Ragtag Garden, Part 37

in #gardening7 years ago

Despite multiple waves of thunderstorms this weekend, the Ragtag Garden is still chuggin' along.

Daytime temps are in the 70's and the lows are leveling out in the mid-50's at night. All that to say, the radishes are loving this weather! The bin was partially covered during the worst of the downpours and winds. I took the lid off as soon as possible so it could dry out some and get the airflow back to normal. We have an upcoming week of stable temps, so I'm hoping to see them start filling out. Fingers crossed...

These are two of the three tomatoes that all ripened at once. Hubby snagged the other one and it's about gone. There are a few more small green ones on the plant, plus over a dozen blossoms even at this late date.

The pole beans really took a beating from the winds, but the supports held together enough to be re-stacked. I'll have to re-apply the tape to stabilize the cages. At this point, it's basically the runners that have woven around the rungs that are keeping the cages in place. As I was inspecting the 'damage', I started picking the mature beans. Better haul than I expected.

Pretty good for mid-October, if I do say so myself!


It started here - Reclaiming The Backyard Firepit
Which turned into this - Ragtag Garden

Here's A Scorecard For Newcomers

The expansion of these two projects has now become The Ragtag Saga:
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 1
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 2
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 3
Revved Up Ragtag, Part 4

Stay Tuned For The Next Installment - Coming Soon!

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Gardeners Badge created by @daddykirbs.


Not bad at all. We are getting down to the 40's lately, brrrr. I guess summer IS over!

Very nice for this time of year. What a great idea to just snap the lid on if you want to protect your plants. I am going to have to figure out something for my garden. You're the best aunt-deb. 🐓🐓

We usually get a frost early October, so these are a real bonus!

The bin has been fun to play with. I'd even forgotten where the lid was until I was searching for something else & stumbled across it. Mini-greenhouse was my next thought after finding it. I can also turn the lid sideways for a 'halfway' roof. It's working pretty well so far - except for keeping out the birds, who ate all my carrot sprouts. Win some, lose some. Lol!

Been meaning to take a few pics of the garden to post. Today was the first day it felt like fall was in the air. Yeah! 🐓🐓

nice post of gardening with real pictures,thanks for sharing..

We are having strong winds now, hate them..

Agreed. Not much you can do, but ride it out. Still gets on the nerves.

I really struggle to grow in pots, so I'm pretty impressed with what you've produced!

Thanks! It's been a nice surprise. Enough to have me planning next year. I hope your luck improves going forward!

Thank you! I find if I plant directly in the ground things improve dramatically! Nature is definitely a better gardener than I. Lol!

Your garden is still plugging along, I see. It's amazing how the pole beans will just keep putting out more beans until the frost kills them.

Yup. Agreed on the beans. It had been so many years since I did them, that I'd forgotten how tenacious they can be. It's been fun, though, to see them do their thing again. Lol!

I gave up on picking my pole beans, I'm just letting them make seeds now. If the plants live long enough before the frost gets them, I should get a few pods of seeds that are developed enough to be able to grow next year.

Ahhh, so that's how you do it! I hadn't had time to check out the process.

I am excited to show you my pots lol.

Bob the Statist envies my tomatoes and I am loving your continued haul of beans you have fostered.

You grow stuff nicely, why can`t we put you in office so you can grow the economy and ethics inside politics.

I signed back in to come visit as you were on my mind.

Nite Deb.

Hi bud! I can't wait to see how your pots are doing. I'm envisioning pizzas with fresh maters and pepper rings in your future. ;~D Bob can go do his own...

Lol at me in office! Looooong list of folks would be getting whacked with a rolled up newspaper and sent to their crates with no supper. There's some fun fodder for dreams...

Rest well!

Targeted today in steemit chat and my posts, by the usual suspects for no reasons.

Sent to Tim and Klye by email with screenshots etc --- not hopeful for a ton being done.

You work hard and try and be nice to people and build community and mind your business and this stuff continues......

Have a good night Deb.

Just saw that. BS must be off his meds again and is letting his alters run rampant. He must have a really pathetic life to enjoy getting his jollies this way.

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