Lavender Harvest: Part One

in #gardening7 years ago

It's All About The Buds

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By the time July rolls around on the farmstead, I am getting ready for my second wind to commence, and that's a good thing, for there is a unique scent wafting through the air during this particular time of year. That scent, while super pleasant and chill mood inducing, is actually a harbinger of a whole plethora of work for this Kat.


Lavender. Humans have cultivated the plant for a long time. Some people think it smells gross, others lose their cognitive function and pocket change whenever they come across lavender in any form. I like lavender, it is a fairly easy crop to produce, and lavender lemonade, lavender ice cream, and lavender goat milk soap are a few of my all time favorite products.

Don't get me wrong, I am not one of those ladies that packs around essential oil bottles in my bag so that I might dab essence of moonbeam holistic spotted super herb on you to heal all of your ailments. I like essential oils and their useful properties, just like I admire lavender, but I am a big believer in the concepts of balance and moderation. Kind of like I found it hard to balance on my own two feet after spending all morning bent over in the lavender field snipping flower stems while inhaling that smooth scent of "let's lie down on the ground and not move for a few hours" inducement.


I have a few hundred lavender plants that need harvested every July. There are two stages of harvest depending on what you wish to do with your lavender. Today we will discuss harvesting lavender for dried buds. The buds are useful in crafts and culinary applications.

Once the plants start getting close to blooming, I make daily morning trips to the lavender field and check to see if it is go time. You want to start harvesting for dried buds once just a couple of buds on a lavender plant open and flower.


Harvest also needs to take place before it gets too warm out, I always stop cutting before 10AM. The reason for this is the oil that is present in the buds dissipates into the air around the flowers during the heat of the day, only to return in the evening. Also, I need breakfast at some point.


Once you cut a few flats, buckets, bags, or baskets of bud filled stems, it's time to prep the flowers for drying. I accomplish this task one of two ways.

First, I walk around the house kicking random cupboard doors shut and kid detritus out of the way searching for the rubber bands that I bought specifically for lavender harvest season. Creative cursery will fill the air as you discover that your spawn have liberated said rubber bands for their own non-relevant to the freaking project that they were purchased for use. Since they are off farm for the day volunteering at a Boy Scout Camp, you are deprived the joy of screeching at them, and instead deliver a passionate oratory performance to the cats and dogs espousing the injustice of untimely rubber band liberation!

Then you go to your hair accessory drawer, grab some hair ties and hair rubber bands that your daughter hasn't found yet and continue on with your day, albeit with slightly more elevated blood pressure.

Take a moment at this junction and inhale some of that chill mood inducing lavender scent. Sigh.


Now then, I stack the lavender in a handful, rubber band the bundle, and hang it upside down to dry. Repeat. I tend to dry the longest, prettiest stems this way. When I get tired of bundling lavender I grab an old window screen and dump the rest of the lavender that I harvested onto it.


You want to dry your herbs in a well ventilated area that is out of direct sun. I put mine somewhere close, so when I find my tape, scissors, yarn, or something else missing, I can take a detour to chill land. Truly, just a deep breath of lavender scent will divert rage molecules with more efficiency than a rabbit on Red Bull trying to type on a carrot covered iPad.

I might have a ton more lavender to bundle right now, so off I go. The next lavender post will cover how to harvest flowers and plant material for essential oil and hydrosol production. I'm also going to cover some home hydrosol production methods, demonstrate lavender lemonade and ice cream making, and throw out a few recipes here and there. It really is an amazing plant!


And as always, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's very chill and lavendery fragrant iPhone.

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Very nice pictures, the colors stand out good.

Thank you for that, I love the shade of purple that is lavender, it's almost as enticing as the smell.😊

I love the smell of lavender! Great post! thanks for the information! upvoted!

Awe, thank you kindly! As I type my this my nostrils are being assaulted with lavender scent (not a horrid thing by any means!), I think my fingers are saturated with just a little bit of the smell from cutting flowers all morning, lol!

Purple is my favorite color so these were so beautiful to me

Ah, always happy to run into another purple-ista, it's my favorite color too! So glad you enjoyed the photos, I have to say that my morning's farm chores were more than enjoyable today.😊

Oh lavender. I try to grow lavender 3rd year now. When I say I try to grow it - first year my neighbor's cats destroyed it. They basically made a nest in the middle of my plant. Second year it died before I got to plant it. This year I built a cage for my 6 lavender plants, but summer is so cold and rainy here that it just won't grow. I guess, no luck with lavender for me.

After that devoted of an attempt I feel like success has to be imminent! Wow! Hopefully it will dry out a bit and your little plants will flourish, you deserve a bit of a win in lavender land! The end goal is totally worth all the headache😊

I truly enjoyed your comment and followed ya! Good luck!

Thank you so much! :) I will definitely not give up on my lavender. I just hope it won't give up on me again. Weather looks more hopeful in July here. :)

Lavender is beautiful. Great post

I agree, it is lovely! And thank you😊

Oh lavenders looks nice.
But thanks for good info about harvesting and drying lavenders.
Quality post at all here, I appreciate your job!

Thank you so much for such an awesome comment, I truly appreciate it! Lavender harvest is a very enjoyable bit of work, almost as enjoyable as sharing how I harvested it with you all!

Incredibly gorgeous. Wish ours would grow to that size. Kind of wet here but we are experimenting with a variety that may do well in this heat. Looking forward to your next posting. Thanks 🐓🐓

Oooh! What variety are you experimenting with? It rained and snowed for 7 months straight this year and my Munstead and Grosso cultivars have done great! I do have very well drained soil though, but they have also thrived through record breaking drought and extreme heat too!

I hope that yours do well for you, and thank you so much for the comment!😊

I believe the variety is called " phenomenal". Right now it is about 6 inches tall. Thanks for stopping by. 🐓🐓

You have gotten me so enthused to start a lot of lavender cuttings and grow a lot of lavender at my place! I see so much around town in various parking lots and it does well with no care, clearly. I've got one plant -- one -- and it's in full flower right now. I'm looking forward to making a lavender-walnut bread this weekend, but I didn't dry any at all before the flowers opened. : ( I'm sure looking forward to more of your lavender posts! :D

Lavender walnut bread sounds divine! Cannot wait to see the post on that, hint, hint, lol😉 I really like lavender and lemon ice cream and am going to try to invent a dairy free version. We'll see how that goes. I also love infusing honey with lavender, and I sorta feel like a bit of that drizzled on some walnut or pecan bread sounds like a whole lot of wonderful. Yum! Dangit! Now I am hungry! lol!

I can't wait to see posts of your future little lavender patch, harvesting it really is one of the most pleasant jobs ever!

Lavender honey sounds really good! I've had lavender ice cream a couple times and it was incredible! A dairy free version would be nice.

It was too hot to use the oven this weekend. But I'm getting after it now - we have a cool front! :D It's time to roast some early pears, too, to make roasted pear sorbet. That's good business.

I've got a spot picked out for my future lavender patch! :D

I read your entire comment, but "roasted pear sorbet" is all I keep thinking about. OH MY YUM! Can't wait to see, make, and taste that!

I love lavender ice cream so stinkin much, think I am going to make some, sometime this week, don't worry, I will post about it, lol!

Can't wait to see how your lavender patch turns out, I have to get started making essential oil and hydrosol, busy times, lol!

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