NEW IDEA : Googlyeyes entry & Weekly Music List

in #googlyeyes5 years ago (edited)

I was wondering how to keep doing what I love the most, sharing music that I’m listening to and receiving with enthusiasm the stuff others love, now that @spaminator killed the Nowplaying project and it’s owner abandoned it whitout giving the chance to continue with it.

My resources are limited but anyway They are resources 😂 so I’ve had an idea, what about my voting power?, it’s not much but at least it is something (0.02$)... therefore I’ve been driving for some months now my niece’s account @artemisa7 (she decided to give up) with a current voting value of 0.01$ . That gives the idea a total voting value of 0.03$ 😅...and what about the liquid reward of my post?, it will depend on votes and will vary but at least it will worth something, maybe it will be higher if I make a cross-post with my #googlyeyes entry to gain audience and support... that’s it!

So here I am with my first cross-post and a new tag for this idea #weeklygooglymusic ... what do you think about the tag?, do you like it or do you hate it? . Waiting for your feedback on this 🤪

THIS IS NOT A CONTEST, winning some reward is sure. Here I’ll explain it simply :

  1. How to take part? : Coment on this post and share at least one song (or song-list) you’ve being listening to or that you simply love. It can be a Spotify link, a YouTube link, Choon link, DSound link or whichever audio-video stream platform you love.
  2. You can comment more than once but please don’t abuse.
  3. Every entry gets a 100% (0.02$+0.01$) vote plus a “follow” and persistent vote (100% vote 0.02$+0.01$) on their normal posts for those who make good quality comments and posts. Votes come from @drakernoise and @artemisa7 accounts.
  4. Spam comments or bad quality comments gets firstly a warning, then a flag if they persist spamming
  5. Liquid reward of the weekly post will be shared and sent to all valid participants.
  6. Everything is made manually so some delay may occur as I’m human and my free time is very limited by my daily duties. You can be sure I will accomplish with all stated above. All of you that already know me are aware that I’m a trusted user.

  7. Hope all it’s well explained and you like the idea. If you have any suggestion or improvement I’ll be more than glad to take it into account and apply it if it fits the spirit behind this idea : keep people sharing music together and make this world a better place to stay. I really believe on that old idea when I came to Steemit of a “New Worl” and hope you join the trip.

    To start with :

    My entry for the #googlyeyes project:

    I’ve recently travelled to Hervás a small village at the north of my area (more info : ) to visit who was my wife once before and now she’s one of my best friends...
    There I had enough free time to keep an eye of what was surrounding me and could spot these two friends :

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    lol pumpkins follow me everywhere!

    .....and what about the music sharing!.... here my weekly list:

    YouTube links:

. (Maybe with some issues on your country)

An extra track if you got here, thanks to @fraenk

Made with 💖 for you, hope you enjoy it!

Pd: if you think I shouldn’t use your tag or need any help discord me : drakernoise#4841


I love the googlyeyed pumpkin with the little hat! Hehe. Oh and the phone!! I love those phones with dials!! I used to turn the dial over and over again just to listen to the sounds of the turning dial hehe.
Sorry to read that your favourite #nowplaying got murdered. How about #hearnow or #listeningnow or #weeklytunes or #mytunesthisweek?

Posted using Partiko iOS

I was thinking...what about some direct, short and simple like #mytunes?
You brought nice tags and ideas to me!

oh I like #mytunes!

Ooo nice! I think it has a nice ‘tune’ to it 😁 and it sounds catchy too and easy to remember! :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hi @marblely,
Thanks so much for taking the time to pass by and comment!
Yeah I also love that vintage stuff, do you remember those that had a small tap that you had to open to unveil the key back lighted? I still have someone somewhere lol lovely!
Double thanks to you for your tagging ideas, they are really cool, will be thinking about it these coming days.
Have a great week ahead!

Awww... Ren is in the Playlist :D

about that tag though... #weeklygooglymusic just doesn't have a good ring to it... the googly thing is also a pretty narrow niche and the reference might distract some passionate music lovers from the project... I mean, I appreciate more attention towards the googly community for sure, but it would be awesome to see a #nowplaying follow up that stands for itself ;)

about that thing with #nowplaying and @spaminator... it's a real shame such a cool project goes down the drain when the owner fucks up! Do you know the full story?

Hi @fraenk,
It was great to find him thanks to you, adding him to this first list was a must.
Yea you’r right about the tag, I will work it to see if I can sort it. Thought about #nowplaying but I think it has no sense using not the related account whose owner kept by himself which is a big “No” for me to going on with the project.
I didn’t know the whole story but you informed me on discord and now I can understand the whole mess... a pity anyway.
Tones of thanks for coming and your support Fraenk
Big hug

Good, Pablo! I like Your idea! I support Your initiative. I have to listen to everything that You have posted here and I hope that Your new project will have a lot of followers :). I will also try to take part. Good luck!
by the way, I always listen to different direction and in this moment I hear this song :)

You’r formidable Marina, thanks for your support hope you find some new music to your collection.
I must admit I didn’t know Stomae although he is quite popular as I could check 😅 so double thanks to you, it’s worth watching the video.
My best wishes for the coming week

thanks for telling me the secret @artemisa7 ,
I didn't realize you were behind it. Thanks for the support!

It was not a secret but I had the crazy idea that my nice would return, no way so I started to use it as a curation account to support those projects and people I found interesting.
My support it’s always sure for my friends 😊

Ah! I am just seeing this now.
I really miss the community and music discovery that was to be found within Nowplaying [I had wondered what happened to it].
I am still doing my weekly music roundup [I was doing it before I had discovered nowplaying after all] so now I will be able to use your post moving forward to keep that nowplaying vibe going :)

How nice you came... I will change the tag as @walnut1 the creator of #nowplaying abandoned the project without giving me (nor anyone else) access to the @nowplaing-music account so it has no sense to me keep using the tag.
I’m thinking about #mytunes as the new tag, what do you think? . I’m open to your suggestions or ideas.

I think #mytunes is a great name for the tag!

It's now decided and I making the post that I will shortly publish .

Thanks for your feedback @yamaagni :)

I don't even know where to start... Your googly entry is a hit! I especially love the googly vintage phone...

And you know I love hearing new music, so I'm all for it and cross-posting with some #GooglyEyes will be awesome...

Much love, thanks for coming!

If you need more sp every post should better join 1 contest or more so you spread your chances to win.

The problem with longer tags is typing mistakes are easily made and if that long tag is your first it can be impossible to change it.

Also tags used should be populair or people searching by Google should be able to find them.
So ask yourself too (if you want to attract readers): which question is your post answering.
Always hard ☹

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @ wakeupkitty,
First of all, thanks so much for comming and spent your valuable time giving some feedback, I appreciate It.
Yes you are right, that's what I made a cross-post but I didn't want to mix too much things up that could distract from the main thing, music sharing and spreading good vibes to others (googlyeyes does this second part).
Yes that tag was somewhat provisional and a first attempt and It Will change on today's post most likely by #mytunes tag.
About the answer, I'm not trying to do It at all, it's all about sharing that music you are listening to or that you love so others can enjoy (or not) and it's also a great way to discover unknown bands. It's also about making this place a better one and that can be easily achieved with music and googlyeyes, a different view of our world.
Hope you can share some music with us.
Keep on being hard 😆

I am sure these eyes will keep on watching me.
I will see if I can mix it with some music, make a note of it.
So #mytune it is.

Posted using Partiko Android

The last one looks like a hammer head shark.

Sry I missed this comment, yeah it could seem like that why not? :P

Hope you can share some of your listenings that would be awesome.


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