The Last of Us Playthrough [part 4]steemCreated with Sketch.

in #gaming7 years ago

Part 4 of our Last of Us playthrough picks up sometime after the events in Episode 3. The Firefly’s that Marlene had sent to pick up Ellie in Boston were dead. Tess sacrificed herself after she was bitten to save your lives. You plan on taking Ellie to your brother Tommy in Wyoming but it’s over two thousand miles away. So you went to cash in some favours from a friend in the nearby town of Lincoln on the outskirts of Boston. There you met up with your survivalist friend Bill. He saved you and Ellie when you were caught in a trap with walkers bearing down on you. Reluctantly he helped you find a vehicle and you barely managed to escape before being completely overrun by infected.

A Long Drive Cut Short

As you approach Pittsburgh Pennsylvania the freeway is completely blocked. You consider turning around to look for a different route but there’s no telling how far out of the way you’ll have to go. You decide to follow an off ramp that’s clear of obstructions and make your way through the city. As you come down the ram you see a man doubled over and clutching his stomach in the street calling for help. You slam on the brakes and tell Ellie to buckle up. She asks about the man and you say he ain’t even hurt. You slam the gas pedal to the floor and speed forward. The man pulls out a revolver and starts shooting. Bullets and bricks are hitting your truck from all directions. You duck to avoid them and that’s why you don’t see it, a bus careening downhill towards you.

The bus slams into the side of your truck and you crash into a nearby storefront. You’re dazed but you and Ellie are ok. You tell her to quickly get out but before either of you know it you’re both yanked out of the truck. You can’t see where Ellie is as you are thrown into a glass front refrigerator. The glass explodes from the impact and the man trying to kill you is pushing your face towards a jagged edge. You wrestle him off and elbow him in the face. As he clutches at his nose you grab him and with all of your strength drive him into the glass shard. He falls to the ground choking and gurgling as a glass shard impales his throat.

The Lawlesness of Man

You turn and see Ellie get punched in the face and fall to the ground. She’s yelling get the fuck off of me as he crawls on top of her. Bolting forward you kick him in the face. He stumbles. You grab a fistful of his hair and drive his face into the corner of a windowsill with a hollow thud. Exasperated Ellie yells out what’s wrong with these fucking guys. You pull her behind cover as gunmen on the street start shooting. Drawing your handgun, you return fire. You don’t have many bullets so you’ll have to make them count. You whittle down their numbers and that puts them on edge. The hunted becomes the hunter and you stalk them one by one putting them down. When the coast is clear you move down the street and cut through a nearby building.

Inside the building you see bodies laying on tables stripped bare. Mounds of clothes sorted into distinct piles for shoes pants and shirts fill the room. Fucking Hunters you say. That’s the name given to these groups of savage bandits who prey on the weak. You tell Ellie this could have been the both of you on these slabs. She looks at the mounds of clothing and says that’s a lot of people who didn’t make it. Then she asks you how you knew the man in the street wasn’t hurt. You tell her that you’ve lived on both sides of the line. She knows what that means but there’s no time to discuss it right now. You have to keep moving.

Behind Enemy Lines

As you exit the building you climb out on to the freeway. The plan is to reach the bridge on the other side of town and get out of Pittsburgh before the Hunters catch up with you. As you continue on you come across an old military checkpoint. Ellie notices some graffiti that says stop feeding us lies give us our rations. She asks why they wouldn’t give the people food. You tell her sometimes they ran out and sometimes they just kept it for themselves. She says good thing this never happened in Boston and you tell her it happened all the time. As you move through the checkpoint Ellie hears hunters. The area is crawling with them. There are too many to deal with so you sneak past them and escape the area.

A little further along, your way is blocked by a flooded out road. Ellie can’t swim so you need to find a different route. You can see a makeshift bridge spanning the waterway a few buildings down. The walkway leads into an old hotel but it’s loaded with hunters. You try your best to sneak by but they spot you. They’re well armed but they’re confused. You’ve snuck past their perimeter and are now in their living quarters moving amongst them. Confused and anxious they make mistakes and you capitalize on those mistakes. There’s no pity and no remorse in your actions. You are methodical and unforgiving. These animals deserve what they’ve got coming. It reminds you of something Bill said back in Lincoln; as bad as the infected are, at least they’re predictable. It’s the normal people that scare me.

The Dark, Dank, Wet Below

Eventually you reach an elevator shaft and you decide to cut through it to reach another floor. You help Ellie climb to the open doorway but the elevator cable snaps before you can get out and you plummet to the flooded basement. Ellie is freaking out and yelling to see if you are OK. You holler back to let her know you are. She scolds you as she yells back you scared the shit out of me! You tell her to just wait up there for you and that you’ll find another way up. There are infected down here but they aren’t very numerous and you take them out swiftly.

You find a security door to a stairwell but it’s an electric lock and the power is out. Power lines can be seen leading down to the sub basement. You follow them to a generator and manage to start it up. Unfortunately the noise attracts a new batch of infected and you have to take them out before you can get back to the security door. On the other side of the door you reach the back of the hotel kitchen. There are some hunters in the area but they don’t have any idea you’re around. You take them out and press on forward and upwards to get back to Ellie.

The Shot that Changed the World

You make your way to a hotel foyer and find a ladder to get up to the balcony. Ellie mustn’t be far now. Just as you reach the top of the ladder you get kicked in the face. You lose your grip and fall back into a pool of water. The hunter jumps down on top of you and pins you to the bottom. Your handgun has fallen from your belt and is laying beside you in the water. You struggle to reach it but the hunter is too strong. Life is slowly draining from your body when you see a hand reach into the water and pick up the gun. A gunshot rings out. The hunter, limp, falls motionless beside you, a single bullet hole to his head. You look up and see Ellie trembling, eyes wide open holding the gun.

She looks at you and says man I shot the hell out of that guy huh? She falls to a sitting position and says she feels sick. You grab the gun from her and scold her for not hanging back like you told her. She’s asks but your glad I didn’t right? You reply back I’m glad I didn’t get my head blown off by a goddamned kid. Incensed she jumps to her feet and yells No! How about Hey Ellie I know it wasn’t easy but it was either him or me. Or Thanks for saving my ass. You got anything like that for me? You just shake your head and say we got to get going. She’s hurt. You just know how heavy the burden of past demons can be. She shouldn’t need to suffer that.

Credit Where Credit is Due

As you climb out to the exterior balcony overlooking the street you find a bolt action rifle. Before dropping to the street you see a large patrol of hunters in the area. You tell Ellie to wait here while you go clear a path. She tells you this is so stupid we’d have a better fucking chance if you let me help. You snap back I am, you seem to know your way around a firearm, do you think you can handle this as you hand her the rifle. She tells you she used to shoot rats with a BB gun. You tell her it’s the same principle and emphasize that if I get in trouble down there you need to make every shot count. She nods. You turn to her before leaving, just so we’re clear about back there, it was either him or me. You’re welcome she says.

You drop to the street below and take up position behind a cement barrier. There’s a large gathering nearby and they are discussing your handy work. One of the hunters is freaking out and yelling about how the whole crew at the freeway entrance is dead. As they’re arguing about what happened, you pull out a nail bomb you got from Bill and throw it into the crowd. They don’t even see it before it rocks the street. Most of them are dead on impact and the rest are stunned. You draw your pistol and drop them fast. Another group of hunters in the area hears the commotion and starts coming. You begin picking them off but they start to flank you.

Learning to Trust Again

One of the flanking hunter nearly reaches you when you hear a gunshot in the distance that tears him open. It’s Ellie. Kid’s a damn good shot. She downs a couple more which draws the rest of the group’s attention. You use this opportunity to flush them out. Between the two of you the hunters have no chance as you quietly maneuver through the area attacking from the shadows. After you gun down the last remaining hunter you tell Ellie to come on down. She asks you how she did as she hands you back the rifle. You take the rifle and set it down. You ask her how about something a little more your size as you hand her a pistol. It’s only for emergencies you tell her. She smiles slightly as she takes the gun and you know the gesture means a lot to her.

This video was recorded and edited directly on my Playstation 4 with SHAREfactory™. If you'd like to see other games I've recently played or rated please visit Rebel Gaming Canada’s BIG GAMES LIST.

Missed part 3 of our Last of Us Playthrough? Find it HERE!

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