Zombie Adventure - Game 14 - Day 9 (Feb. 4, 2018)

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)

It seems some team members are getting itchy fingers and want to open some doors!

Objective: Find a cooking pot (X on the map) and bring it to the kitchen. Find rice and water and bring those to the kitchen so that a meal can be prepared and eaten by all team members. In other words, all members of the team must reach the kitchen AFTER the meal has been made. To be clear: The pot, rice and water are picked up as items (cost is 1 action). These items are then deposited in the kitchen as actions (like a trade). Once ALL items required (rice, water and pot) are present in the kitchen, one player will use an action to MAKE the meal. At that point, all players need to visit the kitchen and use a final action to eat the meal. We could end the game when everyone ate or wait until everyone gets off the board. If any player dies, the game is lost and the zombies win!


Players turn from day before:

Please see the spreadsheet (linked below).

Players can see a spreadsheet with their inventory and health here:

ctrl + L-click OR R-click and choose to open in a new tab (these are the ONLY solutions I found for opening a new tab/window).

This game is already in progress. You are welcome to sign up for the next one when it is announced (after this game ends).

The Rules of this game can be found here:

ctrl + L-click OR R-click and choose to open in a new tab (these are the ONLY solutions I found for opening a new tab/window).


The only legal way to get these exclusive buttons is to play the game and win.


Zombie Turn after the players made the above moves:

All zombies pre-existing on the board move: A Walker moves to player 5!

Zombies spawn at spawn sites:
bottom left rolls a 1 = nothing.
top left rolls a 2 = nothing.
top right rolls a 4 = Walker.


Original zombie image used in the button obtained from https://pixabay.com/en/zombie-death-dead-day-of-the-dead-1801470/ (CC0)

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Give the pistol to player 4. And backup player 1 if he needs any help.

Player 12 (6th)

Action 1: Give pistol to player 4.
Action 2: Use the rifle to shoot at the Runner to the West. Roll 1 = fail.
Action 3: Try again. Roll 1 = fail!!!! (Why is it always a roll of 1 on that Runner!!!???)

Haha.. Game bug maybe ! :D

I'm in team.

Player 7 (9th)

Action 1: Search the bus using the torch. Roll 1 = fail. Roll 2 to find nothing.
Action 2: Return the torch to Player 11.
Action 3: Move South.

Make a team with player 3,11,7 and try to kill walker

There is no Walker to kill YET.

Player 6 (5th)

Action 1: Search the bus. Roll 6 to find a torch.! That will help next search!
Action 2: Move South.
Action 3: Move South.

So... #5 seems to be pretty set on suicide... he's got a gun and keeps moving in to go manno-a-manno with the zombies.

I guess I'll sit tight, given that there's 3 peeps to take care of anything inside the kitchen, #5 will be going into range of another walker anyway, and I can't SHOOT with #5 in the same place as the walker. (I'm tempted... so tempted).

I'll stay put, and try to convince #5 to bloody stay put and use the gun.

It all worked out: he punched the zombie to death (which I imagine is quite hard on the knuckles if it's the brains you need to take out - some respect is in order!)

But I agree the gun would've probably made more sense

It's such a pretty gun !
It's a shame to use it like a club...

Also, this is a BAD club.

That's right! I can't keep this itch away any longer.. I'm chopping down the door to the Kitchen!!

Then I will wait and see what's behind it before committing my next actions.

Also I saw player 12, @rayne122 has two ranged weapons... maybe give one to player 10 who has no weapons and is in the same square?

Player 10 is inactive. I think I missed moving player 12 to player 4 who also needs a ranged weapon. YUP I had 2 skipped turns on the spreadsheet, but I believe player 12 later said to chase player 4 so that player 4 could TAKE the pistol on their turn. I'll need to fix that mistake.

Player 1 (2nd)

Action 1: Chop at the door. Roll a lousy 1.
Action 2: Roll (WHAT!!!) another 1!
Action 3: Finally.... drum roll to go along with dice roll.... a 6! The door is now open and inside we find: Rolls 5,3,3,1,2, to reveal a Runner at the door! Then each room moving N, has a Walker, Walker, then nothing and nothing.

This door is much tougher than it looks.

It seems like I am losing my zombie-slaying edge!
Guess I will try the axe next turn!!

Hey Pandora, I think it'll be up to you to open the door in the middle block to get the cooking pot at the red X.

I’ll come to help

Mow down the walker directly to my north. Get ready to fire on the walker I can hear moaning around the corner.

Player 2 (7th)

Action 1: Use the CZ-550 to shoot at the Walker directly North. Roll 1(AGAIN!) = fail.
Action 2: Try again. Roll 5. (Finally NOT a one!) Walker looking gross now! (Even grosser than before!)
Action 3: Rest and get ready for the next round.

if player 5 killed walker then move forward otherwise try to kill walker

Player 8 (3rd)

Action 1: Using the pistol, shoot at the Runner inside the building. Roll 1 = fail.
Action 2: Try again. Roll 1 = fail.
Action 3: Try again. Roll 1 = fail! (The dice got stuck on 1!!!!)

Search bus
Follow after pandora and defend

Player 11 (4th)

Action 1: Search the bus using the torch. Roll 5 = success! You found rice and a rifle.
My suggestion would be to pass the torch to players 3, 6, or 7 so that they too can search for 2 items at a time. You are looking for an axe so that the one with an axe can go open the door for the pot to cook in.
Action 2: ?
Action 3: ?

PASS thorch to player 3

Attack w
Attack w

There are NO zombies nearby to attack.
Action 2: Torch passed to player 3.
Action 3: Just skip it I guess.

try to kill walker. if kill then move forward to kill another walker

Player 5 (1st)

Player 5 walked recklessly into the path of an approaching zombie without having a melee weapon, so it is a bare-knuckle fight!
1.) Attack the Walker. Roll 4 for a nice hit causing 0.5 damage.
2.) Attack again. Roll 5 another solid hit to finish off the Walker.
3.) Use the CZ-550 to shoot at the Walker to the North. Roll 3= fail.

would you be interested in knowing that you do not need to move to shoot zombies.

You've got a gigantic gun, why do you move in to do manno-a-manno with the undead ? (because if you move to the yellow car, next round a walker will be moving in next to you).

This isn't the time to take up as a wrestler, compadre ;)

its my fault. I couldn't see haven't any weapon. Thought I have lots of weapon to kill zombies. lol

You've earned my respect in bashing in skulls using your bare knuckles...

Ah, I don't want to be picky on the group's strategy... but we need a couple of players from the yellow car to chop down the door in the middle block and get the pot at the red X.

There's nobody home at the yellow car! Player 10 is AWOL. The players at the bus are still looking for that elusive axe, but now have a couple torches, so it should appear soon.

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