Hydroponic Produce...A Photo Essay

in #gardening8 years ago

 Like the title says, I grow tomatoes, not just any tomatoes, Hydroponic Tomatoes. 

  We grow many varieties of tomatoes, both Hybrid and Heirloom!

We grow green tomatoes!

Even yellow tomatoes.

We grow most every color of the rainbow!

Not just a one trick pony!

 Tomatoes aren't the only thing we grow, If you can grow it in the ground, you can grow it hydroponically.

We also grow Cucumbers, Lettuce, Green Beans and Squash.

This is a mix of leaf lettuces and basil, fresh greens are always a hit at the farmer's markets that we sell at.

That's just a look at some of the stuff we grow, hope you enjoyed it!


Nice post! How about a post about your set-up and production methods?

I did a quick post of some hydro info , but I plan on going indepth a little more soon.

Wow all of it looks very good! Makes me hungry just looking at it!

Thanks, we try to grow the good stuff!

never seen such different colours in tomatoes and I like tomatoes.

Thanks ace108, There are so many varieties and colors of tomatoes, it's hard to pick which ones to grow!

The power of Hydroponics. I tell you, anyone who brings up hothouse tomatoes grown for supermarkets as the "Taste you get from hydro tomatoes" has never had real tomatoes in hydro before. At least not done right.

Awesome looking produce! :D 5 stars and an upvote. :)

Keep it Clean!

You are so right about that, The difference is picking ripe versus picking green and shipping across a continent or over an ocean. I would guess that 80% of your grocery store tomatoes are hydro grown, but they pick early and ship them for days or wharehouse them and pump in ethylene gas to produce redness but not ripeness.

And what a difference! :D

potatoes though?

You know I have not tried potatoes, they may be the one thing that you can't grow hydroponically. Not sure if they would rot with all the moisture in the pots, I guess that will be my next experiment. I did grow garlic in the hydro with some pretty good results, potatoes might just work!

I know people have succes with garlic in aquaponics also, but yeah potatoes will be tough also just not worth it.

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