Bianca's Weight Loss Journey: New Goals [ Part 14 ]

in #health7 years ago (edited)


Exactly two weeks ago I went to the gym for the last time (due to vacation), so today I had to do something about it.

Back to the gym

I woke up at 9, had my breakfast, changed clothes, got my training kit (headphone/water/towel) and went to my gym with Mark at 10.

It's getting really cold in here, today is around 5 degrees, so I thought I'd find that place empty, silly of me, it was busy and full of happy sporty people :)

I must say, the vibe was great, I wanted to give my best.

Mentally speaking, I am so read and happy to be back, but my body is not that into training anymore. I felt so hard to work out today that I only did 45min.

I know we have to push ourselves to the max, but I rather go slow. Tomorrow I can work out for 50min, and then 1h again.

What I've learned in the past months is: you don't have to be the best all the time, but give your best and your best is different than anyone's else best :P

My new goals

As I said here before, I really want to do reduction mammoplasty, but I need to lose measurements, so in the next three months I'll be going a bit harder on my training and dieting so I can look for professional help with a good body condition. I really want and it only depends on me.


Till december I stick with my old diet, eating healthir as possible, but without restrictions - especially cos december holidays are right in the corner and I am human being.

In january I plan to look for a nutricionist who can help me with a better diet, considering I suffer from Diabetes Insipidus, Hypothyroidism and with a 4/5 training days a week.

I believe they keys for the next months are: commitment, focus and selflove. It's never easy, but it doesn't need to be hard. Wish me luck!

Thanks for reading,



Glad your back safe and sound from the holidays. I like your plan for working out and diet normally until after Christmas. Consulting a nutritionist when you are a diabetic is always a wise choice, I should know. I am diabetic too. I wish you luck on your journey.

I actually don't suffer from regular Diabetes, mine is this one:
I have no food restriction or glucose problems, but my diabetes makes me super tired and bloated, just like Hypothyroidism so I guess I need a proper diet, specially if I want to hit the gym 5 days a week.
Do you often visit a nutritionist?

Thank you!

Twice a year just to keep me on track. I have to travel almost three hours to see my nutritionist. It's a bit of a journey but worth it.

Hey :)

Glad you made it back, the first session after a break is the toughest, mentally and physically for sure.

You have some extra obstacles with diabetes and Hypothyroidism so it sounds sensible to visit a nutritionist.

Good luck! :)

Yeah, it's actually diabetes insipidus, a rare type so I don't have any food restriction, but both diseases make me tired all the time, so I believe a professional would help me better with a proper diet :)


Sounds tough to be tired all the time, best of luck working out a manageable routine :)

Boa sorte, Bianca! Que dê tudo certo! Torço que você consiga!☺️

Muito obrigada, minha querida! Abraço! :)

Hey Bianca, I can't believe that you are already planning new year resolution ... so in advance!!! Great spirit after the Steemfest party, haha!!

Hahah I am! I'm so axious about the future, seriously I've written everything down already haha thanks Rea!

Go go go Bianca !!!!

hey Roxane, thank you so much!

you don't have to be the best all the time, but give your best and your best is different than anyone's else best :P

👆🏻 YES! It's hard not to compare yourself today to a version of yourself at another time. The only thing we can do is our 100% of what we have in the moment.

I had a similar feeling this afternoon doing yoga again for the first time since steemfest. For me it should have been an "easy" one but I struggled a little. It's hard not to feel discouraged, but I know what I did today was a step in the right direction so I'm trying my best not to give in to being so critical and trust that with consistency the rest will come <3

I deal with hypothyroid too. It can make things soo frustrating, but working out is the BEST thing you can do to kick on that thermostat, and start getting things moving again- I'm with ya girl!

<3 Keep up the great work!

Girl, are we soulmates? haha I'm starting to believe that :)
I'm sure we well get the consistency we need again, we are already working on it.
Hypothyroid sucks right? I feel the less I do, the more my body suffers from it, but it's about to change. Thank you for your support!

Yes maam it's about getting out of that frozen mode your body is in and heating things up!I find I experience almost none of the symptoms when I work outregularly- we'll get there. I'm beginning to think we were sisters separated at birth though... ;)

Keep it up Bianca! Seems more people are up for a challenge as Mark mentioned in his post! Tomorrow it is my turn to workout again. I'm trying to go to the gym 3 times a week. Every day is just impossible for people to maintain forever. And with 3 days a week if you skipped a scheduled workout day you can do it the next day. If you go every day you might feel sorry if you have to skip 1 day due to whatever reason. But then again, that is just my 50 cents....Keep on improving yourself!

I used to blame myself for not going everyday or almost everyday, but sometimes it cant just happen and no reason to go mental on it, right? So trying our best and still going three times a week it still is fucking lots! You take the rhythem you think you should and if in a couple of months you decide to increase so why not, but I mean, are we in a hurry? haha
I'm so looking foward to see our lives changing with this, wishing you all the success @s3rg3 :)

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