Freud and the Oedipus Complex /part 5/

in #godflesh6 years ago (edited)

After the child's birth, in order to avoid the Apollo's prophecy, spoken by the Delphic oracle, who predicted that he would be killed by his son Lai in order not to stain his hands with innocent blood, he gave the newborn to a servant who was supposed to abandoned him at the top of the desert mountain Kiterion, after he had broken his legs with nails in order to leave him no chance to survive. But instead of committing this cruel, inhuman crime, the servant gives it to a shepherd who then entrusts him to the king of Corinth Polybius and his wife Meropa, who were childless and thirst for an heir. They call the adopted child Oedipus and raise him as his son. Oedipus grows but hears rumors and mockery that claim to be not a legitimate son.

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Then he also goes to know the truth about his birth in Delphi. To his question the oracle replies that he will kill his father and marry his mother. Horrified, Oedipus decided never to return to Corinth again. So he thinks he will avoid prediction. He's going to travel. On the way to Thebes, he accidentally encounters Lai, whom he does not know, and has no idea that this is his real father. The two quarrels who gets first and Oedipus kills his father in the fight. At that time, Theba was terrorized by the Sphinx, a female monster, a chest, a lion's head and wings, with sharp nails, killing anyone who could not solve his mystery: "What is this creature going on two, three on four legs? "Oedipus replies that this is the man. This is the correct answer, he has solved the mystery by revealing the essence of man - changing in the different stages of his life. The Sphinx is thrown from the rock into the abyss. For prize, the grateful citizens of Thebes make Oedipus their king. As he orders the custom, he takes Loy Yokasta's widow's wife. There are four children from Jocasta Oedipus: Eteochel, Polynik, Antigone and Ismena. Years pass. The plague, the plague and the famine come upon Thebes. Oedipus once again asks the oracle how to save the city from the disaster. It was then believed that such disasters were caused by some serious, unrevealed and not avenged crime that poisoned the life of the community.

The oracle states that evil will cease when Lai's killer is discovered, the cause of the present pestilence, and he is expelled outside the city. Exile was a heavier punishment than murder in many cases because man has defined himself as such primarily by belonging to his community, his city and his family. That's why it's not so scary to die if they bury you. Hence, the horror of Antigone's Creon's punishment - to leave the unruly corpse of Polynik and its determination to go to death, but to bury his brother, to prevent his corpse being defiled, the prey of the wild beasts, and human eyesight. But let's go back to Oedipus now. The king searches and interrogates. That's why most of the tragedy is devoted. Tirees, the blind, the oracle knows the truth, but he does not tell it. Finally, a Corinthian envoy reveals that Polybius died of natural death and that Oedipus is his stepfather, a adopted child. Despairing Yokasta is hanging. Oedipus shakes his eyes, and Antigone goes into exile. What is the meaning of this myth? The victory over the Sphinx makes Oedipus king of Thebes, rising above the other people, he, by his wisdom and power, seems to be like, equal to the gods. However, the debauchery and incest with the mother - the two most terrible crimes one person can do, throw him away from the human community, deprive him of sight, send him to exiled years, make him equal to nothing. The two crimes he performs without knowing without knowingly making him the old man, stepped on his feet as his father to his mother, Jocasta, a blind old man on a cane, that is, on three legs, helpless and similar to his infant children , creeping on four legs, whose brother and father he is.

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4


Excellent article. I learned a lot of interesting and cognitive. I'm screwed up with you, I'll be glad to reciprocal subscription))


When looking at the picture, it is dark to understand the secret @godflesh

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