in #gratefulvibes7 years ago

When someone blesses you with a deal like this, you can't help but be grateful!

If you've been following this series at all, then you probably already know that some pretty interesting things happen pretty frequently around here. Time and time again it seems that generosity and kindness overrule greed and selfishness, and I am so pleased to present another incredible example of this to you today.


Not all that long ago, actually maybe last week Monday, I received a phone call from an older gentleman that I know. We had talked to him a few times about animals for the homestead because he has meat goats and some Dexter cattle. He called because he knew that we had some piglets available for sale or trade.

He told me that he had been doing some thinking, and that he wanted to trade one of his young Dexter heifers for three of our piglets. Then, he asked me what I thought about that deal.

I answered honestly, and told him that I thought I would be coming out way ahead on that deal. Best case scenario my piglets would be worth about $50 USD each, best case scenario. Therefore, on the high end I was offering up the equivalent of $150 USD into the trade. I know for a fact that he can sell a heifer like that for $500 USD. The way I saw it, I was coming out at least $350 USD ahead in this deal, and more likely about $400 USD ahead.

I told him the truth about it, but he already knew what he was doing. He wasn't ignorant nor unskilled in business. His aim was to bless my family.

Often, when I choose to bless others, they tell me "You don't have to do that," to which I reply, "Trust me, I know." I wasn't about to argue with this guy. He nonchalantly told me, I've got a lot of cows. I want some pigs." And so, we had struck an incredible deal that would be a huge blessing for my family.


Yesterday was an exciting day for us. We actually could have traded on Friday afternoon, but the @papa-pepper tribe had dinner plans with @dwells and @essentialoilmom, so we reluctantly had to wait until Monday.

Since the man was choosing to bless us so, I asked him if he'd like a full grown Muscovy duck too. He had once told me a story about one that stopped by his pond for a while and eventually made its way onto his dinner table, so I knew that he liked eating them. He accepted the offer, and we got to loading up.

We had one piglet left from the sow that @smailer purchased for us, and two from our other STEEM-powered piggies. I still couldn't help but marvel at the incredible deal we were getting, but I've learned enough to know that you should allow others to bless you when they want to.

With the help of the eager @little-peppers, soon we had three piglets and a duck loaded up and ready to go. This was going to be a great experience for all of us and a monumental day in our homesteading history. You only get your first cow once in life, and for us, yesterday was the day!

When we got to his farm, he already had a little pen ready for the piglets. Soon, they will be able to roam this whole pasture, but he wants them to get settled in to this pen first. Here you can see another one of his Dexter cows in the background.

To make matters more interesting, some neighbors of our accidentally left a pizza in the oven all night after cooking it. This may seem strange, but it was one of many, many pizzas cooked the day before for a gathering, so it just happened to get overlooked and forgotten. We thought that it would make a great "house-warming" gift to help welcome the little piglets into their new home.

The little piggies seemed to really enjoy their present! Even the one that walked off only walked off because he had a big piece that he didn't want to share. Yeah, they kind of eat like pigs... but oh well!

Some other people we know had just left with another heifer, so ours was the last one in the pen. Unfortunately, this was the first time that she had ever been alone, so she was a little scared.

Soon she was loaded into our trailer and ready to go to her new home. You can see how excited @mama-pepper and the @little-peppers were about it in the photo. Soon enough, she would be at her (temporary) new home, with some new friends.


In the video above, I share a bit more about the deal and release the heifer into my friends pen back near our place. She'll get settled in here and have some friends to keep her company while she adjusts. Soon we will have to start working with her to help her get comfortable around us and the @little-peppers.

The basic plan is to get her bred next June or so. That way she will calf when she is about two years old. Once the calf is weaned, she will hopefully be able to provide some fresh milk for our family. The older @little-peppers are already skilled at milking cows, but I still have to give it a try. Perhaps one of the neighbor kids will give me a lesson before too long.

So far she seems to be adjusting well and there doesn't seem to be any problems between her and the other cows that she is with. We still have to agree on a name too, so if you've got any suggestions, let us know in the comment section below.


I wanted to also post this story in the Grateful Vibes Challenge official tag #gratefulvibes which was created by @paradise-found. For those of you who are not aware, an incredible and infectious gratefulness revolution is currently taking place on steemit.

The idea started as a 70 day challenge from @paradise-found to encourage others to stop and take a moment each day to think of something that they are grateful for. Far too often it seems that a lack of gratitude can have a very negative effect on someone's mind and life, so I was very excited to see this challenge start.

@paradise-found on right

It has already been making a difference in the life of many, and it will continue to make an incredible difference around the world. This is not only true for the steemians who participate, but also for many children in Honduras, because @Paradise-Found will be donating 50% of his post rewards for his 70 day #gratefulvibes daily challenge posts to Worldwide Heart 2 Heart that includes a orphanage, a bi-lingual school, and a medical clinic in Honduras.

I am so grateful to know so many people who are willing to choose to bless others that I wanted to not only express that gratitude in this post (and series) but also promote the challenge from @paradise-found. Whether you think it would be an interesting challenge to participate in, a worthwhile endeavor for our community and world, or you just need more ideas of what to post, I highly recommend that you check it out.

Click here to see the latest post in the "gratefulvibes" challenge!

To check out the previous post in my "business with papa" series, click below:

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with

GIF provided by @malos10



One of your best posts ! It's so COOL that some of the Li'l Peppers already know how to milk ♦♦ And sorta funny that they're ahead of you on that (am sure you'll enjoy learning, and become quite skilled).

You really did receive a Sweet Deal. There are some good people in this world, & my ♥ is Full to realize this.

Gratitude is kind of an 'essential skill' -- and it's neat you realize it, and your HEART is full - it's very obvious in your postings ♦♦ Speaking of your posts, I'll have to come back to read Part 1, 2, 3 later as it's very late now.

Thanks for Part 4 !

(That 7th image, of the heifer, is a cool picture )

The best stories in the world come from people helping each other and what this country was built on, much like the way steemit is being built today. I love the way you share your life so freely with us and how we need to do the same, my friend.

Thanks for the encouragement and support @johnnyray!

@papa-pepper Why not name Her Red-Pepper ?? Simple and it fits in well with the Pepper Family.......

Technically, we already refer to our second oldest daughter as "Red Pepper." Thanks for the suggestion though, who knows?

You know that makes perfect sense. She will get a great name I am sure and to drink milk FRESH from the Cow is so much Better than Corporate Pasteurized....

It's nice to live somewhere that RAW MILK is NOT illegal too!

I like strong men! Piggy too! ;)

such a great job you have !

It is the life that we are choosing to live. I am glad that you find it enjoyable.

My great-grandfather was a cow handler. These kind of stories really appeal to me and you don't find them much anymore. Nice to see that there are still good people in the world.

Glad to hear that this reminded you of your great grandfather. It sure is nice to be blessed like this!

what an incredibly thoughtful gift. it seems that karma is in play.

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