Games Addict : Upgrade Job Warrior Cora In Rising Force Online [IND | ENG]

in #gaming7 years ago

Games Addict : Upgrade Job Warrior Cora In Rising Force Online

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Hallo Steemians Gamers dimanapun kalian berada, awal weekend ini setelah liburan kemarin hehehe. Kali ini saya akan berbagi informasi mengenai upgrade job bangsa cora, setelah kemarin pada postingan sebelumnya saya membahas tentang upgrade job warrior pada bangsa bellato.

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Warrior cora tidak kalah dengan job warrior bangsa accretia dan bellato, dan warrior corapun sama dengan warrior bangsa lain yang dapat melakukan 2 kali upgrade job yaitu saat pemain mencapat level 30 dan level 40. Sama seperti job warrior dari 2 bang sebelumnya pada upgrade 30 ada 2 job yang dapat diambil oleh para pemain, serta pada level 40 terdapat 3 job yang dapat diambil para pemain. Bila warrior biasanya menekankan pada pertahanan di bangsa cora job warriorpun juga dapat menjadi pembunuh berbahaya dan ancaman bagi bangsa lain.

Baik sedikit intro diatas, tak usah berlam-lama lagi untuk menjawab rasa penasaran steemians gamers. Berikut penjelasan upgrade job warrior di level 30 dan 40 untuk bangsa cora. Seperti biasa akan saya mulai dari upgrade job level 30.


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Untuk upgrade job pertama untuk warrior di bangsa cora yaitu job champion, sama seperti commando di bellato dan destroyer di accretia, job champion di bangsa cora merupakan job warrior yang memfokuskan diri di damage serangan yang besar dan memiliki critical yang tinggi meskipun begitu untuk pertahanan job champion juga tak kalah dari warrior bangsa lain. Bila kamu bermain job ini cukup cocok untuk bermain dengan kombinasi serangan dan hindaran atau serangan dan pertahanan .

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Untuk job kedua merupakan job knight, job knight seperti job gladius di accretia dan miller di bellato yang memfokuskan diri pada pertahanan dan memiliki skill pendukung yang membuat job ini dijadikan support tanker untuk bangsa cora. biasanya job ini menggunakan perisai dan senjata dekat satu tangan.

Untuk Upgrade job saat level 40 ada 3 job yang dapat dipilih pemain, baik untuk lebih jelasnya berikut penjelasannya.


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Inilah warrior di cora yang paling ditakuti yaitu job templar, yup kenapa ditakuti selain memiliki serangan yang mematikan templar juga gesit dan dapat bergerak dengan cepat, selain itu templar juga memiliki pertahanan yang cukup kuat serta kritikal yang besar yang dapat membuat mini stun saat menyerang. Seperti yang sudah saya jelaskan diatas warrior ini memfokuskan diri pada damage serangan serta kritikal yang besar. Jadi bila kamu ketemu templar cora pasti kamu akan dikejar bila berhadapan 1 lawan 1 dengan level yang sama.

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Yang kedua ada job Guardian, job guardian sama seperti armsman di bellato dan assulter di accretia yang dapat diambil dari kedua job sebelumnya bisa dari knight maupun dari commando. Untuk guardian sendiri memiliki kestabilan di serangan mapun pertahanan sehingga biasanya membuat guardian cora menjadi semi support dan juga berada di garis depan bila cora dalam kedaan bertahan serta juga dapat berada di garis depan saat bangsa cora menyerang.

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Tidak kalah dengan para tanker di 2 bangsa sebelah, bangsa corapun juga memiliki andalan di segi pertahanan, sebagai tanker utama serta andalan d bangsanya yaitu job Black Knight (dibaca : BK). Sama seperti tanker di 2 bangsa sebelumnya di "BK" juga menjadi benteng pertahanan utama dan berada di garis terdepan saat terjadi war tiga bangsa. Job ini biasanya juga berperan sebagai tanker support karena memiliki skill yang dapat menambah pertahanan dan attack area saat melakukan penyerangan.

Jadi penjelasan diatas saya lebih sering menggunakan Job templar. Kenapa saya tidak memakai tanker di cora karena yang pertama saya belum menemukan kombinasi yang pas untuk job "BK" serta saya juga belum menemukan feel good pada job "BK", jadi saya lebih memilih untuk membunuh bangsa lain dalam perang antar bangsa nantinya.

Oke Steemian Gamers dimanapun berada, semoga penjelasan saya diatas dapat menambah wawasan dan bermanfaat untuk semuanya. Apabila ada tambahan bisa melalui kolom komentar dibawah, Terimakasih :D.

Wait For My Next Post

Salam Gamer's dan Terimakasih untuk @jodipamungkas , @curie and @playfulfoodie<hr

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  4. Games Addict : Cora Basic Job In Rising Force Online [IND | ENG]
  5. Games Addict : Bellato Basic Job In Rising Force Online [IND | ENG]

Games Addict : Upgrade Job Warrior Cora In Rising Force Online

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Hallo Steemians Gamers wherever you are, early this weekend after the holiday yesterday hehehe. This time I will share information about upgrading the Cora job, after yesterday in the previous post I discuss about the upgrading job warrior to the nation bellato.

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Warrior cora is not inferior to the accretia and bellato nation warrior job, and warrior corapun together with other nation warrior who can do 2 times the upgrade job that is when the players get level 30 and level 40. Just like job warrior from 2 bang earlier on upgrade 30 there are 2 jobs that can be taken by the players, and at level 40 there are 3 jobs that players can take. When warriors usually emphasize the defense of the nation's cora job warriorpun can also be a dangerous killer and a threat to other nations.

Well a little intro above, do not take long to answer the curiosity of steamians gamers. The following is an explanation of upgrading job warrior at level 30 and 40 for the cora nation. As always I will start from upgrading job level 30.


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To upgrade the first job to warrior in the cora nation that is job champion, just like commando in bellato and destroyer in accretia, job champion in kora nation is a job warrior that focuses on big attack damage and has high critical even for defense champion job also not less than warrior of another nation. When you play this job is quite suitable to play with a combination of attack and avoidance or attack and defense.

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For second job is job knight, job knight like job gladius in accretia and miller in bellato which focus on defense and have support skill which make this job become support tanker for nation of cora. usually this job using a shield and weapon near one hand.

For Upgrade job when level 40 there are 3 jobs that can be selected players, both for more details and explanation.


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This is the most feared warrior in cora that is job templar, yup why is it feared besides having a deadly attack templar also nimble and can move quickly, besides that templar also has strong enough defense and big critics that can make mini stun when attacked. As I have explained above this warrior focuses on attack damage as well as large critical. So if you meet the Cora templar you will definitely be pursued when faced with 1 opponent 1 with the same level.

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The second one is job Guardian, job guardian just like armsman in bellato and assulter in accretia which can be taken from both the previous job can be from knight or from commando. For guardians themselves have a stability in defense attacks so that usually makes guardian cora to be semi support and also on the front line when the cora in kedaan survive and also can be on the front line when the cora attacked.

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Not inferior to the tankers in the two peoples next, the nation also has a mainstay in terms of defense, as a major tanker and mainstay d nation is the Black Knight job (read: BK). Just like the tankers in the 2 nations before in the "BK" also became the main bastion of defense and was at the forefront when there war three nations. This job usually also acts as a tanker support because it has a skill that can increase the defense and attack area when the attack.

So the above explanation I more often use the Job Templar. Why I do not wear tankers in cora because the first one I have not found the right combination for job "BK" and I also have not found feel good on job "BK", so I prefer to kill other nations in the war between nations later.

Okay Steemian Gamers wherever located, hopefully my explanation above can add insight and useful for everything. If there is additional can be through the comment field below, Thanks: D.

Wait For My Next Post

Greeting Gamer's And Special Thanks To @jodipamungkas , @curie and @playfulfoodie

Related Post :
  1. Games Addict : Upgrade Job Warrior Bellato In Rising Force Online [IND | ENG]
  2. Games Addict : Upgrade Job Warrior Accretia In Rising Force Online [ENG | IND]
  3. Games Addict : Special Ability Of Every Nation In Rising Force Online [IND | ENG]
  4. Games Addict : Cora Basic Job In Rising Force Online [IND | ENG]
  5. Games Addict : Bellato Basic Job In Rising Force Online [IND | ENG]

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