Out Of Town Update 3

in #garden6 years ago


Not much has changed since our last visit, everything's a little bigger, a little stronger.


The sunflower house is growing fairly well, though it's a bit late. Hopefully it has time to grow!


This is exciting though;


It's parsnips! There were none on our last visit at all so I had really felt like we wouldn't get any. Then, surprise! There they are!

The zucchini and spaghetti squash are looking great!



Potatoes and peas and carrots are coming in well too!


Some random dill here and there, will come in handy when it's time for pickling!


Cute little lady bug, hurry up and eat some aphids lady!

And let's not forget about the beans!!!! ❤️

Every time I visit I get more excited! Can't wait to reap what we have sewn ❤️

Take care!
~The NeoHippy


Here's my previous steems about the out of town garden:





No kidding! Your garden is doing awesome!! Great to see. Thanks for sharing it's progress with us 💜💜💜

Thank you! I hope more people start gardening, it's just the best kind of therapy! LoL

It seriously is! I have been battling depression as part of my recovery and the day we buult my sisters garden and dug in the dirt was the most uplifting days of the past 11 months. I was amazed but not surprised. It's incredible to feel it first hand. Might make a good blog post 💜
Has gardening helped you too?

Sorry to hear you have been battling that beast, I've dealt with that before too and it sucks. So glad the garden is helping though, that's fantastic! The monkey on my back is anxiety these days, makes it hard to leave the house at times. Can't say gardening has helped with that, but it has definitely stirred new passion in me and made me feel more capable and independent than I did before. It's rebellious in my mind, every seed you plant is a fuck you to oppressive government and corporate control :)

Feels so good to be empowered 💜💚 my kids don't enjoy being out. They are both such home bodies they most often prefer to be home. But, i've recently found a vegan cafe to take my daughter to so we've been out a few times. She became vegan last fall. It has appealing qualities for sure. Is your anxiety new? Is it the crowds that bother you or interacting with strangers?

That's great that your daughter has gone vegan :) It can be an amazing diet when done properly! We have a couple vegan restaurants around us that we visit from time to time, it's great to have businesses we can actually go to and not feel guilty LoL

My anxiety is not new, not sure what it is that actually bothers me. I live in my head too much. LoL

Coming along nicely and the ladybird what a bonus. None round here anymore too many pesticides bastards 💯🐒

That's awful! There's so many heavily sprayed areas here too, it's really bad. Thankfully the fields around this garden are either hay or unused so there's quite a few ladybugs and wasps, they make short work of the more troublesome bugs :)

I live in the country but we just dont see incescts any more. I remember when I was younger spending age washing the off my dads car scrucbbing the headlights. Never see them now Haha i'll let him off then 💯🐒

That's too bad!! :( it's insane what our food industry has become!

Sure we all need to start growing out own and collapse the industry 💯🐒

Looks great!

Ooh, parsnips! Totally forgot about growing those.

My beans keep getting eaten by rabbits. I'm on the third planting and if this current method of using chili powder on them doesn't work, I'm probably out of time for the season...

Dang!!! The bunnies have been munching on our beans at home too! Some have no leaves left at all 🙄
We put up a fence the other day, just a crappy little dollar store one and it seems to have worked. Another option if the plants are still small is a pop bottle with the bottom cut off. I haven't tried it yet though.
I hope you get some beans out of it! Those bunnies are fierce this year! 😆

No kidding: this is the first year in seven we've had any troubles with rabbits at all. Usually it's just squirrels. Who knows...maybe next year it's going to be deer too. Ack.

Ooh, that's a good idea. My inlaws have a ton of plastic water bottles right now. I bet I could get a few.

I just keep replanting...and if they eat the beans, I guess I'll replant turnips and beets in another six weeks and keep that garden space working.

Having lots of seeds on hand at least helps be flexible when the pests go after the garden!

Uh, we had so many deer last year! We knew it was them too because they pooped everywhere! LoL

Hopefully they too eating your beans though!! Nice to have so many seeds :)

congrats hard work starts to pay off

Thank you! So true! ❤️

Everything looks great! I love the ladybug shot!

Thanks!!! She was so cute and stood out so well against the green! ❤️

You just planted 0.03 tree(s)!

Thanks to @yogajill

We have planted already 3484.77 trees
out of 1,000,000

Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it!
My Steem Power = 21990.96
Thanks a lot!
@martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

Omg NICE!! Go little sunflowers go!! And beautiful rows of beans there, plentiful bounty you'll have!!

Thanks!!!! I really hope the sunflowers have enough time to grow into a fine house! I'll definitely plant some on the fall anyway so it will spring up on its own next year!

Oooh good idea on the fall planting!!

Do you even have any space left to grow one I wonder? LoL your land is so beautifully full!! ❤️

HAHAA Yeah we got sunny's popping through, and the ones that are doing the best are the ones that seeded themselves! :) My garden is a jungly nightmare of death right now...I'm just dealing with one piece at a time and trying to get er done!

It's so crazy time consuming! Keeps me busy from march to October haha
Hopefully you can get it all growing nicely!! :)

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