Gaming Posts of the Week - "Such Insight. Much Knowledge. Wow. 2.0"

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

This is the supposed to be Sunday post but this one is an exception, next time it'll be back to Thursday and Sunday again. If you don't know why, check out my last post. Hopefully I won't have anymore problems next time so I won't be late like this again.

Also, I made a little change to this weekly post. Instead of only picking posts that has #gaming tag in it, now I also go with #games and #game too. Because I use those 3 primary tags for video game topic on Steemit most of the time so it's just funny if I only include one of them. I believe it's better this way. Well, I hope so.

Anyway, here's my pick of some of the best post about gaming talk on Steemit that you might wanna check out.


Zombie games Comparison of Game Styles

by @jerryperkinsii

In this post you can get much insight about zombie themed games. We all know that there are so many zombie games out there, maybe too many to count that it feels like the games are the zombies itself invading the gaming industry. This post has both the insight you need and the author's view in zombie games put together well. Check it out.

The Importance of Narrative Design in Video Games

by @snowmachine

If the previous read take you to a video game's theme, which is zombie, this next trip will give you insight about storytelling in video games, how important it is to be made so beautifully and how underestimating its importance is a bad move. And this is not only for games with actual storyline that could be 'seen at a glance', but also games with no plotline like The Sims, or even games with no dialogue at all. This is a must read.

Let’s put in a character now (#6 video)

by @roundbeargames

Here's one more awesome gamedev on Steemit you should follow, especially if you are looking for some nice Unity tutorial right now. As you can see this is the 6th video so you'll need to watch from the 1st video. But don't worry, the tutorial is made with explainations that are as easy to follow as it is quick,  so you won't stuck in one video for hours. But should you stuck at some point in the progress, you could let the guy know if something doesn't work. And be sure to prepare a cup of coffee. 

The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - Dark Brotherhood part 1 [Game Movie]

by @tamiil

Now let's close this list of games insight and lesson with something to sit by and watch. This "game movie" is not  a fan-made animation stuff like that, in case you don't know. It's from the actual gameplay that focuses on one particular storyline and this one, as you can see, is about one of the coolest faction/group in video game, in my opinion; the Dark Brotherhood. No goofing around, no commentary, just focus on the said story. 

Thank you for stopping by, Steemian. As always if you liked these contents as well, be sure to give the authors your sweet sweet upvotes, resteem and follow them too. 

And if you like what I do, your upvotes and resteem would be very appreciated. And be sure to always make awesome quality contents. It's a win-win for me, you, and Steemit, right? Dayum, I'm a little bit genius. Steem on, people!

For more gaming stuff..
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Previous Posts:

Funny Steam Reviews to Brighten Your Day
How to Cope With Post-Game Emptiness 101
#Gaming Posts of the Week - Underrated. Post is Underrated.
Ni No Kuni: The Game I Didn't Know I Want

Images credit: Ghost Story, and the mentioned authors.


I love posts related with gaming.Expecting more from you.

Glad you liked it!

Superb collection.Thank you for sharing, so beautiful many of them,Your information is quite useful and beneficial.
best of luck

Thank you. Nice to know you find this post useful..

infact i like your style or pictures

Woah, thanks for that. Once again, nice to know someone like the art deco style too.

i m student or mostly time spend in study,in my spare time i use in steemit or traveling,i saw your pictures or so feel fresh

Good collection again! Cheers for doing this mate!

Cheers for all the gud contents!

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