Big Blue Possibly Psychadelic Morning Glories Photo Shoot and Thoughts

in #gardening7 years ago

I'm not sure if my guesses are correct but I believe this morning glory flower to be of higher LSA content within the seeds, meaning it's suitable for a cold water LSA extraction of the seeds when they are done. Our entire property is being penetrated with morning glories of all kinds and all morning glories do contain LSA but the amounts vary. The same is true of the mimosa family with DMT, all contain higher amounts than other plants but some are much higher than others. (This is one of the plants commonly used to brew Auyuasca. Mimosa Hostilis to be exact).

LSA is similar to LSD in effect but it occurs naturally, sometimes in high percentages, in the seeds of just about any morning glory flower. One's like hawaiian baby woodrows are very high in the compound wheras most varieties are pretty low, meaning you'd have to take possibly hundreds of seeds compared to 5-10 seeds of a more concentrated variety.

These look like a variety called Clark's Heavenly Blue which is a pretty high content variety but not as high as the hawaiian ones. If you've ever seen the all white variety, pearly gates, those are just as psychoactive as these. But the LSA must be extracted because the seed coats contain a chemical very hard on the gut to deter people from eating them (a natural defense). There are ways to make it less hard on the gut all the way to lab synthezation if you've got the equipment.

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Love Morning Glories, reminds me of Mom's back yard!..... I bought some Morning Glory seeds on Ebay, but I didn't get high off of them.

Great post, I've never tried LSA before. Looks like a beautiful vibrant flower, pretty cool that it has psychedelic components!

I tried it a few times, just eating the seeds. It's pretty hard on the stomach but the effects are interesting. I find it interesting that there are all sorts of plants growing around me with psychoactive compounds. I'll write more on this stuff soon.

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