The Last of Us Playthrough [part 5]steemCreated with Sketch.

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Part 5 of our Last of Us playthrough picks up immediately after the events in Episode 4. An ambush welcomed you as you entered the city of Pittsburgh. A murderous gang of thieves known as hunters got the drop on you. Somehow you gained the upper hand and killed them all before escaping their kill box. Your truck was inoperable so you set out on foot for the only bridge out of town. As you made your way through a derelict hotel a hunter nearly killed you but Ellie grabbed your gun and shot him dead. Soon after, a heavily armed group of hunters began looking for you. This time you trusted Ellie to have your back and gave her a rifle to cover you. It’s not something you wanted to do but maybe it’s something you needed to do.

This video was recorded and edited directly on my Playstation 4 with SHAREfactory™. If you’d like to see other games I’ve recently played or rated please visit Rebel Gaming Canada’s BIG GAMES LIST.

The Cruelties of Men

As the dust still settles from the intense firefight in the street you and Ellie press on towards the bridge. She spots a man hanging dead from a tree. A sign around his neck simply says thief. That’s a harsh punishment she says. You don’t disagree but you tell her it’s not much different than what the military does back in Boston. She nods. You cut through an old corner store and hear yelling from out front. A young couple is running for their lives as gunshots tear through them. You tell Ellie to get down as a military Humvee screeches to a stop. Two hunters jump out and approach the woman. She pleads with them. One raises a shotgun and pulls the trigger. No food, old pair of shoes, we got nothing the hunters say after searching the bodies.

After the hunters drive off Ellie raises to her feet and just repeats oh man oh man oh man. You tell her there is nothing that could have been done. She knows it’s true but the terrifying display of humanity’s dark side is still so shocking. Maybe Bill was right, people are scarier than the monsters. You continue on weaving in and out of broken buildings and dealing with any unsuspecting looters you come across. After clearing out a makeshift checkpoint at the end of a street she spots a group of dead soldiers crumpled against a wall. There’s graffiti above their bodies that reads death for freedom. Ellie remarks I guess this is how it ended for this zone. You tell her every battle has to have a losing side. What about their families she asks. You simply say everyone has family.

The Enemy of my Enemy

You duck into an open alleyway and you see the Humvee from earlier patrolling the adjacent street. Quietly you sneak to the end of the alleyway and cross the street undetected. Unfortunately a patrolling group of hunters spots you as you climb into a decaying office building. A fight breaks out and you use a baseball bat you took from one of their fallen comrades and swing away. The ruckus attracts the Humvee’s attention and they began pounding the building with a mounted machine gun. You barely escape out the side window but you’re not safe yet. The Humvee begins to drive towards you, machine gun blasting.

Frantically you bolt down a small alley and duck into an open doorway. You find a set of stairs and climb to the second floor. The Humvee is patrolling outside and you can hear hunters converging on the location. From the third floor fire escape you see a makeshift bridge to another building. You climb across it and shimmy over to an open window. You’re pretty sure no one has seen you and you jump through. Just as you climb into the bedroom someone grabs you in a chokehold from behind. Ellie lunges at him but he hits her away. You see her hit the floor and you flip the man over your back. He lands on the ground hard and in a rage you keep punching him in the head. Ellie yells at you to stop.

Mutually Beneficial Relationship

You look up to see a young boy no older than Ellie pointing a gun at you. You back away and put your hands up. Easy son just put the gun away. The man you were fighting with looks at the boy and says its ok they’re not the bad guys, lower the gun. He does. As the man pushes himself off the floor he moans man you hit hard. You just tell him well I was trying to kill you. He understands. He tells you he thought you were one of the hunters until he saw Ellie. If you haven’t noticed they don’t keep kids around. He introduces himself as Henry and this is my little brother Sam. He tells you his group had come to the city to look for supplies when they were ambushed. His group was separated and now he’s just trying to escape the city.

Ellie says you could help each other. You hesitate but Henry says it’s not a bad idea. First he says you should probably go back to their hideout to talk more and you agree. You sneak through a few buildings and up into a boardroom a few streets over. You pass by the Humvee on the way and Henry tells you it’s been hounding them for days. When you ask him why he’s still here he says come to the window. He points to a heavily armed group of hunters at an old military checkpoint leading to the bridge. Every day they congregate down there guarding that damn bridge he tells you. But come night time it’s down to a skeleton crew, we can sneak right past them he suggests.

Under the Cover of Darkness

As you ponder the idea you both turn around when you here Sam and Ellie laughing. He tells you it’s been a long time since that boy even cracked a smile. Henry tells you he’s planning on meeting up with the Firefly’s. You laugh and he takes offense. You say it’s just a lot of people are putting their faith in them but we’re looking for them too. He tells you about an abandoned military radio tower on the other side of the river. It’s where he was supposed to meet up with his people tomorrow. He says if you and Ellie want to head out with them you’d better rest up as it’s going down tonight.

As night falls you make your way out to the checkpoint. Things are going well until you’re spotted. You light a Molotov cocktail and take out their over watch position. With the spotlight unmanned and the snipers down you and Henry mop up the rest of the crew in the street. As you push open the gate you see the Humvee speeding towards you. You get inside quickly and latch the gate shut. It’s heavily armored but the Humvee begins ramming it. You boost everyone up to a ladder so they can clear the back gate but the ladder snaps off. The truck is almost through the gate. Henry looks at you and says sorry as he and Sam run. Ellie yells after him to no avail. She jumps back down and says we stick together.

Have Faith

You spot a garage door and sneak through it just as the Humvee snaps off the front gate. Inside you take out a couple of hunters before escaping out the front door. Now you can hear the Humvee ramming into the back gate. The bridge is right in front of you. You make a dash for it but the Humvee smashes through and gives chase. You take cover from the gun fire behind the abandoned vehicles but eventually hit a dead end. The bridge is out at the center. There is no way across. You’re trapped. Ellie tells you to jump but you tell her it’s no good, it’s too high and she can’t swim. She looks at you and says well you’ll keep me afloat, there’s no time to argue and she jumps. You follow.

You wake up on the shore. Sam and Ellie are kneeling beside you. Sam yells out Henry he’s awake. Henry gloats see I told you he’d be ok, its lucky Sam spotted you. By this time you’re on your feet and approaching him. You quickly grab his gun and throw him to the ground. You point the gun at him as Sam and Ellie yell out. Henry tells Sam to stay back saying he’s pissed but he’s not going to do anything. You ask him if he’s sure about that. You keep the gun on him and say you left us to die out there. He says no, you had a good chance of surviving and you did. But coming back for you meant putting him at risk. What would you have done, I saved you. Ellie says he saved me too. We would have drowned.

A Community Lost

You drop the gun and back off. Henry say’s its ok. He looks at you and says for what it’s worth I’m really glad we spotted you. He stands up and dusts himself off and says the radio tower is just over this cliff. Before you head off you split up along the beach to look for supplies. Ellie says she was scared you were going to shoot him. You tell her you almost did. She says they’re alright and that she thinks it’s good to have them around. You tell her she’s probably right. You hear Sam yell out that they found something. As you walk over to them you see a big drainage sewer. Henry asks for help and you lift open the grate so everyone can pass through.

As you walk through the sewer you open a door and a crate of bottles smashes to the floor. Henry says it’s a sound trap. You tell Ellie it’s sort of like an alarm. She says but I don’t hear anything. You tell her someone used to live here but it doesn’t look like that’s the case anymore. An entire community lived down here a one point. They even had a fresh water system set up. Everyone wonders what happened to them all. You keep pressing on and as you open a second gate another sound trap falls to the ground. This time a metal gate slams shut and splits your group in two. The infected heard it too and they’re coming towards you. Ellie is on the other side of the gate with Henry and he tells you to keep Sam safe as everyone runs for cover.

A Warning Too Late

You fight through a horde of runners and clickers to get back to Ellie and Henry but the swarm keeps coming. Fleeing up a stairwell, you find yourselves trapped in a ground level maintenance room. The exit door is blocked on the outside. Ellie tells you to boost her up to a small window so she can open the door. She better hurry as the swarm is coming. You do your best to slow them down but it’s an insurmountable task. Luckily Ellie clears the door and you get out just in time. You slam the door shut and barricade it when you hear Ellie groan are you fucking kidding me. You look and see Sam pointing to paint on the wall that says Warning infected inside DO NOT OPEN. Ellie scoffs thanks for the warning on the other side guys. Now you know what happened to the community.

Missed part 4? Find it HERE!

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