Digital or Physical

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

To buy the physical copy or just download the digital version, that is the question.


Let's get Physical

There is nothing better than finally getting your hands on your new game. Going to the store or getting your package delivered containing the physical copy of your latest acquisition will always brighten up your day. There is something about being able to open the box, admire the art, quickly glance at the leaflets and then inserting the disc into your console or PC and let it boot up for the first time.
There used to be a time that buying a physical copy of a game was the only way to go but thanks to broadband internet and the increasing storage space available, we are able to download large quantities of digital copies of games. With consoles we have moved from cartridges to disc based games and digital downloads. PC had big boxes and when Steam came along PC gamers started favoring digital downloads over physical copies.
But there is something about those physical boxes that just gives the purchase of a game something extra, something special. It is probably because you get something "more" with a physical copy, a box, box art, a booklet and maybe some free giveaways.


remember those big boxes?

Digital is the Future

Nothing beats the ease of buying a digital version of a game. Recently I bought a copy of Tekken 7 when I was at work with my phone using the Playstation app. I paid with Paypal and used the app to queue the download of the game to my PS4, so that when I got home I could immediately start playing.
PC owners already made the transition from physical to digital a long time ago. Steam has provided a perfect service for downloading and managing your digital library of games.
There is no denying that digital downloads of games is the future, as you can see in the chart below, over the years the sales of physical games has been steadily declining while the sales of digital downloads has been rising.



So what is better?

Well, that is a matter of taste. In my opinion owning a physical copy still has it advantages. It makes buying a game more "real", digital downloading kind of takes the "romance" out of buying a new game. Buying physical also has some advantages when you are a real fan of a game and want to get some goodies by purchasing a Collector's edition for example. Another benefit is that you are able to lend out the game to a friend if you are done playing the game. There are a lot of games you play just once and then never play again, so when you are done with the game and have a friend who hasn't played it yet, you can just hand him the copy.

lend a friend.png

Sony demonstrating how to lend a friend your Playstation 4 games

The Physical vs Digital Download discussion was actually a hot topic of debate when the Playstation 4 and Xbox one were released. Microsoft wanted to go the digital route and tie the games you purchased to your account, prohibiting you from reselling and lending out your games. Sony made an instructional video demonstrating how you could lend out your games for the PS4 just by handing them over.

The digital purchase of a game has some major advantages over buying a physical copy. The most obvious is that after your purchase you can immediately start playing. No more going to a store or waiting for the delivery man. You can buy your games anytime and anywhere. Another advantage is that you can't lose or damage your discs. Your online library is always accessible even when your PC or console should malfunction. All you have to do is download your games again and you are good to go.
An even more interesting advantage (but one that we are not quite enjoying yet) is that the costs for digital downloads are less than physical copies. The games don't have to be shipped of to resellers, it is not necessary to reserve space in shops, no packaging is required. So technically the games could be cheaper because the time-to-market and the costs of bringing the games to market are less than shipping off physical copies.

My thoughts

I am old school, so owning a physical copy still has some sentimental meaning to me. However I really enjoy the benefits of the digital downloads. I believe that if manufacturers would stop making physical game discs that they could lower the price of games. This would be beneficial to both gamers and game developers. It is also reassuring that I have an online library and that my games are safe, no matter if my console or PC would break and I had to get another.
That said, I would be a sad thing if something like a Collector's Edition would disappear, getting that disc and all the goodies that come with it, really is something special. Replacing the physical goodies with in game extras just isn't the same.

What do you prefer Physical or Digital? Let me know in the comment section

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I prefer physical, but nowadays most physical games are just a sleeve and and empty case. I really miss the days when packaging and presentation was part of the video game experience.

Yup, I agree. Just getting a big box with all kinds of things in it made it feel like you were opening a present

I'd go digital every time. The only exception would be collector's edition versions of the game. There is no reason otherwise as most games these days have some sort of DRM and need to be verified only at the very least. So you're still doing the same thing but collecting dust with a physical copy.
I get the nostalgia, but in my opinion, it's just not worth the hassle of finding stores, occupying space.
What I would wish though is that the digital prices would go down, as them being the same makes no sense. The digital copy doesn't need any plastic or anything to be bought.

Preach my brother... Preach

Well we are already in the digital world. Don't we?

Yes, we are. But we must never forget the past :) I understand what you are getting at. But what about lending out games you bought. Shouldn't that be made possible?

Prefer physical anyday, main reason being I can resell, online only makes sense if you never plan to sell the game or its cheap enough to give same ROI as buying physical and then selling :)

Maybe it will become possible to resell digital games, but I kinda doubt it. But I do expect Physical to be almost non-existent in the future. Maybe only discs with special editions.

Physical for me. Theres something about having a game on your shelf that digital can't capture. Most of the time the digital versions are not even cheaper and considering your not getting the box or art work they should be.

The price being the same is something I still can't understand. Digital versions should be cheaper than physical, either they are keeping the price the same on purpose or they are waiting for physical sales to hit rock bottom.

Count me in the 'physical' crowd for this one, although I've been gaming since the days of the 2600, so the whole 'digital release' is still pretty new to me.

I'm not anti-digital by any means (I have a GOG account and a whole host of games through them), and digital is quite convenient, but if somebody gave me the choice, I'd take the physical release every time. :)

Love that 2600 :).atari is making a new console btw. I also love physical sometimes digital is the better option. Case in point, for the last 3 years I played a lot of destiny on my ps4,the disc almost never left the console. it was annoying swapping discs. So now with destiny2 I just went for the digital version.

I love 'Physical' but only just a little bit more... Because I like to collect the games "Boxes" and 'Physical' games are something I can touch, it's a good feeling you can't get with 'Digital' version. That's why If the physical is just a box with code I won't love it as much as... say a 3DS Game Card (still even the box worth the bragging right).

But I'm more likely to buy 'Digital' these days, because I live in Libya and the prices of "non-hacked" games recently sky-rocketed here, and Buying 'Physical' from outside the country comes with huge shipping cost.... 'Digital (non-cracked) Version' is more convenient to get if you have a Credit Card (which in Libya is something hard to get).

While the Gaming Community in Libya is Huge, %99 of Gamers are playing Cracked Games (they cost $1 or less for us, when you see everyone play them you get so tempted).

My Country is one of the few Countries that Game Making Companies don't care about... If they started to care about us, maybe I'll try to convince more Gamers here to buy the original version. But now... the only reason I buy Original/non-hacked games, and use services like steam is because as a Gamedev I know how hard is to create a game and I want to support the devs I like when I can.

Man it sounds tough being a gamer in Libya, thank you for sharing and supporting the developers. It's true that Game developers only care about certain countries. This is a bad thing because there is a lot of opportunity they are missing out on. Great to see you developing games, we need more people like you making indie games. I hope that you get to make your success game. Steem on!

I feel that if Game Companies published their games in Libya.. they will earn from us more than they earn from other some Countries, but assuming 2 things:

IF they make their games easily purchasable with LYD (Libyan Dinar as Cash)

  • Libya is a Cash Country.... People here never use Credit Cards. and only few have them.... most people who buy games don't have them.... If they made a way to say "Buying Steam Gift Cards" in Libyan Cash might solve part of the problem... but because of the second point, no one will buy Steam GC.

IF they don't sell them in a price more than 30 LYD per Game (That's about $10 for a game that will sell normally at $40 in USA)

  • Most people here are experts in finding cracked games, even some 13 years old teens here are experts at finding a well working "Full Version Free" of the game that contains no viruses. and this is available for free on internet......
  • Now, If someone wants to buy $40 game legally they have to pay at least 120 LYD (when the market price of dollar is high they might need to pay 200 LYD). The monthly salary of normal people in Libya is only 800-1200 LYD. No one here will ever use %10 of their income on one game. (Unless it's the latest FIFA18 or PES18, It seels like crazy here, I've seen someone paying 400 LYD to get one football game for PS4 early... in the opinion of general public that person is either crazy or rich!! mostly the latter)
  • If the Company told us Libyans by itself to buy their products Legally. and offered us a price that we can afford... we will start buying them!! at least I will actively start to make people around me support that company that cares about us!!!

Most people in the important age group (15-25 yrs old) in Libya have time for gaming in their daily or weekly life. Gaming Companies lose many potential sales by not caring about us.

maybe I should expand on this and make it a full post.

good luck
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