[ Game review ] “Battle Bay “ on Android [ ENG ] #18

in #gaming7 years ago

[ ENG ]

Hello Steemian good evening, how are you guys? Hopefully well alright Yes wherever you guys are, back again with my @kikipertiwi here I will return the existing games in review android games namely "Battle Bay" before you play these games you guys first download this games at playstore for free and I recommend to download games using the wifi network, in this capacity because larger games, if you are using a data network internet mobile internet data drained a lot of you guys you guys. A series of games against enemy ships with opponents online, games we as commander inwar games should be able to bring our boats to ship right even as opponents and games also included games strategy because if you guys can't set strategy you guys lost to a clever set up strategies and games it can shoot enemies with manually can we with his 3D graphics have been like real to play these games for games this can you guys play right above the 2 GB of RAM to be able to playing games is real if you guys under the smartphone RAM 2 GB of RAM I don't recommend under 2 GB in this games very heavy due to play under 2 GB RAM is very lag.

After I explained what kind of game "Battle Bay" when I explain how to play these games directly from the smartphone Sony's Experia Z3.

After you guys download this game you guys jump playstore in the opening games of this, after you guys opened the games we will be able to notice about these games and greeted with the word "Welcome" da nisi message from these games is "Battle bay needs access to high quality assets on the device's external storage to run properly "and simply click" Continue ", after that we directly on point to this game in the games and we can be more referrals" To battle bay training grounds "and that means that we will These games follow the tutorial first before we play the own tap tpcontinue alone and we are sent "Hold On!" good grip is important. Try placing both thumbs on the screen "after landing we can mention" Team Up! These ships are your teammates. Follow them! "and we navigate our warships with buttons bottom that is on the left side of the screen and we follow our green arrows point to green arrow and we stopped at a green circle a green circle after landing we can mention the" Look! Swipe the screen to look around until the aiming circle locks onto the enemy "we slide our screens by tapping on the screen and we see left and right kit ajika already we follow again the next command" Enemy Targeted! A green aiming cirle means you are aiming straight at an enemy "and tap the button to shoot" and if we have the direction right to target an enemy until the enemy ships destroyed and destroyed enemy ships after booommm enemy ships destroyed landing again "we can Greet Job! You have just passed the test. Captain "and simply tap to continue.

After finishing his tutorial we directly in order to make the characters we just we create character names here I still make the character name "Steemit2018" is the same as before, I also keep this name because this is the original article I created it myselfafter the character name you guys make us before we click the "Register" the name of the character we will be at the check in advance whether we name already exists or not sharing that and thank God that I created last name does not yet exist that use so I can simply click on "Register" to proceed to the next tutorial.

Once done we create a character name we go directly to the main menu of games, and when in the main menu we get orders "At your service! A captain needs a proper crew. Let's get them in shape! "and we follow his direction by opening in writing" Not Training! "after coming into a menu already in point above and in this menu we can mention the" landing Train Bhurt! Train crewmembers to unlock their talents and gain captain XP. " And we click on the menu of his train and we wait for 3 minutes after that we navigate again to the talents and can "Activate referral talent! Crewmembers learn talents after training is complete. First select the talent you want to learn "

After finishing our talents in the menu navigate again to follow his first match back to the main menu directly just click menu "Battle" to find the next opponent and here we will show in the "Looking for trouble" in which we cannot Select the first folder that we want but at random by the system for this game because we were still level level 1 level 10 and we should be able to choose their own folder that we want to and I get in a folder named "First Flood" and we immediately get a team where sa Yes in the Green team named "Friends" vs. "Unfriends" red, on my team named "Superbtiger295", "Craftysaola575", "DazzlingBison296" and "FlawlessSaola945" and the opposing team is there named "StripedEgret271", "NauticalSnake626", " PoisedBat743 "," FeistyCheetah704 "and" Ornatelbis141 "here we give time for 5 minutes to destroy enemy ships and we promote our ship, we point to the front straight looking for an opponent who was hiding behind the island – the island and we must also be good at hiding and directing us to ship can shoot enemies and my main target is already at the front of my boat and just his enemies we shoot our weapons and and booomm my first target named " FeistyCheetah704 "destroyed hit me without the slightest misses wkwk, and further we find the second enemy target we ran again the ship we we navigate to the next enemy target both us and his enemy again struck boommm and his enemies were destroyed again targets both of us are named "StripedEgret271" crushed again and I get a double kill wkwk, we advance our ships to search for the enemy target to three as much as possible all our enemies are destroyed right Yes guys, and while advancing a little distance away from me last There is an enemy that his blood was already a little bit and this is our opportunity to steal and even our enemies right and I fit right anymore our weapons to the enemy and if it is green and we shoot straight and the third target boommm I am right on target and his ship destroyed guys t arget to three I named "PoisedBat743" and we go forward again we find the enemy that only two ships again and our team still remaining three vessels again, and the fourth target I have behind me turned out to be guys we point our weapons to target my fourth with blood He lived a little we steal any more guys from my friend fair targets us to we can destroy all our enemies wkwk. And it turns out his enemies run we pursue only and my shots didn't fumble booommm and fitting exposed in enemy ships and I to the acquired again and already destroyed four enemy I kan live target to five we destroyed her blood's too little direct we drownedright his ship he has no team again wkwk in this match and my team won this match at the end of the match we will get rewards.

After we finish our last matches back to the main menu, while in the main menu we can upgrade our weaponry for landing that first we upgrade i.e. "Common – Cannon" and weapons are her armament info The cannon is your trusted companion in battle. Use it well and you will be victorius! "and is also" Leve "," Tier "and" points "slot hold there is the power of our weapons such as" damage "," Cooldown "," Projectile speed "," Crit chance "and" Dps "just we upgraded weapon with a click on" level u p "and weapons we have become level 2 from level 1 and the addition of damage from 42 in Add + 4 dmg and be 50 damage us.

Once completed we upgrade our weaponry, we return again to the main menu to continue our match to speed up and increase our level and simply click on the menu "Battle" to find the next opponent and here we are going on show " Looking for trouble "in which we can not select the first folder that we want but at random by the system for this game because we were still level level 1 level 10 and we should be able to choose their own folder that we want to and I get in a folder named" First Flood " again and we instantly get a team where I am on the Green team named "Friends" vs. "Unfriends" red, on my team named "Colorfultern836", "ironcladcrake359", "UrbanCrake105" and "HiddenKoala308" and the opposing team there that is named "GummyHornbill147", "WigglyTern721", "InnocentYak455", "SmugHornbill263" and "CrookeDuck602" here we give time for 5 minutes to destroy enemy ships and we promote our ship, we point to the front straight looking for opponents who are hiding behind the island – the island and we must also be good at hiding and directing us to ship can shoot enemies and my main target is already at the front of my boat and just his enemies we shoot our weapons and and booomm my first target is named "WigglyTern721" shot I hit by destroyed "without the slightest misses wkwk, and further we find the second enemy target we ran again the ship we we navigate to the next enemy target both us and the enemy again struck boommm him and his enemies were destroyed again our second target is named "GummyHornbill147" crushed again and I get a double kill wkwk, we advance our ships to search for the enemy target to three as much as possible all our enemies are destroyed right Yes guys, and when the forward a little distance from the distance I was last there is the enemy that his blood was already a little bit and this is our opportunity to steal and even our enemies right and I fit right anymore our weapons to the enemy and if it is green and we shoot straight and the third target boommm I t epat target and his ship destroyed my target to three guys named "CrookeDuck602" and we go forward again we find the enemy that only two ships again and our team still remaining three vessels again, and the fourth target I have behind me turned out to be guys we point the weapon We target to my fourth with blood he lived a little we steal any more guys from my friend fair targets us to we can destroy all our enemies wkwk. And it turns outhis enemies run we pursue only and my shots didn't fumble booommm and fitting exposed in enemy ships and I to the acquired again and already destroyed four enemy I kan live target to five we destroyed her blood's too little direct we drowned right his ship he has no team again wkwk in this match and my team won this match at the end of the match we will get rewards.

After the match finished last before we move on to the next match we get gifts that is "Common Parts" – that his description of "Basic Upgrade Matetial! Parts are your typical everyday materials used for leveling up items "after that we claim only and after we claim we get" Unlocke Arena! Brawl Park "in our close wrote, after in our main menu navigate again with the direction of the" New shipment! You can claim a free crate from the shop. " And simply click "Let's Check it Out" and we enter the menu shop after coming into our shop in the menu point to open the "Common Items Guaranted" we mendapaykan its free and click on the words "Free" and in him we get 3 rewards prizes . After that we went out of our shop menu return to the main menu if it is in our main menu to menu shooter to add persenjatan we we drag from inventory into the squad of our weaponry if we click on the weaponry we named "Common – Swift Torpedo "and weaponry it had the caption" Torpedoes are deadly, but slow. This one is kind of like that, but faster. " And have the info "Level", "Tier", "Points" Slot, remain our force of arms info "Damage", "Cooldown", "Projectile Speed", "Radius", and "DPS". And we simply raise his level, click on the "Level Up" and we get a + 4 dmg.

After we upgrade our weaponry, we return again to the main menu to proceed to her first match and just click on the menu "Battle" to find the next opponent and here we will show in the "Looking for trouble" in which We can not select the first folder that we want but at random by the system for this game because we were still level level 1 level 10 and we should be able to choose their own folder that we want to and I get in a folder named "Brawl park" and we immediately get team that is where I am on the Green team named "Friends" vs. "Unfriends" red, on my team named "ShowyPyhton648", "DramaticHorse902", "VibrantTiger977" and "RapidTamaraw168" and the opposing team is there named "PepperyTern226", " StylishSnake512 "," SuddenRhino770 "," DeepCaraca208 "and" LeanFerret482 "here we give time for 5 minutes to destroy enemy ships and we promote our ship, we point to the front straight looking for an opponent who is being hiding behind the island – the island and we must also be good at hiding and directing us to ship can shoot enemies and my main target is already at the front of my boat and just his enemies we shoot our weapons and and booomm target first I named "SuddenRhino770" shot I hit by destroyed without the slightest misses wkwk, and further we find the second enemy target we ran again the ship we we navigate to the next enemy target both us and his enemy again struck boommm and enemies his second target is again devastated we named "PepperyTern226" crushed again and I get a double kill wkwk, we advance our ships to search for the enemy target to three as much as possible all our enemies are destroyed right Yes guys, and when you forward a bit not far from the distance I was last there is the enemy that his blood was already a little bit and this is our opportunity to steal and even our enemies right and I fit right anymore our weapons to the enemy and if it is green and we shoot straight and the third target boommm I am right on target d his ship destroyed an target to my three guys named "DeepCaraca208" and we go forward again we find the enemy that only two ships again and our team still remaining three vessels again, and the fourth target I have behind me turned out to be guys we point our weapons to targe My fourth t with blood he lived a little we steal any more guys from my friend fair targets us to we can destroy all our enemies wkwk. And it turns out his enemies run we pursue only and my shots didn't fumble booommm and fitting exposed in enemy ships and I to the acquired again and already destroyed four enemy I kan live target to five we destroyed her blood's too little direct we drowned right his ship he has no team again wkwk in this match and my team won this match at the end of the match we will get rewards.

We are back to the main menu to speed up matches directly to her first match and just click on the menu "Battle" to find the next opponent and here we will show in the "Looking for trouble" in which we cannot Select the first folder that we want but at random by the system for this game because we were still level level 1 level 10 and we should be able to choose their own folder that we want to and I get in a folder named "Brawl park" again and we immediately get the team in man with me on the Green team named "Friends" vs. "Unfriends" red, on my team named "EminentMonkey501", "UrbanEagle6", "LivelyGorilla376" and "VigorousLory117" and the opposing team is there named "StrormyRhino966", "ArcticGoat589", " SwiftElephant488 "," ExaltedDeer217 "and" SpotlessYak926 "here we give time for 5 minutes to destroy enemy ships and we promote our ship, we point to the front straight looking for an opponent who was hiding behind the the island – the island and we must also be good at hiding and directing us to ship can shoot enemies and my main target is already at the front of my boat and just his enemies we shoot our weapons and and booomm my first target named " VigorousLory117 "destroyed hit me without the slightest misses wkwk, and further we find the second enemy target we ran again the ship wewe navigate to the next enemy target both us and his enemy again struck boommmand his enemies were destroyed again the second target We named "StrormyRhino966" crushed again and I get a double kill wkwk, we advance our ships to search for the enemy target to three as much as possible all our enemies are destroyed right Yes guys, and while advancing a little distance from the distance I was last there the enemy that his blood was already a little bit and this is our opportunity to steal and even our enemies right and I fit right anymore our weapons to the enemy and if it is green and we shoot straight and the third target boommm I am right on target and his ship destroyed guys target to three I named "SwiftElephant488" and we go forward again we find the enemy that only two ships again and our team still remaining three vessels again, and the fourth target I have behind me turned out to be guys we point our weapons to the target with my fourth He lived a little blood we steal any more guys from my friend fair targets us to we can destroy all our enemies wkwk. And it turns out his enemies run we pursue only and my shots didn't fumble booommm and fitting exposed in enemy ships and I to the acquired again and already destroyed four enemy I kan live target to five we destroyed her blood's too little direct we drowned right his ship he has no team again wkwk in this match and my team won this match at the end of the match we will get rewards.

Once finished the match last we return again to the main menu in the main menu, when we get the "Subzero" Unlocked Arena we are getting a new arena, we are close enough, and today after we close the command we get the "Training! Before we fight more battles, let's make sure our crew is training. " We enter the main menu training and we activate our talent.

Before the match I will give you the features – features that exist in these games:

1. On the left side of the screen there are:

• Calendar

• Achievements

• Profile

• Battle Logs

• Custom Battle

• Options

• Community

• Credits

2. On the screen below:

• Menu Battle

• Menu Quest

• Menu Guids

• Menu of the Season

• Shooter Menu

• the Menu shop

• Training Menu

After I gave the features – features that exist in these games, and we are back to the main menu to proceed to her first match and just click on the menu "Battle" to find the next opponent and here we will show in the "Looking for the trouble "in which we can not select the first folder that we want but at random by the system for this game because we were still level level 1 level 10 and we should be able to choose their own folder that we want to and I get in a folder named" Subzero "and we langsuNG get the team where I am on the Green team named "Friends" vs. "Unfriends" red, on my team named "BadVulture376", "OriginalCrake746", "CleverBuffalo182" and "FairTurle712" and the opposing team is there named "SunnyKangaroo956" , "OriginalTea1435", "3106", "WiseLlama152" and "SolidTamarin772" here we give time for 5 minutes to destroy enemy ships and we promote our ship, we point to the front straight looking for opponents that are hiding in the behind the island – the island and we must also be good at hiding and directing us to ship can shoot enemies and my main target is already at the front of my boat and just his enemies we shoot our weapons and and my first target booomm named "SunnyKangaroo956" shot I hit by destroyed without the slightest misses wkwk, and further we find the second enemy target we ran again the ship we we navigate to the next enemy target both us and his enemy again struck boommm and his enemies were destroyed again our second target called "3106" crushed again and I get a double kill wkwk, we advance our ships to search for the enemy target to three as much as possible all our enemies are destroyed right Yes guys, and while advancing a little distance from the distance I was last there the enemy that his blood was already a little bit and this is our opportunity to steal and even our enemies right and I fit right anymore our weapons to the enemy and if it is green and we shoot straight and the third target boommm I am right on target and his ship destroyed guys target to three I named "SolidTamarin772" and we go forward again we find the enemy that only two ships again and our team still remaining three vessels again, and the fourth target I have behind me turned out to be guys we point our weapons to the target with my fourth the name "WiseLlama152" with blood he lived a little we steal any more guys from my friend fair targets us to we can destroy all our enemies wkwk. And it turns out his enemies run we pursue only and my shots didn't fumble booommm and fitting exposed in enemy ships and I to the acquired again and already destroyed four enemy I kan live target tofive we destroyed her blood's too little direct we drowned right his ship he has no team again wkwk in this match and my team won this match at the end of the match we will get rewards.

We are back to the main menu to speed up matches directly to her first match and just click on the menu "Battle" to find the next opponent and here we will show in the "Looking for trouble" in which we cannot Select the first folder that we want but at random by the system for this game because we were still level level 1 level 10 and we should be able to choose their own folder that we want to and I get in a folder named "Brawl park" and we immediately get a team in which say a green team named "Friends" vs. "Unfriends" red, on my team named "GloriousOtter758", "carefulHippo634", "VioletKouprey992" and "EarlyGazelle258" and the opposing team is there named "BulkyPenguin845", "WickedMandrill13", " BusyPenguin580 "," StrongCaiman920 "and" DecisiveGoat358 "here we give time for 5 minutes to destroy enemy ships and we promote our ship, we point to the front straight looking for an opponent who was hiding behind the the island – the island and we must also be good at hiding and directing us to ship can shoot enemies and my main target is already at the front of my boat and just his enemies we shoot our weapons and and booomm my first target named " VigorousLory117 "destroyed hit me without the slightest misses wkwk, and further we find the second enemy target we ran again the ship we we navigate to the next enemy target both us and his enemy again struck boommm and his enemies were destroyed again the second target We named "StrormyRhino966" crushed again and I get a double kill wkwk, we advance our ships to search for the enemy target to three as much as possible all our enemies are destroyed right Yes guys, and while advancing a little distance from the distance I was last there the enemy that his blood was already a little bit and this is our opportunity to steal and even our enemies right and I fit right anymore our weapons to the enemy and if it is green and we shoot straight and the third target boommm I am right on target and his ship destroyed guys target to three I named "SwiftElephant488" and we go forward again we find the enemy that only two ships again and our team still remaining three vessels again, and the fourth target I have behind me turned out to be guys we point our weapons to the target with my fourth He lived a little blood we steal any moreguys from my friend fair targets us to we can destroy all our enemies wkwk. And it turns out his enemies run we pursue only and my shots didn't fumble booommm and fitting exposed in enemy ships and I to the acquired again and already destroyed four enemy I kan live target to five we destroyed her blood's too little direct we drowned right his ship he has no team again wkwk in this match and my team won this match at the end of the match we will get rewards.

List games review on android my article :

  1. [Games Review] How to play MMO Action Game "KINDOM WARRIORS" in Android [ENG] #1
  2. [Game review] “Combat Squad” on Android [ ENG ] #2
  3. [Game review] “Darkness Reborn” on Android [ ENG ] #3
  4. [Game review] “World War Heroes” on Android [ ENG ] #4
  5. [Game review] Mobile legends : Bang Bang “SAVAGE” hero “Freya”[ ENG ] #5
  6. [Game review] “Starwars : Force Arena” on Android [ ENG ] #6
  7. [Game review] “Smackdown : WWE Mayhem” on Android [ ENG ] #7
  8. [Game review] “HomeRun Battle 2“ on Android [ ENG ] #8
  9. [Game Review] "New Hero the strongest Mage Fasha" Mobile Legends: Bang Bang [ENG] #9
  10. [Game review] “Power Rangers“on Android [ ENG ] #10
  11. [Game review] “Metal Slug Online “on Android [ ENG ] #11
  12. [Game review] “Drift Max Pro“on Android [ ENG ] #12
  13. [Game review] “Real Steel Boxing Champions“on Android [ ENG ] #13
  14. [Game review] “Death Race“ on Android [ ENG ] #14
  15. [Game review] “The Killbox : Arena“ on Android [ ENG ] #15
  16. [Game review] “Battle Boom “ on Android [ ENG ] #16
  17. [Game review] “Mighty Battles” on Android [ ENG ] #17

The explanation of these games and how to play games "Battle Bay", to see a review of what games I review in the next article don't forget follow @kikipertiwi and upvote my articles, my article retreemd in order to view articles I was his first. Many of the tutorials how to play games "Battle Bay" on android, and I remind again don't forget in the follow @kikipertiwi hehe, if you guys follow me and I will follow back you guys hopefully with this tutorial could be useful for all of you lovers games on android, if this tutorial is useful for those of you upvote Yes heheh. Warmest greetings to all of you the warmest greetings, lover of games for the steemians. HAPPY PLAYING GAMES THESE GUYS!!!!!! 


Sepertinya kamu banyak menguasai games adinda ku @kikipertiwi

hehe memang saya pecinta games mas , jadi ya alhamdulillah hampir semua saya menguasai games ^_^ @dodiaceh2

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