Sunday Seedlings - Gardeningchef

in #gardening6 years ago


I hope you are all having a great Sunday. I woke up early this morning and thought I'd take some photos of my little veggie seedlings for you all to see! I am pretty excited to see everything popping up.









First off we have my cucumbers! No lemon ones yet but my other two varieties are showing. Then my little pot of gourmet basil, followed by a lone spinach and some rainbow carrot rows. I'm happy the spinach and carrot are coming through as they live in the new raised box. Last photo is my tray of herbs, of which I am definitely going to plant out soon. No need for labelling now, all the seedling leaves are pretty telling. Look at that rocket!

Hope you all are having a relaxed Sunday!



Wow this is when a new gardeners heart really starts to race. When those seeds start popping and you suddenly realize ... yay I can grow stuff!!! The photos are fabulous quality, we won’t be forgetting you are a professional photographer as well as a successful gardener. Great post @gardeningchef, keep these coming. Rocket looks amazing and ready to plant out. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

This comment is spot on, and applied directly to me this season as well. First year grower and I am loving it!

Hello fellow first year!! Happy to meet you. Now following you and looking forward to seeing more from your garden!

Thanks @sallybeth23, it sure is exciting to see. I hadn't grown much past tomatoes and herbs before this so I am really happy to be able to grow all these new vegetables. Glad you liked the photos too. The lighting before sunrise was just right so I was lucky today :)

Me encanta esta idea de tener tus hierbas, mas cuando te gusta cocinar pues el olor y sabor de ellas recién recogidas es mucho mejor, que bueno que puedas sembrar distintas variedades, es algo muy satisfactorio y hermoso ver como van creciendo, abrazos

Es verdad que el olor y el sabor de las hierbas son mejores cuando estan recien recogidas! Mucho mejor que las que se compran en las tiendas. Tienes jardin tu tambien @reciclajeymas?

No actualmente pues no tengo espacio, mi mamá si tiene algunas macetas con orégano, albahaca, cebollino, cilantro, también tomates y ajíes, una amiga sembró ajos y me dice que es mucho mejor el sabor y como amo cocinar pues tomo esto en cuenta , espero cuando me mude en el piso haya balcón y pueda tener algunas macetas.

Tu madre hace muy bien. Seguro que hace unos platos riquisimos con todo lo que tiene creciendo! Es verdad que el ajo sabe mucho mejor cuando lo has sembrado tu. Tarda un poco pero merece la pena. Espero que puedas tener el espacio suficiente pronto para poder empezar a sembrar tu tambien :)

How long ago did you plant them? And did you germinate before putting in soil?
I planted and germinated carrot, spinach and lettuce seeds at the same time 2 days ago to see if germinating seeds will even have advantage over the seeds that went straight into the soil.

Hi @doctorspence, I planted all of these seedlings 11 days ago straight into the root trays and beds you see in the photos :) let me know if you find germination gives your seedlings a better chance!

Hey a few of my seeds sprouted this morning! Only lettuce and carrot at first, but when I came home later in the day, the spinach had sprouted also. The only ones that sprouted so far we’re on the shady side of the tray, what do u think made them sprout first? Less sun or more moisture because of less sun?

Hey there! That's great that your seeds have started sprouting! If I am counting days correctly I believe your germination process has cut your sprouting time almost in half, compared to my planting method. Some plants require heat during germination but not always direct sunlight, so that could be why the ones in the shade are getting along better.

Saludos; muy lindas tus plantas la tierra siempre nos regala con sus bendiciones cuando elejimos cuidarla y no destruirla. Exìtos

Muchas gracias por tu comentario @weidai, estoy muy bendecida con mis plantas y espero que me traigan muchas verduras!

gardeningchef, Amèn asi sera. Saludos

Isn't it the most exciting time to watch them sprout. I get happy too. Your plants look so healthy and you are going to have a wonderful crop.

It sure is a source of great joy for me at the moment. I have planted some flowers too, I've got the seeding bug!!

Thank you @sunscape I am glad you think so, this is my first year of proper plant growing so I am feeling really lucky to see things going so well!

You are doing a fantastic job. Here is the post I promised you of my beds. Enjoy.

wow beautiful, I love all the plants, I have some captus by the way, I love the photos, greetings;)

Thank you @franyelisasanchez! Glad you liked the post :)

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