15 of the best horror games to check out this Halloween!

in #gaming6 years ago

With Halloween happening tomorrow, I figured I'd do something a bit different and write a little recommendation list of awesome horror games for those of you who haven't torn your way through the genre to try out and play for a spooktacular evening. Of course, I'll also throw in my reasoning on why I'm suggesting the game and give my opinion, so this is all obviously subjective. None of the game are in particular order, because I don't feel like wracking my brain for hours over something so trivial. They're all great games (In my opinion), so just play the fucking things or else. Or else what? Exactly, you god damn slutterbutts. Now, lets get on with the list! 

1. Dead Space (2008)

I'm sure it comes as no surprise this is on the list, considering the humongous boner I have for this series. While this game is starting to get a tad old, it is still absolutely superb and probably my favorite entry in the horror genre of video games by far. Dead Space has us playing in the shoes of Isaac Clarke, an engineer sent to investigate and repair communications issues on U.S.S. Ishimura. This game has some of the greatest monster designs, gory deaths, creepy environments, even more creepy sound design, and just some plain old awesome sci-fi weaponry to keep ourselves alive. Not to mention an awesome storyline that is reminiscent of something like Event Horizon combined with The Thing. I definitely recommend this to any horror fan who hasn't played it yet. Hell, even if you have played it get off your ass and go boot it back up! 

2. Little Nightmares (2017)

Little Nightmares was a game that caught me by surprise when it came out, and has stuck with me since. Probably because it's the first platformer game I've touched that blended with the horror genre. If anything, it is one of the most stylish and strange horror games that I have played in recent years. While this game is somewhat short, it makes for a very entertaining and unique play through. Beyond the stylish graphics, the lighting of the game. camera angle and the way the shadows blend also make it more intense as you play, along with the excellent sound design of course. Little Nightmares tells a fairly grim story in a dark, bleak world, but boy oh boy is it so engaging. I'd definitely recommend this one for fun, especially if you prefer less spooky horror stuff. 

3.  Resident Evil 2 (1998)

Resident Evil 2 holds a special place in my heart. Not only because it's probably the best Resident Evil game by far (Fight me hardcore fans of RE4!), but because it marked the start of my journey into horror games. And, hot damn, did it leave an impact on me. Even with being almost 20 years old, the game has still stuck with me and been a staple for what kinds of things I like in my horror games. It's one of the most perfect examples of a survival/horror game out there even to this day, and I truly believe that without this game we wouldn't have seen the light of day on many other horror games that were inspired by this one. The entertaining story, wonderful monster designs, as well as the creepy and downright chilling atmosphere make an unforgettable horror gaming experience. I would definitely recommend this game to anyone looking for something to play with this years Halloween coming up. 

4. Costume Quest (2010)

This game is probably going to seem like an odd choice that doesn't fit in or belong on this list, and let me tell you right now that you can shut your god damn mouth and take a seat right there little Timmy Billy! that is very far from the truth. While Costume Quest is probably the least scary game on this post, it is definitely the most in line with the theme of Halloween. This is a smaller indie game which in my opinion captured the spirit of Halloween for our adolescent years, while also retaining quite a bit of wit and a great combat system (so long as you're into turn based stuff that is). Although it has a simple story, it has some hilariously out there powers/weapons and always kept my attention. It's definitely given me quite a few silly chuckles while I played through it, and it's a good game for an entertaining Halloween evening. While being another short title, it's well worth the time to check out! 

5. Alan Wake (2010)

Alan wake is a 3rd person adventure/horror game which has a brilliant story that is told almost perfectly. As far as storytelling in horror games, I would put this one up towards the top of the list. It can be quite mindbending at times and has a wonderful atmosphere throughout. The combat can be pretty frantic but has depth to it which I think is something needed with a 3rd person style horror game, as it blends the action and horror genres quite well. Although this game had a lot of issues with getting off the ground, and took quite a long time to make, it definitely delivers on everything it possibly could have. This is one of the lesser horror focused games, but still has its fair share of creepy, terrifying moments scattered about.  

6. System Shock 2 (1999)

System Shock 2 most certainly deserves a spot on my list, as it's not only a wonderful early horror/rpg, but it brought forth and inspired many great games. Even after finding a spiritual successor in Bioshock, System Shock 2 still retains a fresh feeling when playing it. The game has some amazing RPG elements mixed in with the horror, and the game honestly got to be fairly terrifying at times. The customization of your character even had a feeling of tension in it, as you would be missing out on a lot of other abilities and opportunities with any of the paths you followed. The fact that ammo and health is also so scarce throughout will make you more nervous as you play since you never know when you'll be able to stock up again. 

Combine that with the twists and suspense of dealing with the insane AI in the game as you had no idea when SHODAN would start trying to toy with you, and you get a really suspense filled game with moments of terror and anxiety throughout. Most of all of the backstory is told via audiologs, where you'll get to experience listening to the crew realize the doom and horror befalling them. It's one of the most hair raising parts of the game, even now in my opinion. Even with the somewhat dated graphics this game has, it's one hell of a horror game and has some great sci-fi elements to it just like the first one did as well. 

7. Distraint (2015)

Distraint is an awesomely creepy and entertaining 2D Pixel horror game. The game centers on the protagonist named Price, with the premise being quite horrific. You see...Price seizes property from people who can't afford payments to the banks...Oh, jesus. I feel sick to my stomach even typing that out. Oh God. There is plenty of disturbing moments in this game, and I personally was shocked at a few moments which I wasn't expecting at all. It is one of the best psychological horror games which I've ever touched, taking a grim look into what guilt and depression can do to a man. It tells a gruesome, yet somewhat heartfelt story that only takes about 2-3 hours to complete. It has some great sound design, as well as a fitting color pallete that is pleasing to the eye while also working well for the horror genre. For the price I truly don't think this game can be beat if you're looking for a great horror game to try out. 

8. SOMA (2015)

SOMA is one of my personal favorite horror games to come out in the past couple of years. The game has one of the must unsettling and messed up environments I've ever seen in a game, and has a wonderful story which it does a great job of telling in between all of the horror. The game really reminds me of a more lean and mean version of Amnesia The Dark Descent, but far more interesting. The game takes place deep underwater in a futuristic structure that is quite worn down, where a cataclysmic disaster has happened. This has led to the robots previously used to aid the humans into being given free reign into changing their environment entirely as they please and trying to evolve themselves in a way. Though, this isn't an I, Robot type AI uprising or anything like it. 

9. Dying Light (2015)

Dying light was a pleasant surprise for me after the mess that was the bug ridden Dead Island game. (Seriously, what a god damn let down those games were. Well, besides Sam B. WHO DO YOU VOODOO, BITCH.) However, Techland definitely made up for it with this game in the long run. It's a mash up of zombie and horror cliches, but with some smart and entertaining ideas thrown in. I'll say with this one that the fun and enjoyment of the game come from the gameplay over the story, as the story is definitely a bland one that isn't all that interesting. I'll say however that the narrative and voice acting is better than the dreadful one we got in Dead Island. 

The real great parts of this game are the game mechanics involving hit and run tactics to survive against the zombie hoards, crafting fun weapons, Daylight/Nighttime cycle, the awesome open world they implanted, and of course the parkour aspect of the gameplay which they made so entertaining. Combine the fun mechanics with the terrifying creatures that you'll run into throughout the game, especially at night, and there's plenty of moments in the game which will freak you out. This is like Dead Island+Far Cry+Resident Evil with a touch of Mirrors Edge thrown in there. 

10. Layers of Fear (2016)

Layers of Fear was one of my favorite psychological horror games of the past decade, and it definitely stands out from the crowd. The best way to describe this game for me, is that it's like playing Silent Hill P.T. if you were on a bunch of acid. Or, PCP Layers of Fear throws you into the mind of an insane artist and creates a unique and wonderful horror game where the artist's mind will not follow the rules of reality, nor should you expect it to. This game has some wonderful atmosphere, which builds itself into your environment in interesting ways, such as crunching glass on the floor from something which has shattered, the boom of thunder masking something happening around you, or sinister paintings or items on the walls that make you question if you're in reality or not. 

These small things will continue to feed and build up your feelings of distress and uneasiness which only further fuels the fear you feel when things go really nuts. And, even the smallest details only help to aid in telling parts of the story as a whole. Things like the protagonists daughters drawings on the wall for example which show what kind of a father our character is. There are many symbolic things in the game that hide details that can show you even more into the artists world. In a way, the environments themselves even can show a symbolism to issues the character has, such as how you'll fine many dead ends when exploring the house, only to then turn around to find yourself trapped in a room with no door. This is an intriguing horror game, and well worth your time one evening as it is fairly short. 

11. Silent Hill 2 (2001)

I would say without a doubt this is probably the most well known, well received, and most talked about game on this list. This is no doubt one of the greatest horror games ever made, and I felt that even though everyone and their grandma has discussed this game, that it had to be included on the list for anyone not familiar with it. Even 15 years later, this game is still being used as an inspiration for modern day horror games, and there's plenty of reasons for that. The game has a dreamlike feeling throughout, starting with a dark shot of our main character James sitting in a bathroom staring at himself in the mirror. This scene is foreshadowing of the rest of the themes throughout the game, and right away shows us the type of man we'll be playing in this horrific adventure. 

The game in a nutshell is an unrelenting, grim and brutal trip though James's nightmares. Everything in the game is conscious and calculated to make your experience as uneasy and uncomfortable as possible. The creatures shambling and skirting throughout the fog which you can't see, always making you feel alert. The abandoned, ruined buildings, vehicles, and homes that leave a dark and creepy environment. The screams and wails of the creatures as they're struck or dragging themselves towards you. It all just builds into this intense thrill filled game that will make you feel dread and fear. It's absolutely wonderful. The story in the game is extremely rich, and has massive amounts of symbolism sewn throughout. It's Silent Hill 2, if you haven't tried it yet you need to. 

12. Alien Isolation (2014) 

Alien Isolation is very much in line with the original film of the movie series, you'll realize that pretty early on. The game has us playing as Ellen Ripley's daughter, Amanda, who fits in quite well with the series as a whole. This game is very focused on the survival aspect of survival horror, and you'll have to scavenge quite a bit as you must craft most of your items which require materials. The best part of this game apart from the terrifying Xenomorph and build up of tension without the overuse of jump scares is the art style of the game, as they definitely nailed the atmosphere from the original movie almost impeccably. 

This ranges from the way the environment is designed, to the equipment used in the game, to even the details of the dust particles floating around in the air. Not to mention all of the dark and creepy rooms and corridors that you'll be in. I actually went back and watched the film after playing this game for a few hours and realized how similar the designs for their backgrounds and sets really are, and it was just a nice touch. The Xenomorph itself is also an interesting enemy to dodge and escape, as the AI designed for it is one of the best foes I've seen in a horror game in a long time. It really pays attention and makes up tactics to deal with you if you give it the chance. Between the Xenomorph and the androids, you'll have plenty of dire circumstances on your hands to deal with. So, if you're a fan of the Alien movies and want what Colonial Marines should have been, give this game a try. It's a very fun and challenging survival/horror game, and will do any fans of the genres well too! 

13. Lakeview Cabin Collection (2015)

Lakeview Cabin Collection might be one of the strangest and out of place games which I have played lately, but it is definitely one of the most interesting to play. This game throws you into the world of horror movies, only there is no linear path like there is with a horror movie. You get free control over your character and it turns into sort of a bizarre sandbox type game, where you can find many different ways to win or at least end the game. There's a lot of over the top violence for a 2D pixel style game, and it can be very goofy in a lot of ways. It explores horror tropes in an entertaining way, and is just a creative game with some horrifying moments strewn about. If you want a more lighthearted horror game to check out, this one would be for you. 

14. Deadly Premonitions: The Director's Cut (2013)

Now, this is probably the most controversial game on the list thus far. This game to me is a hilarious mash up of Twin Peaks meets Resident Evil 4, in a way. It's definitely an adventure/action game as much as it is a horror game. I hadn't really played the original, but I've seen that this version runs at a much quicker pace the previous incarnation and it only helps to keep the horror parts flowing better since combat doesn't drag on for too long. The enemies definitely only ever feel like an obstacle in your way, and not an actual challenge to beat. 

But, the main reason I recommend this game is not because it's an entertaining action/horror game, but because of the absurd characters injected into it and some of the greatest scenes in video game history. What other game can you find where you must gaze into your coffee with interest, then in the next moment talk to a magical voice inside your head in front of everyone like it's no big deal. I really cannot stress how weird of a game this is, and that's it main charm. It's basically a black comedy film turned into a video game. It's rough around the edges for sure, but it only adds to it's bizarre ability to make you like it. This is just a plain fun horror game to play, with a heavy emphasis on the fun part since you'll be laughing hysterically in between shooting monsters. 

15. Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut (2012) 

This is another 2D pixelated style game, but this one is pretty disturbing at a lot of moments throughout, and not just in a psychological way either. It also contains plenty of nerve wracking moments that have you on your toes as you play along. This game is a post apocalyptic game which has us playing a nameless protagonist. The character known as just "You" follows directions throughout the game which are fed to him by his apparent hallucinations and dreams. The game has a heavy sense of being isolated throughout since almost all of your human interaction is from either visions or a walkie talkie, and the atmosphere of the game comes off as very oppressive. There is an unrelenting feeling of being vulnerable to everything in your environment, and the dimly lit locations and eerie sound design only help to aid into feeling that way. This game is graphic with gore as well as bizarre, disturbing scenes which I found surprising considering the art style. 

This is a well written game, with an interesting narrative and great game mechanics built in. It's got a lot of charm to it, and plenty of replay time with all the different endings available to unlock. There is plenty of horror elements designed into it that will make the hair on your arms stand up. The dark and tense atmosphere leaves you feeling anxious and wondering what could possibly happen in the next area you explore thanks to all of the bizarre dreamscapes and unexplained events scattered throughout. This was a fun one to play and would work just fine for a Halloween game. 

So, there are my recommendations for those of you looking for a horror game to play tomorrow for Halloween (Or just whenever, really). Hopefully you find a game or two that you're interested in and can check out on here, as I definitely think they're all pretty great games. I wanted to get this list out a few days ago, but as you might have noticed I haven't been active the past few days due to the fact that apparently the universe decided it was time to strike me down with a big old dose of super aids the flu as well as possibly a sinus and ear infection. Happy happy, joy joy! Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed the list. Appreciate you dood and doodette's for stopping by! 

Happy Halloween! 


This was an awesome article and summed up a lot of my own favorites. Alien: Isolation was THE game to get me into gaming a few years ago and I loved every minute of it. I've played it on all difficulties as well as the DLCs and the survival DLC too. My husband goes and aggravates the Alien more because he's figured out the AI -- we call it Mr Grumpypants :)

A few of the other horror games I've liked: Bendy and the Ink Machine (just wait for it), The Evil Within 1 and 2, Outlast (naturally, especially if you like gore and middle-aged naked men running after you with machetes), Resident Evil 7 (I know it's not 2 or 4, but it was AWESOME).

I'll have to try the ones on your list. Btw, Silent Hill 2 was freaking awesome and scared the bejezus out of me first time through, even more so when I realized what was going on.

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Hahah Dead Space is 100% number 1 and well deserved. I might maybe put Killing floor on the list too. Dunno, them zombies were for sure scary enough. Altho we used to play it with friends drunk AF :D So that actually wsn't scary. I actually don't know like 50% of the games you've mentioned. But resident evil is also a classic. Congratz on Curie upvote :)

I played Silent Hill a long time ago, and I'm a big fan. Your review makes me want to play Silent Hill 2. The other games look very good too. Excellent post.

Oh my gawd, someone else who loves Deadly Premonition! I knew there was a good reason I follow you. I love that game. It's so ridiculously well-executed and crazy at the same time. Absolute epitome of "cult classic".

My list would look a little different from yours...I should probably write it up and see what happens.

Oh, hell yeah. That game is beyond underrated. I very rarely can find anyone who has tried it or even knows about it. It's a shame, honestly.

Yeah, get it up quick, dood. Not too much longer left before old Halloween rolls arounddddd.

Bioshock Infinite a 1912 view of current America politics. Terrifying. Especially a well place jump scare near the end

I learned some horror games I never existed from this post. Now I'm off to watching the walkthroughs on youtube and see if it's my cup of tea. Pretty good sharing your views about these games. I expected Amnesia series would be part of this least :P

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Dude, you're killing me with the jokes. Slutterbutt!?!?! HAHAHAHA That is the funniest damn thing I've heard in a long time. I honestly have never heard that before. And who doesn't like a dose of dark humor? Well, probably most people, but I sure as hell do. Super aids?!?! LOL And the t-shirt that just says NO. Killing me bro.

I've heard about a couple of these games (Silent Hill 2 and System Shock 2) but you got a really comprehensive list put together here. If I wasn't such a massive pussy, I might consider playing through a couple of them. I think I could handle Dead Space or Little Nightmares though.

I'm a huge post-apocalyptic fan. The Fallout series is one of my all time favorites, I've been playing since the first one. But another game along this line you should check out, if you haven't already, is S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl. I don't typically go in for the horror games but this one dances that line pretty well and I absolutely loved it. I was squealing like a girl while I played it but I made it through several times (and the expansion). It's a bit older but was always one of my favorites.

Thanks for sharing this list right in time for Halloween. I enjoyed reading through it even though I probably won't be the first one to dive into a horror game. I mainly kept reading because I was cracking up from all your crossed out lines and sexual slang. Cheers!

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