Freud and the Oedipus Complex

in #godflesh6 years ago (edited)

Freud's Lesson, which we can draw from the lecture on childhood sexuality: 1) we are not fathers but children of our own sexuality; 2) the main characteristic of the sexual drive is that it refuses us full satisfaction: everything that relates to sex to one degree or another always fails; 3) This is a completely new concept of human sexuality - the great risk Freud puts on - reputation, honor, social life, clientele, etc. The accusations against him do not stop even today, this is the Freudian scandal that shakes our century to this day, to the very end; 4) the essence of Freud's approach: the rejection of the sexological approach to sexuality.

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For a psychological approach to sexuality issues. Sexuality is not only, and even less organic, related to the natural division of the sexes, the type and the characteristics of the sexual organs and processes in man and woman as psychologically conditioned. Libido sexualis, sexual instinct turns from biological instinct into a major determinant of the psyche of every person, whether healthy or ill, adult or child. That is why refusal of pseudo-scientific Latin terminology. Freud turns to the natural language of the children, the patients - just like the language of dreams. What is Freud's teachings about sexuality? It first shows that natural children's activities - eating, sucking, digesting, dropping, walking for a little or too much, etc. are also a source and a delight. The child finds his first pleasure only from his own body, without having to resort to other external objects. The child looks for delight and gives himself up to all kinds of experiments, which he will be forced to give up as he grows up - but as little as he knows the law, nor the ban and takes on his own account, looking for his own pleasure all possible objects and goals. Freud cites, for example, child theories of childbirth. The most shocking for us are those who believe that children are born of the rectum or the theory of sexual act as an act of violence (the primary scene), or the idea that children are conceived by urine or kissing, and especially, that men as well as women can give birth.

Libido Theory: Libido of Latin Desire, with this term Freud denotes the manifestation of sexual drive in the human psyche, in human sexuality and especially in childhood sexuality. He understands libido as a psychic causality of neuroses, as a polymorphic predisposition to perversions, such as love for himself in the case of narcissism or as sublimation - directing sexual energy to non-sexual purposes and socially useful objects: art, science, intellectual activity, politics. Anyway, the important thing is to remember that we only want what we do not own. Psychoanalysis shows that anatomical asymmetry between the sexes is the conceptual and imaginary support of psychic dialectics, which distinguishes sexual desire and organic need, instinct and indulgence. Libido is first and foremost the dynamic manifestation of the sexual drive of the man, that is, the sexual desire that seeks its realization - the removal of irritation, tension, excitement, fixing on a variety of objects. Therefore, libido has a single essence in both man and woman, because of its activity, because of its pervasive nature, because of its dynamism, Freud calls it a male regardless of how it occurs in both sexes, man or woman. But more importantly, whether libido has its essence and whether it is exactly male and what it means exactly when it occurs in both sexes is the fact that it is fixed on different objects, that it can change its object and purpose. Since libido is a desire and it is always associated with a lack, it is paradoxically to say that desire is always the desire of the phallus in the other that it is always access to the absence in the form of : that is, the insufficiency of the boy, a man to meet his ambition, as well as the lack of the girl, to the woman of a real opportunity to satisfy his fallacious claim, turns out to be translated, beaten, altered, pre-determined by the strategies of desire between man and woman.


I wish I could find the article to link, but if you search for it, I believe you could find it. In the article, I read that though many believe that Freud was heavily influenced by Oedipus, you see more of a correlation to his thought process with the story of Hamlet, by Shakespeare. It stated Freud's Oedipus complex should actually be called the "Hamlet Complex".

It sounds interesting, I will search for it , thank you :)

@godflesh this was the article. It states Oedipus's influence is a misnomer. It should be called the hamlet complex.

Thank you very much. Now I want to read his essay "Psychopathic Characters on the Stage". :D

Never heard about it and sound really interesting!

In 1906, on the day of the fiftieth anniversary of Freud's disciples and closest friends of the founder of psychoanalysis gave him a commemorative medal made by the sculptor Carlo Maria Shortterm. On one side of the medal was the profile of the great teacher. On the other – Oedipus, solving the riddle of the Sphinx. The depicted scene was crowned in Greek written line from the tragedy of Sophocles "King Oedipus": "and riddles and a powerful king." It is said that when Freud read A line from the tragedy of Sophocles when handing him a commemorative medal, he turned pale and was very excited. Learning that the idea of the inscription on the medal belonged to p. Federn, he told his students his long dream. According to his own admission, while studying at the University of Vienna, he often walked in the courtyard, looking at the busts of famous professors, located in the gallery, framing the courtyard, and dreamed someday in the future to see his bust, which would be inscribed exactly the words that he read on the medallion.

Subsequently, the dream of the young Freud came true. In 1921, the sculptor Koenigsberger created a bust of the founder of psychoanalysis. There was a corresponding line from the Sophocles drama on this bust. On February 4, 1955, a solemn ceremony was held to install Freud's bust in the gallery of the courtyard of the University of Vienna. The commemorative medal given to Freud had a deep meaning. She represented the great achievement of the founder of psychoanalysis, who, like Oedipus, was able to solve the riddle of the Sphinx. According to ancient Greek mythology, all passing by her Sphinx asked to solve one puzzle: who walks in the morning on four legs, in the afternoon for two, and in the evening – three? Someone who could not give the correct answer, waiting for a sad fate. The Sphinx ruthlessly dealt with them.
For a long time, no one could give the right answer. Finally, there was one person who did this-Oedipus, who said that it was a person. It is a man in childhood crawling on all fours, in adulthood walks on two legs, and in old age rests on a staff. The commemorative medal was a kind of symbol that captured the feat of Freud, who was able to understand what a person is. It was about the Oedipal complex, which was an important starting point for Freud's understanding of man, because, according to his views, this complex is the basis of the emergence of neuroses, religion, morality and culture.

@godflesh hello 👋 sir, A great picture in which many of us mean society, sex today plays a very important role in our body; You have done a very nice analysis of sex in our body; everything that relates to sex or one of us always fails; 3) This is a completely new concept of human sexuality - The great risk Freud puts on - reputation, honor, social life, clientele, these are a big part of our sex, sex, said sir

@godflesh, I am agree with you. I hope that will improve further And maybe this is happening too.what is your opinion from last line??

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Do not be anxious to solve the problem when it's in trouble. Leave the problem in its natural process. In every problem, new possibilities hide.

I agree with you friend

I look forward to your piece on Wilhelm Reich.

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