Life and Growth; My Steemit Community Garden Journal

in #gardening6 years ago (edited)

Hi Everyone,

As most of you are aware, my life is pretty full taking good care of my guy, @briancourteau, but when I saw a Steemit Community Garden Journal posted by @simplymike, I decided to take the time to spruce up our balcony. Here are all the details, but basically, it's an opportunity to

Contribute To The New SteemIt Community Garden Journal And See Your Garden Flourish, Month After Month

It is a challenge of sorts, but even she says it's more of an opportunity to journal your garden and share it with others here. Just write a post with photos depicting the current state of your garden, balcony, farm etc. and each month, @simplymike will host the opportunity for you to showcase the progress your space has made.

There seems to be so much focus on sickness and death in my life at the moment, so I decided it would be a nice change to focus on life and growth instead, and besides, Brian and I both love plants and see them as living beings, so this is something we can enjoy together :)

Our old place didn't have a balcony, so I had only two plants outside our front door. This apartment has a great balcony; the space is awesome, there's room for a table and chairs, plants, and my hammock...a necessity here ;) We picked up a hydrangea and hibiscus from a street vendor today, and on Sundays we often try to go to a local farmer's market where there are always plants for sale.

Here's the balcony now :

The plan is to have vines grow up the blue railing and add small white lights so we can enjoy the evenings as well out there! It's so beautiful in my head, so I hope it translates to real life...time will tell :)

Here's a photo of it at night; Brian even had the energy to hang two of our "coconut lights" today:) They really are beautiful!

And the sorry selection of plants I am starting with :)

So, fingers crossed that I don't spend too much time in my hammock and next month's photo's look identical, except of course, bigger plants :)


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I love your balcony, and that
hammock carries the color of hope and strength. may God enlighten you grateful again.

Aww thank you @afigueroa! What a beautiful sentiment about the color yellow...thank you for that; it makes me look at that hammock with a totally different set of eyes!!

Looks like a great start to me. You work with the space you have, right?

Is that a Mayan hammock? I can't tell exactly. I bought quite a few several years ago now from a place called Rada, with intent of selling them. Didn't quite work out that way, but they were beautiful multi-colored and very reasonably priced.

Or at least they were. As I sad that was several years ago now. I think I gave away our last one a couple years ago.

This hammock was a "Welcome to Mexico" gift from our friend; we met him here when we were on holidays 7 or so years ago, and have remained in contact ever since. Pretty awesome when you think about it :) He's actually the person who introduced us to steemit as well!

You and your hammocks; best laid plans...:)

Well, and I was going to be a worm farmer when I was 21 and I nearly started the tiny classified ads business they used to advertise on television, and for a while, I entertained setting up a 900 number, back when those were popular. I still look into vending machines every now and then, love the idea of the Froyo robot franchising, and have looked at El Pollo and other restaurant franchises. So, the hammocks is just a small part of the entrepreneurial spirit in me finding little to no success. :)

The 'worm farm' got me too @themanwithnoname! I read through the rest of your thread here guys, always a pleasure to see you two communicate!

So sad...fried worms. You probably could have sold those somewhere as an organic protein delicacy.

I had friends who did the vending machine thing, but also made a lot of money on those privately owned ATM machines in corner stores.

I too hate the soggy popcorn at the theater; Brian asks for extra "butter" or "edible oil product" as I like to call it ;) I have my Milk Duds gone by the time the hour long pre-movie previews are over!

I despise going to the theater. I feel like I'm getting ripped off and I have to sit still for what regularly is, a really bad movie. Our friend talked us into seeing Wonder Woman here...yeah yeah I know, Lynda Carter, every boys dream way back when. I loved it when I was a kid, and in fact, my kids bought me a Wonder Woman lunchbox to take to school when I was teaching. (That's how they saw cute, right?!:) But this version was horrible; I literally dozed off. Paid to sleep. Not my kind of fun.

I'm not even sure there would have been such a place to sell protein delicacies to 30 years ago in Oregon. :)

Now ATMs are something I've never looked into, but I've heard they can be lucrative as long as they're not in a spot prone to robberies.

Well, now, three people who like Milk Duds while watching movies. I knew there was a reason why we all get along.

I don't mind going, it's just when. I don't usually try to go when a movie first comes out because there's way too many people, we always get lousy seats because we can't get there early, and then there's inevitably someone hacking, talking, sniffing or something else through the entire show. Or, they kick the seat behind you or have a large head in front of you. Stadium seating generally helps, but not all places have that.

I liked Wonder Woman the movie, but I like superhero movies in general, especially the Marvel movies. I remember watching some episodes of the Wonder Woman TV show as a boy, but really don't remember it that much.

We have been kind of camping here on your post waiting for you to show up, and totally changing the topic, as we seem to do. :)

Yes, we do all like Milk Duds. There's got to be something we can do with that. I'm not sure what, but we'll think of something.

Changing the topic is what we do. If we had to start a new post or discussion board every time the conversation turned to something else, we'd never get any talking done. That's just how we roll. I especially like it when we do it on random people's posts! :D

The new Wonder Woman movie was meh. Guardians of the Galaxy 2 was better. That came out around the same time, I think, and both my wife and I liked it better. WW was not believable. I have a lot of issues with people who try to write their own versions of the world on top of our world. I don't find it believable. GOTG is in an entirely different galaxy, so I can believe it because it's true to its own history. Does that make sense?

Yes, it makes sense. However, I live in a state of reality suspension, so someone doing the fictional equivalent of re-writing history (or is it a parallel universe 🤔) isn't that hard for me to accept. As it is, most of your earlier superheroes were meant to be as much a symbol of something as they were the character, so she can represent the U.S. or the allies heroic efforts to defeat Germany in WWI.

I didn't like Guardians of the Galaxy 2 nearly as much because I thought they tried to hard to make it funny. The first wasn't forced. The second seemed forced. Also, even though it's Marvel and I guess they can do what they want with their characters, but Ego has never, to my knowledge, ever manifested himself as a man, and two, was never StarLord's real father. So, anyway, still pretty good, just not as good.

Oh, if I weren't alright with the topic changes I wouldn't do it, I just get a little self-conscious if it happens on someone's post that I don't know for sure whether they care or not.

I wonder why I can't find Milk Duds in stores around here. Maybe I'm not going to a big enough store, or I just flat out have to go to a candy store, but so far, I've looked in a convenience store and smaller grocery store y nada. I only eat them when I watch a movie, which is maybe one or two a year, three if I'm really fortunate.

And we definitely need to do something about the fact we all like them. I was thinking Milk Dud ice cream, but it might make it too chewy. :)

Ha ha, persistent state of reality suspension. I like it. I added the persistent part, but you had it down.

I think you're right about them trying too hard to be funny. It happens. It was expected after the first one, so they would have caught flak if they didn't have some jokes. I didn't read the comics, so I don't know who StarLord's father was. I thought that Starlord was a new hero they created for the movies.

Yeah, we could probably be a little more respectful on other people's posts, but in my defense, it quickly stops looking like it's their post and more like it's just a train of comments. Especially once we get past 8 comments, it's really difficult to tell. Busy is better for viewing in that aspect.

I think they have Milk Duds in every store around here. If you can't find any, I can mail you some. Or you could try Amazon. They have almost everything.

That would be crazy-chewy, but also super tasty. I like where your head is at. Let's keep it up!

You'd think he could have sold the worms as "already fried." He didn't even need to charge extra. I'm sure the fish love fried food too!

Yeah, we have a lot of fun conversations on here. I really enjoy them. I also learn a lot about random things, which I like.

I could see a person making a lot of money on the ATMs. The downside is that if you get robbed, you can lose a lot of money, whereas if your vending machine gets robbed, you just got to Costco and buy another box.

Yes! All three of us are Milk Dud people. I love it! It's difficult not to eat them all during the previews. They are exceedingly long. You'd think that since you're paying to watch the movie that you wouldn't have to watch ads too, but you do. What also sucks is that most of them are for horror films which I don't watch. I don't even like the previews. Another reason to stay away from the theater.

Well, it sounds like it's worth it to you. Now you know that if you're ever struggling with insomnia that you can simply go to the theater and you can get some sleep. Just take your pillow and tell the nice man that you want the "Sleeper discount" and they'll park you in the front where you can't see, but won't need to. ;)

Now you know that if you're ever struggling with insomnia that you can simply go to the theater and you can get some sleep. Just take your pillow and tell the nice man that you want the "Sleeper discount" and they'll park you in the front where you can't see, but won't need to. ;)

You mean tell the nice man that I've officially gone insane lol

That might work too. Try them out and let us know which works the best! :)

You were going to start a worm farm? Also, aren't 900 numbers like psychic hotlines and such? I don't think vending machines are a bad way to go. You just need to find a health-unconscious office, and you're in! :D

That's why I like the Froyo Robot dispenser deal. They supposedly locate it, and then you just make sure it's stocked, running fine and collect the cash. I can't remember if there's a monthly franchise payment or you pay it all up front, but anyway, it was relatively cheap (still in the thousands) and you don't have the headaches of the building or employee overhead that you would with a restaurant.

Well, worm farm is a bit much. I bought some chemicals that were supposed to irritate the night crawlers out of the ground so I could catch them and then go around to the local shops selling them as bait. Unfortunately, I got the mixture wrong and the worms ended up frying as they came up to the surface. Kind of turned me off to the idea. Plus, there weren't that many.

Yeah, 900 numbers had all kinds of things attached to them, including the psychic folks, some of them less reputable than others. The deal for me was the cost per call, of which I got a chunk. I can't remember what the cost was per month, but it was low enough for me to consider it. Then I just had to have something people wanted. I can't even remember what I was going to do now. I don't even know if they still exist. I'd be surprised if they do, just because the internet pretty much does for free what 900 numbers charged for.

Hey, that Froyo bot sounds cool. They probably figure out the legality of it too, so you don't have to worry about putting it in the wrong place. By running fine, do you mean that you're the one who has to clean it? Because don't the McDonalds people have to clean the machine every day or something. I have heard stories about their machines being really gross. Froyo sounds like a cool idea, but I don't want to add a much of headaches if I'm not going to be rolling in the cash from them. :D

Um, that's gross. I'm sorry for you and sorry that the worms never fulfilled their destiny of becoming fish food for some youngsters catching something to fry up. I could understand how you wouldn't want to continue after that.

That was going to be my next question, what were you going to sell? I'm not sure if they have them either. I just know that when I was younger I worried about dialing 900, not 800 because I didn't want to have to pay for a call. I would have gotten in a bunch of trouble. Ha. Yeah, the internet does a lot of things for free now, but people still pay for those things. It all depends on what you're into I guess. For instance, Netflix isn't free, but it's $10/mo for all the movies and tv you can watch. People still pay $10-15 to see a regular (non-3D) movie. That's not including popcorn! I haven't seen a movie in theaters for years. There's no reason to go. All you have to do is wait a little while and it comes out on Netflix. Or, you miss the movie and your life is still basically the same... except you still have your $10-15 + popcorn. ;)

The 900 number may have been for something sports related. Not sure what. That just comes to mind. Maybe I'll come up with it later.

I would imagine the McDonalds folks have to clean up their own stuff, but I don't think there's anyone else who maintains the Froyo Robot but me, unless I hire someone to do it. It's supposed to be pretty good, so hopefully spills would be at a minimum. Fingers crossed, like I'm actually going to do it. :)

There are a few movies I like to see in theaters, like all of the Marvel movies (which I managed to do up until a couple years ago). Otherwise, most of the others can be watched at home. I am partial to surround sound, though, so I like to have it when watching a movie.

I don't get popcorn. My wife does, but it's too salty and the butter they put on it makes the popcorn soggy really quick. Instead, I get the box of Milk Duds, and end up eating them all about 20 minutes into the movie.

I had Netflix for a while, but then they upped the price again so I got rid of it. I already had Hulu for shows I wanted to watch anyway, and I generally buy movies I want to see more than once off of iTunes.

And, yeah, you're life is probably unchanged if you miss the latest Hollywood blockbuster, but it's nice to sit down with the family and come up with something everyone will agree to watch, and the latest and geatest special effects extravaganza tends to get the youngins out of the house and off their devices for a couple hours.

I could see it being sports-related. I couldn't see paying for it, but I could see someone, even you running it.

Regarding the Froyo machine

Fingers crossed, like I'm actually going to do it. :)

Ha ha, well, I think it would be cool if you could have your own business again. I definitely wouldn't want to be cleaning frozen yogurt up every day though.

I get the whole surround sound aspect of it. The thing is that home theater systems are so much cheaper than they used to be that you could make your money back by watching movies at home. I'm not to picky when it comes to the movie experience. I don't need a 72in+ tv. Don't need surround sound. Don't like Dizzy D, I mean 3D. Movies have just gotten so bad that I don't see why people pay money for them. Sure, there are some that are good, but most are just garbage plots, with untalented A-list actors playing the same part they played in their last 10 movies. Not that I have an opinion on the matter...

I'm with you on the popcorn. The movie theater stuff is gross. I'd much rather pop my own. It's delicious and it's much healthier for you. Just put 1/2 cup of kernels in a paper bag and use scotch tape to keep it closed. Microwave for like a minute, maybe 90 seconds, and then add butter to taste. It's simple and cheap.

I really like Milk Duds as well. I think I could make them last longer than 20 minutes, but only because I know that if I finish them in 20, then I'll be without anything for the next 70. Can't have that! Heh.

Netflix and Hulu are basically the same thing. I mention Netflix because it's a little better known. Also, Hulu still has ads on some of their things. At least they cut down on that garbage. They used to still have all the ads even if you had the subscription. They changed at some point, but if I could only pick one, it would probably be Netflix. Then again, I have Steem, so why do I need tv, right? :)

it's nice to sit down with the family and come up with something everyone will agree to watch

How do you do that? The "kids" in my family are all adults and we still have trouble agreeing on what movie would be good. Ha!

The balcony looks wonderfully cozy, so jealous of your hammock!
It's a great start, I can see half of your plant I have it in my garden too, and they are growing quite well, I'm sure you will be fine with them.

Oh thank you @roselifecoach, I appreciate the gardening encouragement :)

The hammock, I must admit, is pretty awesome. A lot of places, including our apartment, have hammock hooks inside as well. When we first arrived here, my husband hated that I kept falling asleep in the hammock and not in our bed haha It is so unbelievably comfortable :)

I can imagine that, if accompany with a light breeze, that can really be heaven!

You hit the nail on the head right there!! :)

That is nice and for Brain to sit outside in the evenings and just get some enjoyment and peace would be nice for the both of you .
rooftop pool, balcony and less stairs 👍

It is a win, win, win!! Thank you @wolfhart; you understand the importance of peace for us.

Your selection to start with looks good and notsorry at all @lynncoyle1!!! What a relaxing and soothing space. Seeing your enthusiasm, maybe one day I will groom my balcony too, just maybe :P I only have an aloe vera plant and a 3 pots on mint plants so far.

Love the coconut lights and hammock!!!

I'm famous for having a "great start" and then petering out after that haha , so we'll see where this all goes. I'm hoping now that I've made it public, I'll have to do it :)

Oh, I can read between the lines with your "groom my balcony too, just maybe" haha Next month when I post this again, you can see if I've done anything and I'll ask you about your aloe vera and three mint plants :)

I love the coconut lights and hammock too...thank you! :)

Thanks for taking the time to join, @lynncoyle1.
Plants are indeed the symbol of life and growth, and it's a good thing to have a little of both in your life too.

The balcony looks beautiful, and I simply love that coconut light.

The plants may be small now, but they'll be growing fast enough. Just make sure the vines don't overgrow you while you're in the hammock ;0)

It is my pleasure @simplymike! I pushed myself to do it, I don't mind saying, but now I'm so glad I did ;)

We've been vacationing here for years and always saw those coconut lights for sale; we both loved them the first time we laid eyes on them, so they were one of the first things we purchased when we arrived here.

Just make sure the vines don't overgrow you while you're in the hammock ;0)

hahaha with this heat, it's entirely possible ;)

I’m glad you did too ;0)

That is a lovely space to turn into a balcony garden for you and Brian to enjoy. So envious of that hammock: I have always wanted one and never really had the type of space that would lend itself to one! Enjoy it.. :D

Thank you so much, it is a good space I think! The hammock is so relaxing too (sorry, that sounds like I'm rubbing it in haha). They even have hammock hooks inside most places here. When I'm out for a walk, people often have their doors open and I can see hammocks being used all over the place. I've been known to sleep all night in it and wake up with my body feeling amazing as opposed to the stiffness that sometimes comes with a regular mattress. They are onto something here for sure!

Decorating your balcony with the plants makes it appears more attractive and
beautiful. Thanks for the updates on your gardening. @lynncoyle1

Thank you @emmanuelacheamp :) I appreciate your words and you stopping by!

Focusing on something else helps as it gives your mind a break, a chance to gain more strength. I really like your cizy bakcony. Looks like a great place for you two to relax a bit, enjoy the view and the breeze.

Focusing on something else helps as it gives your mind a break, a chance to gain more strength.

That's exactly it !! Thank you so much for your support and insight; I appreciate it very much ;)

Great way to help change your focus. Thanks for sharing

Thank you @andrewsmodels ...well said! I appreciate you stopping by ;)

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