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RE: Out Of Town Update 3

in #garden6 years ago

Looks great!

Ooh, parsnips! Totally forgot about growing those.

My beans keep getting eaten by rabbits. I'm on the third planting and if this current method of using chili powder on them doesn't work, I'm probably out of time for the season...


Dang!!! The bunnies have been munching on our beans at home too! Some have no leaves left at all 🙄
We put up a fence the other day, just a crappy little dollar store one and it seems to have worked. Another option if the plants are still small is a pop bottle with the bottom cut off. I haven't tried it yet though.
I hope you get some beans out of it! Those bunnies are fierce this year! 😆

No kidding: this is the first year in seven we've had any troubles with rabbits at all. Usually it's just squirrels. Who knows...maybe next year it's going to be deer too. Ack.

Ooh, that's a good idea. My inlaws have a ton of plastic water bottles right now. I bet I could get a few.

I just keep replanting...and if they eat the beans, I guess I'll replant turnips and beets in another six weeks and keep that garden space working.

Having lots of seeds on hand at least helps be flexible when the pests go after the garden!

Uh, we had so many deer last year! We knew it was them too because they pooped everywhere! LoL

Hopefully they too eating your beans though!! Nice to have so many seeds :)

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