in #gardening7 years ago

Hello everyone, in this second installment we will be explaining how to do a transplant of a tomato plant. If you have not seen the first delivery, I'll leave the link: “The tomato # 1/4 + other agricultural work”.

Continuing with the explanation, before doing any transplant work we must condition the place where we are going to place the plants in this case are some tomato plants. So these plants have conditions which we should know, these can vary according to their species, temperature, height, among others. However, given that the tomato plant is a very resistant plant even to droughts.


Before starting the work we use a fungicide, in my case use TRICHODERMA since I try to make my crops as organic and natural as possible. So I prepared a mixture of TRICHODERMA with water in a container, I left it at rest for a few minutes and finally I placed it in each glass where I have the seedling of tomato seedlings; this procedure is to eliminate any fungus that is in the ground, since there is the possibility that in the process of growth of the plant develops fungi product of moisture applied. In some cases it is recommended to apply fungicide as soon as the seed is being placed.

Placing the TRICHODERMA in the container

Water to the container for the mixture

Note: Check the suggested information on the can or on where you got the seed.

Placing fungicide in seedbed

Placing fungicide in seedbed

Place where it is conditioned to plant the tomato plants

We leave for a while to drain the fungicide in the vases of the seedbed and we are going to condition the place where the tomato plants will be planted, likewise an ornamental plant that I had in the place I picked it up to work it later since it is time to be pruned and I had not done. Then it was expanding the fertilizer to cover the area to be planted.

Holding ornamental plant to be worked on later

Organic fertilizer to condition the area of ​​tomato plants

Pouring organic fertilizer

Spreading the organic fertilizer in the place to sow

Spreading the organic fertilizer in the place to sow

Area already conditioned for transplanting tomato plants

Note: if you want to know how to elaborate organic fertilizer I will leave the link: (this in Spanish) “ELABORACIÓN DE ABONO ORGANICO | PASO A PASO:”

In this way the next step was to open the holes where the plants were going to be placed, try to play with the space in the same way, place them so that they could manipulate in the future and work with space.

Opening holes to place the tomato plant

Separating tomato seedling container

Extracting excess soil from the hole

Seedlings already placed on the ground, soil

Successful tomato plant transplant

Finishing doing transplant

Transplant completed, This would be our finished work

To conclude something very important, you should water the plants already placed on the ground, because some suffer a little stress from the transplant and the water causes them to relax.

Watering freshly transplanted tomato plants

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