Games Addict : Upgrade Job Warrior Bellato In Rising Force Online [IND | ENG]

in #gaming7 years ago

Games Addict : Upgrade Job Warrior Bellato In Rising Force Online

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Hai Steemians Gamers dimanapun kalian berada, Hari sabtu ini mau pada kemana nih? Jalan-jalan bareng keluarga, bareng gebetan, main ke warnet bareng temen atau hanya dirumah saja?. Meski kalian sudah memiliki jadwal jangan lupa ya tetap pantengin postinganku tentang game :D . Oke setelah kemarin saya membahas tentang updgrade job untuk bangsa warrior maka kali ini saya kan membahas untuk bangsa bellato yang juga memiliki warrior yang tak kalah hebat.

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Sama seperti bangsa Accretia upgrade job bangsa bellato juga dapat dilakukan 2 kali yaitu saat sudah mencapai level 30 dan level 40. Sama seperti warrior acc ada 2 job saat updgrade pertama di level 30 dan 3 job saat upgrade kedua di level 40. Meskipun hero "terbadak" (dibaca : terkuat) merupakan warrior bangsa accretia dengan job mercenaru akan tetapi warrior bellatopun tak kalah dibandingkan warrior milik accretia.

Oke tidak usah berlama-lama steemians gamers. Untuk lebih jelasanya berikut penjelasan mengenai updgrade job di level 30 dan 40 untuk bangsa bellato. Untuk yang pertama kita mulai dari upgrade job level 30 untuk warrior.


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Yang pertama yaitu job commando, sama seperti job destroyer di bangsa accretia, job commando di bangsa bellato merupakan job warrior yang lebih menekankan pada damage serangan kemusuh dibandingkan pertahanan. Meskipun begitu pertahanannya pun cukup kuat, tetapi kebanyakan orang menggunakan hindaran dibandingkan pertahanan karena di upgrade job berikutnya ada skill yang memungkinkan melakukan stun dengan delay yang singkat.

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Yang kedua yaitu job miler, merupakan gladius dari dari bangsa bellato, ya miler memang merupakan tanker utama di bellato karena memiliki skill meningkatkan pertahanan. Miler biasanya menggunakan perisai dan pedang satu tangan saat berada di war antar bangsa karena memang sebagai tameng bangsa saat clash. Sama seperti gladius accretia job miler juga memiliki HP (Hit Point) yang besar dibangdingkan job lainnya.

Untuk upgrade job kedua yaitu level 40 ada 3 job yang dapat dipilih oleh pemain, untuk lebih jelasnya berikut penjelasannya.


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Berseker merupakan job upgrade dari job sebelumnya yaitu commando, sama seperti yang sudah saya sampaikan diatas job ini warrior yang menekankan pada damage serangan yang besar, selain itu di dukung oleh skill - skill yang di milikinya yang memungkinkan job ini dapat berhadapan 1 lawan 1 oleh musuh berbeda bangsa. Meski menekankan ke damage serangan akan tetapi hindarannya pun tak kalah kuat kerena memang bellato lebih sering memainkan type hindaran dibandingkan pertahanan karena kelincahannya.

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Job kedua yaitu armsman, armsman dapat diambil dari semua job warrior sebelumnya. Iya armans kuat dalam segi serangan maupun pertahanan, sehingga biasanya armsman berada di barisan kedua setelah job "terbadak" (dibaca : terkuat) dari bangsa bellato dan lebih sering armsman biasanya sebagai job support tanker karena skill yang dimilikinya dapat membuat stun area, sehingga membuat musuh dalam keadaaan stun cukup lama.

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Tidak kalah dengan job tanker di accretia, bangsa bellato juga memiliki andalan dari segi pertahanan yaitu shield miler. Yup shield miler merupakan benteng pertahanan yang akan berdiri di garis depan saat terjadinya war tiga bangsa atau bahkan bila melakukan hunting maupun farming. Yup sama seperti emrcen di accretia, shield miler memiliki pertahanan yang kuat di dukung dengan HP (Hit Point) dan skill yang di milikinya sehingga shield miler pun tidak bisa dianggap remeh.

Dari penjelasan job diatas biasanya yang saya gunakan adalah job berseker dan shield miler. Karena untuk warrior bellato bila memakai berseker lebih enak dalam hal membunuh musuh bila terjadi 1 lawan satu, karena selain memiliki skill stun yang memiliki delay yang singkat dan damage yang besar buff untuk job berseker sangat berpengaruh sekali bila terjadi clash 1 lawan 1, tapi tidak bisa bila lawannya magic atau specialist.

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Untuk shield miler sendiri karena job tersebut akan berada di garis depan untuk mendobrak pertahanan lawan sehingga saya memiliki kebanggaan tersendiri bila menggunakan job ini. selain itu job ini juga di butuhkan saat hunting maupun farming.

Oke Steemian Gamers dimanapun berada, semoga penjelasan saya diatas dapat menambah wawasan dan bermanfaat untuk semuanya. Apabila ada tambahan bisa melalui kolom komentar dibawah, Terimakasih :D.

Wait For My Next Post

Salam Gamer's dan Terimakasih untuk @jodipamungkas , @curie and @playfulfoodie<hr

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  4. Games Addict : Bellato Basic Job In Rising Force Online [IND | ENG]
  5. Games Addict : Accretia Basic Job In Rising Force Online [ENG | IND]

Games Addict : Upgrade Job Warrior Bellato In Rising Force Online

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Hi Steemians Gamers wherever you are, saturday is where are you going? Walking with family, with gebetan, play to the cafe with friends or just at home ?. Although you already have a schedule do not forget ya still pantengin my post about the game: D. Okay after yesterday I discussed about updgrade job for warrior nation so this time I will discuss for the nation of bellato which also have warrior which is not less great.

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Just as the nation Accretia bellato upgrades job can also be done 2 times that is when it reaches level 30 and level 40. Just like warrior acc there are 2 jobs when the first updgrade at level 30 and 3 jobs when the second upgrade at level 40. Although hero "suddenly "(read: strongest) is a warrior nation accretia with mercenaru job but warrior bellatopun not less than the warrior belonging to accretia.

Okay no lingering steemians gamers. For more jelasanya the following explanation of job updgrade in level 30 and 40 for the nation bellato. For the first we start from level 30 upgrades for warrior.


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The first is the commando job, just like the job destroyer in the accretia nation, the commando job in the bellato nation is a job warrior that emphasizes more on the attack damage than the defense. Even so the defense is strong enough, but most people use avoidance than defense because in the next job upgrade there is a skill that allows stun with a short delay.

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The second is the job miler, is a gladius of the nation bellato, yes miler is a major tanker in bellato because it has the skills to increase defense. Miler usually use a shield and a one-handed sword while in war between nations because it is as a shield nation when clash. Just as the gladius accretia job miler also has a large HP (Hit Point) dibangdingkan other jobs.

To upgrade the second job is level 40 there are 3 jobs that can be selected by the player, for more details and explanations.


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Bersek is a job upgrade from the previous job that is commando, just as I have told above this warrior job that emphasizes on the damage of a big attack, but it is supported by skill - skill that in his possession that allows this job can be faced 1 on 1 by the enemy different nation. Although emphasize to the damage of the attack, but the hindarannya was not less powerful because it is more often bellato play the type of avoidance than defense because of its agility.

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The second job is armsman, armsman can be retrieved from all previous warrior jobs. Yes armans strong in terms of attack and defense, so usually armsman is in the second row after the job "suddenly" (read: strongest) from the nation bellato and more often armsman usually as job support tanker because of his skill can make stun area, in stun circumstances long enough.

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Not inferior to the job tanker on accretia, bellato nation also has a mainstay in terms of defense that is shield miler. Yup shield miler is a bastion that will stand on the front line when a war of three nations occurs or even when hunting or farming. Yup same as emret in accretia, shield miler has a strong defense in support with HP (Hit Point) and skill that is in it so that shield miler also can not be underestimated.

From the explanation of the above jobs usually I use is a job berseker and shield miler. Because for warrior bellato when wearing berseker more comfortable in terms of killing the enemy if there is one on one, because in addition to having a stun skill that has a short delay and a large damage buff for the job is very influential when clash occurs 1 opponent 1, but can not when the opponent is magic or specialist.

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For the shield miler itself because the job will be on the front line to break the opponent's defense so I have the pride of myself when using this job. other than that this job is also needed during hunting and farming.

Okay Steemian Gamers wherever located, hopefully my explanation above can add insight and useful for everything. If there is additional can be through the comment field below, Thanks: D.

Wait For My Next Post

Greeting Gamer's And Special Thanks To @jodipamungkas , @curie and @playfulfoodie

Related Post :
  1. Games Addict : Upgrade Job Warrior Accretia In Rising Force Online [ENG | IND]
  2. Games Addict : Special Ability Of Every Nation In Rising Force Online [IND | ENG]
  3. Games Addict : Cora Basic Job In Rising Force Online [IND | ENG]
  4. Games Addict : Bellato Basic Job In Rising Force Online [IND | ENG]
  5. Games Addict : Accretia Basic Job In Rising Force Online [ENG | IND]

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