Call of Duty WWII Review - War is fantastic!

in #gaming7 years ago


The common question to return to World War II is called Call of Duty: WWII Answer. No more jump, exosuits, high speeds and other futuristic issues, but back to the base. With your crates in the mud; relatively slow but reliable weapons; and a camaraderie at the front in France after the storm of Omaha Beach. The final battle against the Nazis has begun to defeat them once and for all and release Europe from the oppression. Call of Duty: WWII is a spectacle, a tribute and an experience you should have played.

Comedy is the key to success

The single player campaign of Call of Duty: WWII is short of the franchise's good habit but powerful. With about an hour or six of gameplay you walk through the story that you experience this time mainly from Ronald 'Red' Daniels perspective. This young man is part of a squad with mostly young guests and while they are very young, they are all heroes who play a very important role in reducing the Germans in this story. Just like in any other Call of Duty, you've got people around you, but this time, comedy plays a more important role.


Often, characters are interchangeable and fight with you during the adventure, now they all really play a role. Thus, you have Zussman, your best mate who is half Jewish, but still has the greatest empathy and acts as a medic. You have Sergeant Pierson, who is kei and hardheaded, and Lieutenant Turner, who has to drive the ball a bit. The camaraderie among the young boys - your squad consists of more people than the ones mentioned - is often under pressure in the harsh situations and it even runs out of time at times. Nevertheless, it shows correctly how important cooperation is and how hard it is sometimes to oppress certain memories that have a huge impact on the human mind.

With a relatively small club of soldiers, you will be on different missions during the campaign, and this is a bit closer to Germany. The time span in which the story unfolds is also not a few days, but even a few months. As a result, you regularly get ahead of time and, as it were, you only get the important moments of Red and his squad. This, of course, begins with the storm of Omaha Beach, which is shown in a particularly impressive way. A few hours later, you pursue a train and soon later you will be on a stealth mission in Paris, to end up in the icy cold of winter in the Ardennes.

Time after time you have to survive with your squad and face very challenging fights. The mentioned camaraderie is obviously evident in the cut-scenes between missions, but also during the gameplay, the sense of humanity and a realistic experience is more important than ever before. No longer, you're the only one who's super soldier who's ready to do the job. For example, your health will not be automatically refilled, so you have to go to Zussman regularly for a health kit that will take care of your wounds. Are your bullets on? Then Lieutenant Turner is your man. For grenades you can go to Stiles and to spy enemies again with Sergeant Pierson.


Everyone in your squad has an important role to play, and this helps to make collaboration better. Of course you can just pick up bullets and grenades, but if you're really keen, your squad members are always willing to offer a helping hand. This only strengthens the bond and you also see that they grow up as the war progresses. That is, they do everything for each other, in quiet moments do not be afraid to make things, and so on. The human, the feeling of an unbreakable bond with your colleagues and together the battle comes true like never before in a Call of Duty.

Ride track 2.0

The mutual ties and cooperation work out well during the campaign, which is another spectacle. By experiencing moments over a longer period of time, the whole thing is just as credible because you only experience the 'highlights' and not with an unrealistic situation in which the soldiers face non-stop action over a two-day period of time. Demonstrating empathy, the horrors, unfortunate wounded soldiers from the mud, interconnection, frustration and irritation, but also adequate action in difficult situations gives this campaign a kind of humanity, which in a sense is uniquely unique to Call of Duty.
Of course, it is a spectacle and enjoyment, but you do not forget that this war should not only be fun. To play in this context maybe, but it is clear that Sledgehammer Games wants to deal with this terrible event with all due respect and they are doing well. Nevertheless, we should not shift under chairs or banks that we have to do with the classic rollercoaster ride, but in a 2.0 variant. I have never practically put the entire single player campaign at the tip of my chair. The pace is high, it is often a complete chaos and at times extremely intense.

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This is because you are continuously dealing with fairly significant events. This differs from the attack on D-Day to tracing a train and from collapsing a church tower to alternate gameplay elements that we will not spoil. It just keeps going and the continuous pressure of the Germans is extremely well felt because it is so chaotic. This makes this campaign enjoy from start to finish and afterwards you will dive in again to enjoy those beautiful setpieces again. But Call of Duty: WWII offers of course more than that.

Trusted multiplayer

The Call of Duty multiplayer: WWII feels very familiar with. The pace is quite high, but not too high, and the maps you can draw are of an average size. In addition, the maps are almost all chokepoints for the close quarters combat, but also snipers and the long-range players have enough space for movement. The one folder is a bit better than the other, but in all cases you have them through quickly and there is not really one that hurries or just gets out of it. Although Carentan brings some nostalgic feelings. The maps are also quite varied and not all based on the single player. This way you will find a sunny map on Gibraltar, but also a map in the port of London and winter Ardennes. On exchange so no defect.
About the gameplay of the multiplayer we can be pretty short because it feels great. It is especially good to see that you have been able to get the pace right. Call of Duty: WWII can not be as fast as a Black Ops III or Infinite Warfare, but the rather slow gameplay of Call of Duty 2 is also a no-go. So finding the right balance has been a challenge, but Sledgehammer has succeeded. In addition, the multiplayer offers a lot of gaming pleasure, but we must note that the number of modes and maps is a bit on the low side. With a total of 9 maps (10 with Carentan attached) and 9 modes, it is not particularly extensive compared to previous parts. Now it's a bit too nuanced by adding War mode, but not everyone will find that interesting.


War is fantastic!

War Mode is the big new addition to the multiplayer and undoubtedly saw Operation Breakout seen or played in the beta. In addition to this operation, War Mode now offers two other operations, including the storming of Omaha Beach. That's already an impressive experience in the single player, and in War mode it's even more fun because you are placed against human opponents. It is also good to see that Sledgehammer has built other assignments per operation, which keeps it varied. In Operation Neptune, it is initially the intention to storm Omaha Beach and take the bunkers. Afterwards, you must destroy communication equipment in the second line and turn off the last two huge guns.

In Operation Griffin, it is once again a matter of guiding three tanks, to supply them with gasoline in time, and finally it is necessary to take a bridge with the last remaining tank. On the other hand, it is obviously the intention to beat the attackers of yours, and that always turns off. So the attackers will have to take the defensive role and vice versa, you want to complete a complete game of War. As usual, the regular multiplayer is very good and good for gaming pleasure. But let's be aware, that is of course the familiar story. The War mode really feels like a refreshment and i must honestly admit that i had the most fun during the review here. Let alone if you play this with a regular club friends in which everyone has a predetermined role. This can sometimes be a big one.

Do your thing in Headquarters

Another fairly big innovation that works out very well is the so-called 'Headquarters'. This is basically a general multiplayer lobby for up to 48 men. This is situated on the beach and in the dunes of Omaha Beach and you can do enough things between the jars. Think of scorestreaks testing, test your weapons on the shooting range, take daily orders, access supply drops, customize your character and weapons, and more. It's fun also, the 1 versus 1 moshpit, which you take in. This can accommodate up to two players and others are being queued. While others are waiting, they can watch them and it can be just 20 spectators who admire your arts.


Divisions give more freedom

Lastly, before we go to the Zombies, the Divisions. This is the new class system you encounter in the multiplayer and this gives you a lot of freedom. You can now level each division and you can play extra opportunities. For example, the infantry division, where you get an additional attachment at level 1, level 2 an additional magazine, level 3 faster, and so on. So it's worth paying for the division for a long time, because by leveling you get more options that can help you. Each division has its own unique specialties, but if you look at the weapons you are free to put together a loadout. The recommended weapon for the infantry is a minillur, but if you prefer to use a shotgun, you can do that.

Furthermore, you can of course choose a secondary weapon, a certain grenade and scorestreaks. Of course, the perks are not missing either. Even though you divide the division in question by division, all the division has bound benefits, and you can also choose a general perk with the basic training option. These perks are not bound by a division and can therefore always be chosen. Under the perks you will also get a lot of variation, for example, it can be faster recharging while sprinting, taking a second primary weapon, scorestreaks that do not reset on dying, and so on. These are all known elements, but because you are free to create a loadout by division, you give it even more opportunities to create the ideal set-up for you and that's very nice.

Nazi zombies: exciting, dark and creepy

The Call of Duty multiplayer: WWII is very familiar, on the one hand, but on the other hand, it has enough innovation and that in a historical setting after years. That makes that part of the game very enjoyable and very long playable, thanks to the War mode that comes very well. The single player is also an excellent part of the game, so last of all we will still be the Zombies mode. This time a much more dark atmosphere has been chosen and the enemies are now Nazi Zombies who are well experimented, because zombies have never been so filthy and terrifying. In general, this mode is very similar to the Zombies modes of the previous parts in gameplay, but with a different tone.


The level you walk around is quite dark and it's getting worse as you progress, as you enter a bunker full of zombies to traditionally perform all kinds of actions so that the puzzles can be solved. This may be a challenge, but once you've mastered the mechanisms, you come to a close. They do not think the zombies are a big challenge, maybe even more than before. In return, you get the opportunity to compile your own loadout. A well-known story, but the twist in this suggests that you can choose from a class and each class has its own advantages. Offensive has called as special force ("Special") that it can continue to fire unlimited without having to reload for a certain period of time.

The Support class has the feature that the zombies that player mainly follow and as a special option, this class can have twice as much fire power for a certain time. The medic is a little weaker, but is again ignored by the zombies. In short, creating a team in which everyone has his own role is important. The class you choose has its own 'Special', but you can modify it with class-bound mods at the loadout, where you can also choose weapons and grenades, if released. However, there are also general mods to choose, but to use them, you first have to release them with so-called Raven tokens and they deserve you by getting further in this mode.


The Zombies mode is very extensive and has a lot of depth as long as you continue to play, as you will unlock more and more opportunities. The overall tone and ambiance is also the complete opposite of the Zombies mode from Infinite Warfare and that will certainly appeal to many fans. In the base, the concept remains the same as previous years, but the pace is just slightly higher everywhere. It's also a lot more intense because zombies really come from everywhere and not just from fixed spawns. Challenge, fun puzzles, a perfectly matched atmosphere and intense adrenaline-inducing gameplay is what it's really about.


Call of Duty: WWII is the Second World War shooter I've been waiting for a long time. The single player is particularly intense with a continuous focus on action, emphasizing the squad feeling. It is enjoyable because the action feels so nice and hardly leaves you alone. The multiplayer fits perfectly and the new War mode is definitely an asset to the franchise. The number of multiplayer maps and modes is then limited, which is a pity. Certainly for people who do not find the War mode, but nevertheless, the complete package is very comprehensive and good for unbelievably many fun games. The Zombies mode is wonderfully creepy and dark and will definitely entertain the fans. In short, Call of Duty: WWII is an absolute must.


➕ Impressive singleplayer
➕ Squad feeling is good
➕ To show humanity in a horrible war
➕ War mode is fantastic
➕ Nice pace in the multiplayer
➕ Division's system works very well
➕ Headquarters as interactive lobby
➕ Audio design is brilliant


➖ Number of multiplayer maps and modes limited

Thanks for your precious time.

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oh nice pecturs
good post and good informations

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