Gaming: There Is A Thing As Too EasysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #gaming7 years ago

A lot of the fun of gaming, at least for me, comes from the challenge. The overcoming of a level or boss that took several attempts and that feeling after. Being challenging is not the only aspect that makes gaming entertaining, there is the story, collecting stuff if that is your thing and exploring. But the difficulty of the game, especially in the old school days was what made the game playable. You wanted to make it as far as you can and replay it over and over until you made it to the next level.

Don't believe me? Have you played a game that is too easy. Where you just move from left to right with little effort. It might be fun for a bit but it gets boring quite fast. You might not even bothering finishing it. And then there are games where you power up too much. This comes with a few moments where you enjoy kicking the ass of the creatures that owned you earlier, but again, you hit a wall. You need something that takes effort and in a way work to pass. It sounds funny for a game but that effort is what makes it fun.

Are there any games you found too easy you want to add in the comments? Ones that could have been fun if they ramped up the difficulty?

**@funny is also my account


You're right. Too easy isn't fun or challenging enough.

But as I'm getting older I find many games are getting too difficult and too challenging. I used to be pretty good with shooters and rank high but nowadays it goes so fast that I can't keep up. I also don't really want to bother to memorize maps so that's a disadvantage as well.

Since I also don't have the same amount of time as I used to I don't even want to put in a lot of effort to master a game.

There is also the controls, newer games have a lot of them. And yeah map memorization is a must when you go online.

You are Right to an Extent, Challenging games act as a blockade that can be satisfying to overcome. but games that are too hard can kick ya so hard that you dont want to finish it because you dont seem to be improving

while some games Build off of challenge there also has to be an Easy side for those who are not really Gamers or is just getting into Gaming, This is why the Kirby Series Feeds off of its Easy Difficulty, It Still finds a way to be fun with out any real Challenge and finding a way to keep the player engaged, such as interesting Plot, Puzzles, or even mechanics.

Yea you can still have difficult games like Dark Souls and Bloodborne but Easy games are kinda needed.

So true!! The challenge of a game is what makes it fun :D without the challenge it wont be more of a shooter game player,so I find games like BF1 and PUBG very challenging and fun to play...anothers game that if find challenging,but limited are games like God of war not good with the different "genres" of games,I just play what I must be challenging and rewarding😎

I agree.. I wrote a post about the too difficult games before and I haven't thought about the too Easy ones.

I'd say though... I haven't played any game that is too easy for me not one I remem- Oh!! There IS one!!...

And yeah Visual Novels are too easy but that's the type of games they are so they don't count. (there are VNs that aren't easy to finish like DanganRonpa series).

I want to know some games that are too easy even for a weak player like myself.

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