Announcing: ✶ Seeds of Abundance ✶ and ✶ Homesteaders Co-op ✶ Exclusively Accepting SBD! 💚 🌎 🚀

in #ghsc6 years ago

I've been hinting at these two projects for a little while now. It's hard not to share what one is putting a lot of passion into! So I am very glad to be writing this post.

Seeds of Abundance

Seeds of Abundance was born this summer of 2018, but the fire that fueled our idea had been stoked last year and earlier this spring. Our passion for homesteading, permaculture, food, flowers, medicine, wildcrafting and mother nature are disseminated into this seed sharing project.

We (the couple behind @sagescrub) are amateur gardeners and seed savers, yet we found a passion for working with the seeds, curating them and collecting them. More importantly we realized that sharing seeds can be a medium of exchange for knowledge, ideas, curiosity, culture and more.


When we decided to start a seed sharing project, we also realized that we want to exchange seed for SBD exclusively because we believe in and appreciate the steemit community and because we believe this action brings us more community resilience.

We welcome you to browse our seed catalog and learn more about our project here:

Homesteaders Co-op

Homesteaders Co-op is a new online marketplace where steemit homesteaders can offer their products (to anyone) in exchange for SBD tokens.

The idea was born out of Seeds of Abundance. I began working on a website for Seeds of Abundance 3 months ago and the first priority was being able to accept SBD tokens in the shopping cart. After being able to accept SBD payments we realized we needed to share this with other homesteaders. Thus Homesteaders Co-op was born.


The idea evolved into a full fledged marketplace where Homesteaders can accept SBD for their handmade, sustainable, homegrown and ethically sourced products.

We want anyone in the general steemit community to be able to support Homesteaders. Homesteaders are often going far out of their way to live a more sustainable lifestyle, eat a more sustainable diet and offer more sustainable products. Its not easy to make a living homesteading and its not easy to make choices when faced with deciding between our ethics or money. Thus we feel it is important to highlight and reward homesteaders for their quality work.

Homesteaders Co-op has already evolved a lot since day one and I hope to see much more evolution and growth as we learn from your feedback and our community's participation. We want to help empower Homesteaders to have more resilience and a new venue for sharing the products of their hard work and passions.

Today I am very proud to announce that our doors are open for business:

Further, you can follow @homesteaderscoop where we will be highlighting our homesteaders and their quality products as well as other announcements regarding the Homesteaders Co-op. @homesteaderscoop will also be dedicated to voting on our vendors content to further help support their efforts.

I will be sharing more thoughts regarding both Seeds of Abundance and Homesteaders Co-op in the near future!

Proudly Contributing To:


Browse our Seed Catalog

coop-vendor-badge.png | @homesteaderscoop

#ghsc | Introducing @ghscollective | Discord Community


#naturalmedicine | Introducing @naturalmedicine | Discord Community


#earthTribe | Introducing @earthtribe


What a good looking site!

I've initiated my transfer from savings so I can put in my order. Got my cart loaded up with a lot of seeds I've been wanting to try! Can't wait to support your initiative financially :)

Wow Nate, that is so sweet of you to support and encourage us. Thank you for your kindness :)

I registered at Homesteader's Coop. It will be exciting to see where this goes!

Hey @fiberfrau thanks for registering :) did you intend to register as a vendor or customer? just curious!

Customer for now. Might want to sell some hand knits later.

Posted using Partiko Android

YES! I'll be ordering in the morning. Can't wait. I was telling @knowledge-seeker about you guys earlier today, and I'm so excited right now. I don't have the energy to do anything this minute, as I just took another round of my pain meds, but I'll put in an order asap. In advance: thank you so much! Following the new page as well!

Hey @nateonsteemit - I am so excited that you are so excited! Thanks for your support and enthusiasm about the homesteaders co-op and seeds of abundance! I hope you are feeling better today- sorry to hear about the pain :(

This is sooooo awesome!! Yes homesteaders work so hard and I love your out of the box thinking for this initiative and would love to get involved in some way. Also.... Your logo for the homesteaders co-op is quite lovely ;-) :DD
Going to the links now to check it all out. Can't wait to hear more about it!

Ahh, went to the website, sooooo refreshing. I absolutely adore your philosophy on seed sharing vs commodity. There is a difference of intention there and shows up as an energetic difference as well, which I promise will cultivate your seed share initiative for the better. I have seen other businesses doing something similar (the yoga studio I take classes thru is donation based only) and the entire energy of the place is so completely... Abundant. That's the word. And just beautiful.
Way to go guys, I'm so very impressed and want to get involved!

Xx ToL

Thank you @thetreeoflife!! Thanks for recognizing our intention for sharing the seeds and the homesteaders co-op. We want to focus on the sharing more than the selling. Its definitely a shift in our attitudes, intention, perspective - its hard work to make that shift but we like what its brought us energetically so far! Thanks for sharing the yoga studio example and the compliments :)

@sagescrub this has genuinly got me excited for future of steem and the communities on the blockchain. Ive had a look around the stores and its clear a great deal of work has been put in by everyone. Now i just need to earn some liquid steem 😄 resteemed!

Posted using Partiko Android

@digitaldan, thank you for recognizing the hard work we've put in, that means a lot! Thanks for your kind words and your support :)

Congratulations, your post has been selected to be included in my weekly Sustainability Curation Digest for the Minnow Support Project.

Wow @pennsif, thank you. What an honor!

A wonderful new initiative helping to bring new-paradigm consciousness about products and shopping to the wider steem community. And then soon.... the world!

Yes!! I love the way you described it "new-paradigm consciousness about products" thank you @artemislives :)

I think I'm heading shopping as soon as I get more SBD, is that Sheep Sorrel similar to Common Yellow Wood sorrel in flavor? If so, I've been meaning to figure out what that is for years. Also, is that a perennial?

So glad you are enjoying the co-op and inspired to shop there :) Yes Sheep Sorrel is a perennial. We have wood sorrel here too.. I would say the sourness is similar, perhaps more sour - it is definitely intensely sour when the leaves are raw. Sheep sorrel is related to French Sorrel which you might be familiar with - they both have similar taste & sour flavor. French sorrel leaves are larger and longer, sheep sorrel leaves are shorter and somewhat spade-like in shape. Sheep sorrel spreads readily by rhizomes and reseeds readily - for this reason many gardeners consider it a weedy pest. It would be good in a forage setting, with other perennials or somewhere you don't mind it spreading :)

Wow incredible! is it a worldwide platform?

Yes indeed! Worldwide for vendors and customers alike :) At the moment the limitations are English language and SBD currency.

the website is really beautiful lovely pictures! do u think u might ever do other sections for other stuff that can be made on a homesstead unrelated to growing. like jewellery made from natural products or other kinds of art, trinkets or gifts?

This is excellent! I am so going shopping! Love what I see!

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