
Thank you! I hope more people start gardening, it's just the best kind of therapy! LoL

It seriously is! I have been battling depression as part of my recovery and the day we buult my sisters garden and dug in the dirt was the most uplifting days of the past 11 months. I was amazed but not surprised. It's incredible to feel it first hand. Might make a good blog post 💜
Has gardening helped you too?

Sorry to hear you have been battling that beast, I've dealt with that before too and it sucks. So glad the garden is helping though, that's fantastic! The monkey on my back is anxiety these days, makes it hard to leave the house at times. Can't say gardening has helped with that, but it has definitely stirred new passion in me and made me feel more capable and independent than I did before. It's rebellious in my mind, every seed you plant is a fuck you to oppressive government and corporate control :)

Feels so good to be empowered 💜💚 my kids don't enjoy being out. They are both such home bodies they most often prefer to be home. But, i've recently found a vegan cafe to take my daughter to so we've been out a few times. She became vegan last fall. It has appealing qualities for sure. Is your anxiety new? Is it the crowds that bother you or interacting with strangers?

That's great that your daughter has gone vegan :) It can be an amazing diet when done properly! We have a couple vegan restaurants around us that we visit from time to time, it's great to have businesses we can actually go to and not feel guilty LoL

My anxiety is not new, not sure what it is that actually bothers me. I live in my head too much. LoL

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