Simple Secrets to Happiness #5: GRATITUDE, the magical attitude

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Here we are at happiness secret #5, which is unfortunately a long way away from when I posted happiness secret #4, but rather than complaining, I’m sure you are all grateful that I’m continuing to post these, or at least you hopefully will be by the time you finish reading :)

Gratitude makes your brain happy

I’m almost certain you have all heard of gratitude journals and have had many people counsel you on how good it is to “just be thankful.” But why? Well, scientifically speaking when you are grateful, your brain makes more happy chemicals -- dopamine and serotonin. AND, when you are grateful you actually affect the neuron density in the prefrontal cortex of your brain. Your brain then becomes more efficient in becoming calm and not reactionary, even in the midst of frustrating events.


Sounds like the easiest way to do brain surgery yet!

So, creating a lifelong gratitude ritual is just common sense and certainly a piece to our happiness puzzle. Let’s discuss a few ways we can incorporate in an easy gratitude ritual into our day.

  1. When your family is gathered around the table to eat, ask “what are you grateful for?” Try to come up with new blessings each time.
  2. Keep a gratitude journal and write in it daily. Or jot down your grateful list on your phone.
  3. Post an ongoing family gratitude list. This could be slips of paper to put in a jar, a giant whiteboard or poster, etc. Then read through them at the end of the week or year.
  4. Start each day with a thanks to someone. A message, note, or text to a friend or family member sharing why you’re grateful for them.

Here’s a snapshot of our thankfulness list:


''Being grateful is a game changer; it elevates you right out of the hole you’ve dug for yourself with the shovel of self-pity.''


If finding things to be thankful for seems difficult, sometimes it helps to think about what life would be like without some of the things you take for granted: your husband/wife, children, working body parts, etc. Or try going without something for a while: vehicle, electricity, internet access, phone, dishwasher, washing machine, coffee, chocolate, etc.

Everyone has troubles and things that we can complain about.

And it’s so easy to do so! I tell my children all the time, we still have to do those things that we don’t want to do—or are difficult for us—so why not go through it with a happy heart?


''It is only when one overcomes trials with a grateful heart that radical and permanent transformation is achieved.''

In case you missed it

Simple Secrets to Happiness #1: You Can’t Do It All (PLUS a giveaway)
Simple Secrets to Happiness #2: You Can’t Will Yourself to Be Happier

Simple Secrets to Happiness #3:Build the Right Habits
Simple Secrets to Happiness #4: Stop Complaining

Many thanks to all of you, @allforthegood



Great tips!!! Thanks for reminding me that I have a lot to be thankful for. :)

Thanks! I find it's quite contagious with the children too. They love making thankfulness lists.

I like your graphics, and your 'roll of thanks' list. PBJ is indeed something to be thankful for. :) Good advice to always be aware of these things...way too easy to forget the common stuff until it's gone or you can't enjoy them.

Thanks its actually the most fun part of doing these posts, the graphics :)

Good points! I have a roll of paper (like the one you have your list of things to be thankful on) for 20 cents that I got at a thrift store some time back. Been thinking what I would use it for; now I know. We tend to forget how much we have to be thankful for, but when we are sick, for example, many things come to mind that we otherwise take for granted: being able to walk around, maybe keeping a glass of water down, staying warm etc. Great post!

Thank you for a good reminder of just how little it takes to make a day magical!🐓🐓

Great advice!! This is one that I really have to work hard at. I do journal every day and I start out each day by thanking God for something - anything I can think of. It really starts my brain going in the right direction in the morning.

For me, the hard part is throughout the day. Maybe I need to set a reminder on my phone in the middle of the day so I can pause to think of what I can thank God for.

Good idea. I definitely increase in being able to be frustrated as the day goes on.

I recently heard the advice that before going to bed, to think about the best thing that happened that day. Going for the "best" forces you to go through all of the good things, and it helps to even wake up already thinking of the good instead how I usually am: what's the bad/stressful thing I have to deal with today?

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