Games Addict : Upgrade Job Ranger Accretia In Rising Force Online [IND | ENG]

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

Games Addict : Upgrade Job Ranger Accretia In Rising Force Online

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Hai steemians gamers dimanapun kalian berada. Setelah membahas Upgrade job ranger di dua bangsa yaitu bellato dan cora, pada postingan ini saya akan membagikan informasi mengenai ranger yang paling ditakuti karena damage yang dimiliki.

Yup ranger bangsa accretaria sebenarnya hampir sama dengan ranger pada bangsa lainnya, akan tetapi yang membuat berbeda adalah upgrade jobnya yang merupakan job special dari bangsa accretia yaitu job LC (dibaca : launcher). Selain memiliki damage yang besar karena didukung peralatan yang dimiliki seperti siege kit yang dapat menambah damage dan pertahanan skill yang dimiliki job launcher dapat menumbangkan beberapa orang dalam 1-2 tembakan area. Hal tersebut yang banyak ditakuti bangsa lain karena dalam mode tanpa siege pun launcher sudah mengerikan damagenya. Bisa dibilang damage senjata launcher merupakan damage terbesar pada game Rising Force Online tak heran job ini banyak ditakuti.

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Selain ditakuti musuh saat melakukan hunting maupun farming job launcher pun juga sering dicari banyak orang, karena dengan damage yang besar dan damage area memudahkan proses hunting maupun farming. Untuk upgrade job ranger sama seperti yang lain terdapat 2 upgrade job ranger setelah pemain mencapai level 30 dan terdapat 3 job yang dapat dipilih pemain saat pemain mencapai level 40. seperti biasa kita mulai dari upgrade pada level 30.

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Upgrade job ranger pertama pada level 30 di bangsa accretia yaitu scouter, job ini sama seperti hunter pada bangsa cora dan sniper pada bangsa bellato. Job scoter dapat digunakan pada saat pertempuran maupun saat hunting dan farming. Pada skillnya pun sama dengan 2 bangsa musuhnya yaitu dapat menghilang dan dapat memasang trap. Jadi job ini saat pertempuran dapat sebagi pengintai musuh dan membunuh dengan memasang trap yang dia miliki.
2. Gunner

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Upgrade job ranger kedua pada level 30 di accretia adalah gunner, gunner merupakan upgrade job special pertama pada bangsa accretia, job ini mudah dalam mendapatkan tempat saat melakukan hunting untuk menaikan level. Karena walaupun masih upgrade job pertama damage dan skill yang dimiliki gunner dapat membunuh musuh dengan waktu cukup cepat dibandingkan job lain. Karena pada level 30-40 merupakan level yang cukup membutuhkan waktu untuk hunting level agar cepat mencapi upgrade job kedua. Selain itu gunner juga sudah dapat menggunakan siege kit walaupun siege kit yang di pakai hanya menambah pertahanan. Meski begitu sama seperti ranger lainnya gunner memiliki HP (Hit Point) yang kecil dibanding job-job lainnya.

Untuk upgrade job kedua yaitu di pada level 40 sama seperti ranger bangsa bellato dan cora terdapat 3 job yang dapat dipilih pemain, oke untuk lebih jelasnya berikut keterangannya.


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Pada level 40 yang merupakan upgrade kudua yaitu job rap shadow, job ini dapat diambil bila job sebelumnya yaitu job scouter selain skill-skill yang dimilika job scoter juga masih berkutat dengan trapnya. Job ini sama seperti assasin di cora dan infilator pada bangsa bellato yang memungkinkan kamu membunuh musuh dengan keadaan hilang dan dapat memasang trap lebih banyak dibanding pada level 30 sehingga dapat membunuh musuh dengan kombinasi trap dan skill illusion attack.

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Yang kedua upgrade job pada level kedua adalah job dementer. Job dementer sendiri memiliki job sebagai support untuk bangsa accretia dikarenakan skill yang dimilikinya. Job ini memiliki skill yang dapat meledakan diri sehingga musuh mendapatkan damage seperti senjata yang dibawanya, akan tetapi untuk saat ini hal itu kurang berguna karena sudah digantikan oleh item konsumsi bernama "Destruction Rune" (DS Rune). Selain itu job ini juga biasa di sebut job "supir taxi" karena dapat memindahkan orang ke tempat dementer berada, biasanya job ini laris saat awal-awal server baru karena belum memiliki cukup uang untuk membeli konsumsi item "Teloportation Poiton" maka jasa telport dementer sangat laris karena harganya cukup terjangkau.

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Upgrade job terakhir dan yang paling memetikan di dunia novus yaitu job stiker yang dapat memakai launcher. Job striker dapat diambil pemain bila job sebelumnya memilih job gunner. Job striker merupakan job andalan dalam hal penyerangan accretia saat melakukan penyerangan pada suatu bangsa atau mempertahankan bangsa accretia dari serangan 2 bangsa lain. Siapa yang tidak kenal striker dibekali damage yang besar dan siege kit dapat membuatmu mati dalam sekejap karena launcher sendiri memiliki damage yang besar belum lagi skill yang dimiliki striker yang membuat lawannya gentar. Biasanya striker biasa bermain sendiri tapi lebih enak dan nyaman biala ada tanker didepannya sehingga stiker hanya sebagai finishing membunuh musuh.

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Meskipun Striker di accretia merupakan job tersakit di dunia novus karena didukung perlengkapan yang dimilikinya dan skill yang dimilikinya akan tetapi memiliki kelemahan yang sama seperti ranger bangsa lain yaitu memiliki HP (Hit Point) yang kecil dibanding job-job lainnya. Saya sendiri kurang piawai memainkan striker walaupun bisa tapi tidak sehebat bila menggunakan job spiritualis maupun job-job warior dan ranger bangsa lain. Bila kamu ingin membunuh banyak musuh dari bangsa lain striker adalah jawabannya tapi ingat bila kamu belum piawan lebih baik didampingi oleh tanker didepanmu.

Oke Steemian Gamers dimanapun berada, semoga penjelasan saya diatas dapat menambah wawasan dan bermanfaat untuk semuanya. Apabila ada tambahan bisa melalui kolom komentar dibawah, Terimakasih :D.

Wait For My Next Post

Salam Gamer's dan Terimakasih untuk @jodipamungkas , @curie and @playfulfoodie<hr

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  2. Games Addict : Upgrade Job Ranger Bellato In Rising Force Online [IND | ENG]
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  4. Games Addict : Upgrade Job Warrior Bellato In Rising Force Online [IND | ENG]
  5. Games Addict : Upgrade Job Warrior Accretia In Rising Force Online [ENG | IND]

Games Addict : Upgrade Job Ranger Accretia In Rising Force Online

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Hi steemians gamers wherever you are. After discussing Upgrade job ranger in two nations namely bellato and cora, in this post I will share information about the most feared ranger because of damage owned.

Yup ranger accretaria nation is actually almost the same as the ranger in other nations, but that makes it different is upgraded jobnya which is a special job of the accretia nation is the job LC (read: launcher). In addition to having great damage because it is supported equipment owned such as siege kit that can increase damage and defense skills owned job launcher can subvert some people in 1-2 shots area. It is much feared by other nations because in the mode without any siege launcher was terrible damagenya. You could say the weapon launcher damage is the biggest damage in the game Rising Force Online no wonder this job much feared.

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In addition to feared enemies while hunting and farming job launcher is also often sought after many people, because with great damage and damage area facilitate the process of hunting and farming. To upgrade the job ranger just like any other there are 2 upgraded job ranger after the player reaches level 30 and there are 3 jobs that players can choose when the player reaches level 40. As usual we start from the upgrade at level 30.

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Upgrade first job ranger at level 30 in accretia nation that is scouter, this job is same as hunter on nation of cora and sniper at bellato nation. Job scoter can be used during combat or during hunting and farming. In the same skill with 2 enemy nations that can disappear and can install trap. So this job when the battle can be an enemy scout and kill by installing the trap he has.
2. Gunner

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The second upgraded job ranger at level 30 on the accretia is gunner, gunner is the first special upgraded job in the accretia nation, this job is easy in getting a place when hunting to raise the level. Because although still upgrading the first job damage and skill possessed gunner can kill the enemy with time fast enough compared to other jobs. Because at level 30-40 is a level that requires enough time to hunting the level to quickly mencapi second job upgrade. In addition, gunner also can use siege kit even though siege kit in use only add defense. Even so just like other ranger gunner has HP (Hit Point) which is small compared to other job-job.

For second job upgrade that is at level 40 the same as ranger nation bellato and cora there are 3 job that can be selected by player, okay for more details and description.


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At level 40 which is a kudua upgrade that is job rap shadow, this job can be taken if the previous job is job scouter other than skill-skill dimilika job scoter also still struggling with the trap. This job is the same as the assassin in cora and the infilator on the bellato nation that allows you to kill the enemy with the lost state and can install more traps than at level 30 so it can kill the enemy with a combination of trap and illusion attack skill.

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The second upgraded job on the second level is the job dementer. Job dementer itself has a job as support for the nation accretia due to the skills it has. This job has a self-explosive skill that enables the enemy to get damage like the weapon it carries, but for now it is less useful because it has been replaced by a consumption item called "Destruction Rune" (DS Rune). Besides this job is also commonly called the job "taxi drivers" because it can move people to where the dementer is, usually the job is in demand at the beginning of the new server because it does not have enough money to buy the consumption of items "Teloportation Poiton" then telport services dementer is very selling because the price is quite affordable.

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Upgrade the last job and the most memetikan in the world novus is a job sticker that can use the launcher. Job strikers can be taken players if the previous job chooses job gunner. Job striker is a mainstay job in accretia attack when attacking a nation or defending the nation accretia from the attacks of 2 other nations. Who does not know the striker is equipped with great damage and the siege kit can make you die in an instant because the launcher itself has great damage not to mention the skill that the striker has that makes his opponent tremble. Usually the usual striker to play alone but more comfortable and comfortable biala there tankers in front of it so stickers just as finishing kill the enemy.

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Although the Striker on Accretia is a job in the world of the novice because it supported the equipment possessed and skill it has but has the same weakness as other nation ranger that has a HP (Hit Point) is small compared to other jobs. I myself am not good at playing the striker although it can but not as good as when using the job of spiritualist and job-job warior and ranger other nation. If you want to kill a lot of enemies from another nation striker is the answer but remember if you are not yet a better pioneer accompanied by a tanker in front of you.

Okay Steemian Gamers wherever located, hopefully my explanation above can add insight and useful for everything. If there is additional can be through the comment field below, Thanks: D.

Wait For My Next Post

Greeting Gamer's And Special Thanks To @jodipamungkas , @curie and @playfulfoodie

Related Post :
  1. Games Addict : Upgrade Job Ranger Cora In Rising Force Online [IND | ENG]
  2. Games Addict : Upgrade Job Ranger Bellato In Rising Force Online [IND | ENG]
  3. Games Addict : Upgrade Job Warrior Cora In Rising Force Online [IND | ENG]
  4. Games Addict : Upgrade Job Warrior Bellato In Rising Force Online [IND | ENG]
  5. Games Addict : Upgrade Job Warrior Accretia In Rising Force Online [ENG | IND]


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Salam kenal mas dari bojong gede..

Salam hangat dari semarang mas hehehe

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