AT THOSE CURLS! LoL

I wish I could say we lived from that point forward close and without a harsh word spoke between us. Wouldn’t be true though. My Dad loved me that I’m sure of. He even told me he was proud of me several times after I was much older. His approval is really about all I ever actively sought in life. When he told me he had colon cancer at the age of 58. I didn’t really think much about it, I knew everything was going to be okay. Surgery and some treatments and he was going to be fine, No need to worry really. After all, this is the toughest guy I know, he’s had two hip transplants and countless other health issues that he has beat in the past. So with a quick Google of colon cancer survival rates I was feeling okay that he was going to be fine. Weeks passed, so did lots of Dr. Visits and the surgery that took most of his Colon and some small intestines.

After Dads diagnosis, he did what he always did when faced with something he didn’t understand. He took to the internet and researched it intensely. He knew a lot about his type of cancer by the point Chemo was suggested by his Dr. And I have to admit he did try it, he took two rounds chemo. Even with the huge out of pocket price tag that it came with. My dad was on Medicaid but even medicaid doesn't pay 100% for chemo. After two rounds, he was having problems. He was worse case on all the bad side effects, Sick, Burning, Black skin, Sores in his mouth you name a side effect of chemo, He had it. HE decided to quit the chemo and start some natural treatments he had found online. I supported his decision and tried to be as optimistic and helpful as I could. That's where he found out about the apricots seeds natural ability to fight cancer.

On my dads last visit to the Dr. He was only given two months to live without the chemo. And up to MAYBE a year with it. The Dr. was really upset that my dad had choose to not take the reast of the Chemo. I'm sure that the loss of the 25,000 dollars cash above what medicaid was going to pay didn't have anything to do with that though. I mean its not like cancer is more profitable to Treat than it is to cure or anything. (said in my most sarcastic voice)

It was around this time Dad had decided to fulfill a lifelong dream of his of owning a Harley Davidson. SO he went and bought himself a 2016 Wide glide. He had owned many bikes over his lifetime but never a Harley. He proceeded to ride it as much as his body would allow. In fact he was on it the day the Dr. told him he had two months to live. He laughed and said “I bet I’m the only person you tell they have two months to live that will walk out of your office and get on a Harley and drive away today.” Well he did and for the next seven months he would live a life of ups and downs sprinkled with pain and suffering.

towards the end my Dad only had two things that brought him happiness. One being his new Harley, the other being an unlikely relationship with a loving caring woman that God put into his life. Even though her life was filled with adversity she was a faithful caregiver to him all the way to the end. In the last weeks of my Dads life we had to commit ourselves to eating, sleeping and living at his house. Hospice was doing their best to keep him comfortable with medications. But as they quickly found out my Dad was not going to just take anything they told him to. His life long battle with alcoholism made him very aware of the dangers of pain medicines. And after living sober for 29 years he wasn’t about to just lay down and take a bunch of pain-medications.

I had a hard time coming to grips with the fact Hospice will only give a person dying something to “comfort” them. I mean this guy is 58 and he wanted to live life to the end. Not just be a comatose cancer patient waiting to die. I really believe that a person waiting to die should be given any type of drug legal or illegal that will make their quality of life better. I mean what’s the dangers at this point for a person. No we are so self-righteous that as a society we have laws that keep people from getting something that might help them feel better. Why? Because it’s not safe, addictive? Really at this point WHO CARES!!!! Yeah I guess I’m still a little angry about a lot things.

I had never really put much thought into what it means to be a good son. A son that would do for his father that what he can't do for himself. Mainly because my Dad had never and I mean NEVER not done for himself. We’re talking about a guy that paid for his entire funeral expense ahead of time so no one else would be burdened with it. A guy that would go without eating before asking for a handout. But here I am sitting beside him worried, wishing, hoping above all hope he could have just one more day good enough to ride his Harley once more. It was the only thing in the world that he had said he wanted to do. You know when I look back over my life, I’m not proud of my actions at times. I’m even down right ashamed of myself at some points. But the things that happened around this time in mine and dads relationship is not one of those times. I’m proud of the things I did to try to help him have just a few more moments of joy or peace in this world. As the end got closer and closer the battle for him became more about comfort than doing. The pain was hard on him at times, very hard at others. He was not a weak man at all though, in fact he lived the last few days on as small a dose of morphine as possible a testament to his resolve. He left us at 2:45 AM February the 5th 2017. I think the reason my dad lived for seven months after only being given a two month estimate was the fact he started his own Natural treatments using the B17 treatments.

I’m trying my best to deal with the aftermath of emotions and depression that has come upon me after his passing. My writing this and sharing it this way is me trying to heal. If you or someone you know is suffering from Cancer please take a min and read some of the links below.. It could be something that will help them. I think that had my Dad found his cancer earlier on this would have not only prolonged his life. But healed him completely. And we can only guess how many lives could be saved If FDA wasn't blocking cures for big pharm. If you don't believe the FDA is involved in killing people then watch the Burzynski documentary. My dad felt so strongly that the FDA was stopping a cure he actually wanted (MURDERED BY THE FDA) on his head stone..



Sorry for your loss. I would never take chemo if I was diagnosed with cancer...

Its a poison.. Not a cure!

Agreed resteemed and upvoted your post :)

That is a really well written, honest and brave post.
Well done @buzzard please to make your acquaintance.
Keep it up.

Thanks for the kind words.. Yes its nice to meet you also.

Eat whole Cannabis plants. Sativa, Indica whatever!

Really great read. So sorry for your loss. Your Dad sounds like a true character. For both of you I am so glad that he took the alternative treatment. I watched my Father go through with the chemo for pancreatic cancer and am convinced that it hastened his demise. Give yourself credit for staying with him till the end. Not everyone can give of themselves so graciously. You are blessed. 🐓🐓

Thanks but I'm not the hero on this story. ;)

Maybe you both are heros. Just 2 strong men with a will to survive. Be well my friend. Re-steeming your post. 🐓🐓

Very sorry for your loss @buzzard and I am very interested in this B17 treatment going to go do some deep research. It makes sense for big pharma to squeeze the most money out of those suffering from cancer in this generation and the next. Who knows when CURE will come.

Your story was very captivating and your Dad looks like he loved his Harley. His memory now lives forever on the blockchain!

Blessings Buzzard, I truly mean it . I was diagnosed with cancer in 1995, did my radiation treatments and monitored it for 8 years. I would never do this again! I believe we can fight cancer and disease simply by changing our diet and living healthy each and every day. Lower the stresses in our lives and a bit of exercise with good food does wonders. I have changed my lifestyle completely, friends and family think I've joined a cult or something. However, I still find if fascinating that I'm often asked what I do to stay so fit, but when I explain its simplicity, they think its nonsense. Your dad was absolutely right , healing starts in the kitchen at home and with family. Your dad knew the system , he "saw the inside of the honey comb" and understood its ramifications. Often those that think its all crazy talk are the healthy ones that haven't had to deal with this "Disease Management System" AKA: Health Care System or are the promoters of the systems. I commend you as a son full of understanding and love for his father, your testimony brings hope to this generation and contributes to the progress of family growth. I support you from afar and you chose the perfect title to get attention, I hope you put it on his headstone. Your father speaks volumes even from the grave. May you find comfort and peace that passes understanding in your time of loss. May your reader gain understanding through you story, live well, rest well and live each day like it's your last.

Thanks for your kind words and encouragement. I hope you never have to battle it again. God Bless you and yours. -Buzzard

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by Buzzard from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, and someguy123. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

If you like what we're doing please upvote this comment so we can continue to build the community account that's supporting all members.

Great story and one that I can relate to. My Mom (who I was very close to) died almost 2 years ago of cancer. They gave her 12 months to live if she did chemo. She did 2 rounds of it but then stopped treatment. They gave her 4 months to live.

I did research online and found lot's of natural treatments, one of them was an alkaline diet and the other was cannabis oil. We started the treatment but I wasn't doing the oil right. A few months later a friend of a friend knocked on the door and told us that he had naturally cured himself of terminal prostate cancer using the oil and diet.

My Mom left it a little too late to start and she did not force herself to take the doses that she needed to take to have any chance of curing it. But she lived for 10 months and the doctors and nurses that came to the home daily to help her could not understand why she did not need pain killers and why she was still alive.

Apricot kernels are also known to work but you've got to get the right ones.

Everyone should watch - [The Truth About Cancer](


Thank you for sharing your story and sorry for your loss!

I'm sure that you're story will help others. God Bless.

Thanks for your story and your kind words. I'm sorry for your loss of your mother. As I'm sure it has forever changed you the same as the loss of my dad has changed me. I'm just wanting to shine a light on the truth about the FDA and cancer treatments! God bless you and your family as well.

Hello, @buzzard, and welcome to Steemit...

I stumbled across this post of yours today, and regret that I did not find it in time to vote for it and re-steem it. However, I believe that this is a story that needs to be told and retold.

If the platform would allow me to re-steem posts after their "expiration date," I would do so. This would at least bring attention to your blog and your writing. Unfortunately, the platform at present does not allow that. And so, I have a proposal for you and I am here to ask your permission.

If you grant me your permission by responding in the affirmative to this request, I would like to re-publish your article on my own blog. I would add a preface to introduce you and your article, and also below your article my "standard trailer." Furthermore, after the payout period, I would transfer to your account all of the SBD and STEEM that the article may earn.

In the title and introduction, I would make it completely clear that everything "between the lines" is your original work and all credit to you. I would also make it clear that I am RE-PRINTING your article because the platform does not allow me to Re-Steem it, and that I would prefer it if the platform would allow me to re-steem any and all articles, regardless of their age.

This lack of ability to re-steem older articles is, I think, a flaw in the user interface. But that's just my opinion.

Please feel free to look over my blog, read my articles, consider my reputation in the community, and take your time responding. If you click on the GIF below, you can find my Library, and you may find the "Health" and "Christianity" shelves of particular interest.

I greatly appreciate your article, and believe it ought to be read by many more.

Thanks in advance for considering my request. No matter how you respond, I wish you the very best in your sojourn on Steemit.



I welcome the chance for the information to get to others. I find your offer to repost my writing a blessing.. You have my permission.. Thanks -Buzzard

Thanks, brother... I'll alert you here when it is done, so you can re-steem or whatever... :D

OK, the deed is done:

"MURDERED BY THE FDA!" by @buzzard

Thank you for your permission to re-print. I hope your article gains a lot more traction! :D


Even though the "replies" are under the copy of your article in my blog, if you simply scan below the article from time to time you should be able to respond to any or all that you may care to...

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