STEEMIT GIRL HALO - A Wife's Revenge

in #halo8 years ago (edited)

Andy and Adrianna were a young couple from Los Angeles California. Andy comes from a wealthy family, as his dad co-owns a famous winery in Napa.

Andy's father, Richard, had received some innovative ideas from co-owners to save money for the company by replacing a few employees with robots. By doing so, Richard had no idea the fate he had just set for his son. One of the guys that lost their job because of the robots, was a guy named Jason. He was a 55 year old man who had been working for the company since he was 18. Jason was an excellent employee: He always showed up to work on time, never missed a day, and loved to help his co-workers. Jason would take shifts for people if they needed the day off, even if he was going to be working a double shift. He would take the shift because he was just a nice person.

No one ever expected what would happen next and Andy and Adrianna's lives would be changed forever.

On March 2nd 2016, the day started as any other. Adrianna woke Andy up for work with a kiss, saying "Good morning my love , time for work" as she did everyday. While he showered, she made him coffee and breakfast. As he finished his breakfast, Adrianna kisses him and tells him bye. Little did she know it would be the last time she saw her husband alive.

Andy was driving to work when he saw his co- worker Jason stranded on the side of the road. Andy pulled over to see what was wrong. Jason told him his car was over-heating, But as Andy bent down to look under the hood, Jason hit him over the head with a tire iron.

Unaware of what was going on, Andy opened his eyes and saw he was chained to a bed In a basement of an abandoned home. Hours passed before Jason returned. When he finally returned, Andy asked him "Why are you doing this to me?". In a soft calm voice, Jason replied, "Your father took somthing from me; Now I will take something from him."

Hours later, Richard became very concerned why his son wasn't at work. After calling Andy's cell phone multiple times with no answer, he really starts to worry. Richard decides to call Adrianna. Adrianna answers the phone and Richard asks, " Is Andy OK?". Adrianna replied, "What are you talking about?". Richard told her Andy hadn't shown up for work and he was concerned. Adrianna tells him Andy left hours ago for work. She hung up the phone and tried to call Andy's cell phone. He did not answer and she instantly knew that something was terribly wrong. Andy always answered her call no matter what he was doing. She begins to call hospitals to see if maybe he had gotten hurt somehow, but no sign of Andy. 15 hours pass and still no one could get ahold of Andy. In a panic they call the police no surprise the police tell them Andy has to be missing for at least 48 hours. Adrianna tried to tell them this was not like Andy, and they told her there's nothing they can do until the 48 hours is up.

On the morning of the third day since Andy had gone missing, Richard was about to go back to the police station when he received an anonymous note saying, " I am sorry for what I have done. I know now this was not the way to handle my emotions. Your son can be found at 1345 Wolloby Dr. ". Richard takes the note to the police but does not tell Adrianna, just incase it was fake, and he did not want to worry her more. When they arrived, they had no idea what they were in store for. The police discovered Andy's body hanging from chains by the ceiling and he looked to be brutally tortured to death.

Adrianna is sitting at the kitchen table when suddenly the phone rings. Nothing could prepare her for what she was about to hear: The police told her that Andy was dead. In shock and disbelief, Adrianna asked for a copy of the coroner's report. In the coroner's report Adrianna saw the horrific details of Andy's final day of life. She was disgusted at the reality of how someone could do this to another person. While looking at the crime scene pictures, she noticed Andy wasn't wearing his wedding ring. A few days later at the funeral, she was looking down at Andy's body when someone came up behind her and touched Andy's hand. She saw what she thought was Andy's wedding ring on Jason's hand. Unsure, she pondered what to do next.

A few days pass and instead of going to the police, she decided to try and seduce Jason to get a better look at the ring. She followed Jason for a few days and noticed he goes the same bar every night at the same time. She uses this information to put her plan of seduction in motion.

The next night she's sitting in the bar, and Jason walks in. He sits 3 seats down from her. As she looks over she says "Excuse me, weren't you at my husband's funeral?" . He mumbled under his breath..."Yes". She introduced herself to Jason. They spent the next 5 hours drinking and sharing stories about Andy. Jason drives Adrianna home and she asks him if he would like to come in. When they get inside, she makes him a cup of coffee and seizes the opportunity to crush up a roofie and mixes it in his coffee. After drinking coffee Jason attempts to leave. Adrianna knows if she wants a better look at the ring without him knowing, she has to seduce him until the roofies kick in . So she walks up and grabs his face and starts to kiss him. They move to the bedroom and lay on the bed. She says "Hang on! I need to freshen up". When she comes back out she sees Jason passed out on the bed. Nervously, she grabs Jason's hand to look at the ring. She takes it off of his finger to look at the inside, and sure enough Adrianna and Andy's initials are on the inside of the's Andy's. Adrianna has already decided Andy's killers' fate, so she converted her basement into a torture room exactly like Andy's except for one distinct difference: Pictures of Andy's tortured body were lined up against the wall for Jason to see. She drags Jason's limp body to the basement were she hangs his body from the ceiling just exactly like he had done to Andy. While he's still asleep, she sews his mouth shut so he cannot scream.

Soon after Jason wakes up, he looks around and sees a room that he knows he has seen before. She begins to point out the pictures on the wall while telling him that she is going to do to him exactly everything he had done to Andy. She begins to read the coroner's report and the first thing it said was done to Andy is that his eye lids were cut off. She grabs a scalpel and says to him, "Now you will truly be sorry for what you have taken from me", and proceeds to remove his eyelids. Then she calmly walked back upstairs.

A few hours later, she returned to continue torturing Jason. She grabbed the next photo and showed Jason as she read from the coroner's report, that Andy's fingernails and toenails were removed. She grabs a pair of pliers and begins to slowly remove Jason's finger and toe nails one by one. As he is moaning and thrashing in pain she tells him, "Now you know exactly how my husband felt!" . She then grabs the next picture and reads to Jason, "After the finger and toenail's were removed, the murderer stuck needles were the nails used to be". So she grabbed some sewing needles and began to stick them in his fingers were his nails used to be, asking him "Do you remember what comes after this Jason?". She then left the room again to get a skinning knife.

When she returned to the basement, she grabbed the last picture and began to read to Jason, " The entire body had been skinned". As she shows Andy the skinning knife, he tries to scream and break free. Unable to break free, she starts to skin him little by little, for hours on end. After she skinned his whole body, he had finally passed out from the pain. She put him in a coffin-like box and buried him alive in her back yard.

Be sure to check out my other posts @halo . Don't forget to click FOLLOW.


Looks like jason was feeling some pain
TARZAN know how to deliver pain

💋 @halo 💋

@halo congrats on your first story. Working on posting one of my own. However, have posted a bunch of creative essays you may enjoy. Though not quite a dark as your story..hehe :-) Feel free to check them out!

Thank you and I will check them out.
💋 @halo 💋

Wow! Dark and disturbing, but I couldn't stop reading. Reminded me of Hostel and the infamous Achilles heel slice. Sometimes karma comes back around full force.

I wonder how the wife's psyche will be affected by becoming the torturer her victim had been.

Thank you i guess you'll have to wait for part 2
💋 @halo 💋

I guess so! You have talent as a crime/horror writer @halo :)

I really enjoyed the short. I have to admit I enjoy the dark noir horror genre at times. I'm particularly a sucker for a femme fatale protagonist. Admittedly I did not feel sorry for Jason in the least. In fact I think the photo at the beginning fit quite well with the story and reinforced it. I could clearly picture you in the role of Adrianna with pliers in hand getting revenge on the husband's killer. Perhaps a sly smirk on your face.

Good writing style.

I was also anticipating finding out that the husband actually faked his death just to get out of his marriage or something and that Adrianna ended up torturing Jason for nothing. Perhaps that's part 2????

Thank you i guess you'll have to wait for part 2
💋 @halo 💋

Nice post!
maybe it's will be my foolish act to suggest you make an audiofile with your story. Like for me it's very interesting to hear author emotions, not only read.

Thank you, This was my first short story. Glad you liked it. An audio file would be kinda cool , I might try it thank you for the idea.
💋 @halo 💋

congrats. you spent some time on this and the ending was as unassuming as it was horrifying :)

Thank you, and yes I spend some time on it. This was my first time writing a short story.
💋 @halo 💋

I'll know you have some faith in your writing when you don't start with a photo of you in bikini :) i really don't think it added much to the story. looking forward to your next one.

I used that photo and put the title on it because , I am a wife and the girl in the story adrianna used seduction to get access to the murderer. Not because I had no faith in my writing.
💋 @halo 💋

Your photo at the top was like a book cover , I thought it was a great choice

I'm against any revenge.
So didn't read the post, sorry.
revenge is ugly by it self. don't be ugly letting it in your life.

This is just a fictional story, its ok to read it.
💋 @halo 💋

The moral of the story: never trust the coworker who is always eager to do overtime... especially if the guy's last name is Voorhees! ;-)

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